Class 12 Biology MCQ – Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Structure of Stamen

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Structure of Stamen”.

1. What is androecium?
a) Stamens
b) Carpels
c) Corolla
d) Sepals
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Answer: a
Explanation: Androecium is a collection of stamens. Stamens consists of anthers and filaments. Anthers are fused to the top of the filament that acts like a stalk. Pollen sacs are present on the anthers, within which are the pollen grains.

2. Stamens are the male reproductive structures.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Stamens are the male reproductive structures that consist of anthers and filaments. The anthers are fused with the filaments. The anthers carry the male gametes inside the pollen grains.

3. What does the blue part stand for?
The figure show thalamus containing filament & male gametes
a) Ovaries
b) Filament
c) Anther
d) Thalamus
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Answer: d
Explanation: The whole image is a stamen. The blue part depicts the anther that carries the male gametes and the red part is the filament. The anther is fused with the filament.

4. What are the red spots in the picture?
The cross section of an anther with pollen grains within the pollen sacs
a) Pollen sac
b) Pollen grains
c) Eggs
d) Dirt
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Answer: b
Explanation: The above image is a cross section of an anther. The red spots are the pollen grains. They are present within the pollen sacs (marked in yellow). The stem like portion is called the filament. All of this constitute a stamen.

5. In Malvaceae anthers are _________
a) dithecous
b) trithecous
c) polythecous
d) monothecous
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Answer: d
Explanation: Anthers may contain 1 or 2 lobes. Anthers with one lobe are known as monothecous and anthers with 2 lobes are known as dithecous. In Malvaceae and Euphorbiaceae, the anthers are monothecous.
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6. The 2 lobes of the anther are attached together by a sterile _______ tissue.
a) spongy
b) parenchymatous
c) schlerenchyma
d) pedicel
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Answer: b
Explanation: The 2 lobes are separated by a deep groove in the anterior region and are attached together on the backside by a sterile parenchymatous tissue called connective. This connective is absent in monothecous anthers.

7. What does a connective possess?
a) Vascular strand
b) Parenchyma
c) Spongy cells
d) Corolla
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Answer: a
Explanation: Connective also known as sterile parenchyma tissue possesses a vascular strand. This is the tissue that attaches 2 anther lobes together. Since monothecous anthers are made of only 1 anther lobe, it does not have connective.

8. How do the pollen grains break open from the pollen sacs?
a) Along the connective
b) Line of dehiscence
c) Grooves
d) Crack
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Answer: b
Explanation: Line of dehiscence is the line along which the anther opens up and spills all the contents inside it. When this line of dehiscence opens up, the pollen grains fall out of it and are carried away by environmental factors like wind, water, animals, etc.

9. There are 4 pollen sacs in a monothecous anther.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Each anther lobe consists of two cylindrical sacs like structures. This means monothecous anthers consist of 2 pollen sacs and dithecous anthers consists of 4 pollen sacs.

10. What are pollen sacs called?
a) Pollen sacs
b) Microspores
c) Microsporangia
d) Ovules
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pollen sacs or microsporangia are present within the anther lobes. Each anther lobe has 2 microsporangia. It’s very rare to see a single microsporangium in an anther lobe. Example-Wolffia.

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