This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “The Male Accessory Ducts and Glands”.
1. Which of the following is not included in accessory ducts?
a) Vas deferens
b) Prostate
c) Rete testis
d) Epididymis
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Explanation: Prostate is a gland. The male sex accessory ducts include rete testis, vasa efferentia, epididymis and vas deferens. The seminiferous tubules of the testes open into the vasa efferentia through rete testis.
2. Label the part marked 1.
a) Rete testes
b) Epididymis
c) Vas deferens
d) Vasa efferentia
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Explanation: The epididymis is a comma shaped mass of 6m long narrow closely coiled tubule which lies along the upper, lower and inner side of each testis. The epididymis by its peristaltic and segmenting contractions pushes the sperms into the vas deferens.
3. What is the middle part of the epididymis is known as?
a) Cauda epididymis
b) Caput epididymis
c) Corset epididymis
d) Corpus epididymis
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Explanation: At the anterior end of the testis it is called caput epididymis(head), in which the vasa efferentia open. The middle part of the epididymis is known as corpus epididymis(body). The posterior end of the epididymis is called as cauda epididymis(tail).
4. Epididymis stores sperm prior to ejaculation.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Stores sperm prior to ejaculation. Storage in the epididymis makes the sperm motile and mature. If not ejaculated they are reabsorbed. Spermatozoa are produced continuously whether ejaculation takes place or not.
5. Label the part marked as 2.
a) Epididymis
b) Corpus epididymis
c) Vas deferens
d) Vasa efferentia
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Explanation: A 40cm long vas deferens emerges from the cauda epididymis on each side and leaves the scrotal sac and enters the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal.
6. The vas deferens is lined with ________ epithelium.
a) pseudostratified columnar
b) stratified columnar
c) stereocilia
d) smooth
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Explanation: The vas deferens is lined with pseudostratified columnar epithelium. The free end of its cells also bears stereocilia. The muscular wall of the vas deferens is formed of smooth muscles, and the latter’s peristaltic contractions propel the sperms through the vas deferens.
7. Vas deferens, testicular artery, testicular vein and nerves that innervate the testes are together called as _________
a) Accessory ducts
b) Spermatozoa
c) Spermatic cord
d) Foramen
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Explanation: The vas deferens ascends the pelvic cavity through the inguinal canal along with the testicular artery, testicular vein and nerves that innervate the testes these structures together constitute the spermatic cord.
8. Which gland produces a milky secretion with a pH 6.5?
a) Prostate
b) Cowper’s
c) Bulbourethral
d) Seminal vesicles
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Explanation: The prostate gland is a single large chestnut-shaped, spongy and lobulated gland gland that surrounds the urethra. It produces a milky secretion with pH 6.5 which forms 25% of the volume of semen. Secretion of the prostate gland nourish and activates the spermatozoa to swim.
9. The secretion of _______ helps in lubrication of the penis.
a) seminal vesicles
b) prostate glands
c) bulbourethral glands
d) urethra
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Explanation: Bulbourethral glands secrete an alkaline fluid. They also secrete mucus that lubricates the end of the penis and lining of the urethra. This decreases the number of sperms damaged during ejaculation.
10. The secretions of the accessory glands are rich in ______
a) magnesium
b) glucose
c) potassium
d) fructose
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Explanation: Secretions of the accessory glands constitute the seminal plasma which is rich in fructose, calcium and certain enzymes (acid phosphatase, amylase, pepsinogen).
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