Class 12 Biology MCQ – Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Structure of Monocot and Dicot Embryo

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Structure of Monocot and Dicot”.

1. The early globular embryo is the _______
a) proembryo
b) prembryo
c) endosperm
d) nuclei
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Answer: a
Explanation: In simple words they are the cells formed after fertilization in the ovule before embryo formation. Initially the embryo is globular and undifferentiated. Early embryo with radial symmetry is called proembryo. It is transformed into embryo with the development of radicle, plumule and cotyledons.

2. ______ is the process formation of zygote to an embryo.
a) Fertilization
b) Syngamy
c) Embryogenesis
d) Blastosis
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Answer: c
Explanation: Embryogeny is a process that follows fertilization. It is the process of development of a mature embryo from a zygote through cell division.

3. Embryogeny is meroblastic.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: It is meroblastic as it develops from a part of the zygote and endoscopic as it develops towards the interior due to the suspensor.

4. How does a typical dicot divide?
a) Elongates and then divides
b) Compresses and then divides
c) Normal division
d) Doesn’t divide
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a typical dicot the zygote elongates and then divides by a transverse wall into two unequal cells. The suspensor cell divides transversely a few times to produce a filamentous suspensor of 6-10 cells.

5. The last cell of the suspensor (in dicots) is ______
a) hyperphysis
b) hypophysis
c) haustorium
d) antipodal
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Answer: b
Explanation: The last cell of the suspensor at the end adjacent to the embryo is known as hypophysis. Hypophysis later gives rise to the radicle and root cap.
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6. The first cell of the suspensor (in dicots) functions as a ______
a) hyperphysis
b) hypophysis
c) haustorium
d) antipodal
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Answer: c
Explanation: The first cell of the suspensor (in dicots) functions as a haustorium. The suspensor cell towards the micropylar swells up to function as a haustorium.

7. The part of embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is called ____
a) hypocotyl
b) haustorium
c) hypophysis
d) epicotyl
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Answer: d
Explanation: A typical dicotyledonous embryo consists of an embryonal axis and two cotyledons. The part of embryonal axis above the level of cotyledons is called epicotyl.

8. In monocots, _______ grows rapidly.
a) plumule
b) radicle
c) coleorhiza
d) scutellum
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Answer: d
Explanation: In monocots, scutellum grows rapidly. The top cell forms the plumule and a single cotyledon after divisions. The cotyledon called scutellum grows and pushes the plumule.

9. Lower end of the embryonal axis in monocots is enclosed within ______
a) scutellum
b) coleorhiza
c) plumule
d) radicle
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since monocotyledons have only one cotyledon, the lower end of the embryonal axis that is the radicle and root cap in monocots is enclosed within the coleorhiza.

10. Epicotyl, in monocots, has a few leaf primordia enclosed within _______
a) coleorhiza
b) coleoptile
c) scutellum
d) hypophysis
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Answer: b
Explanation: The part of axis above the level of attachment of scutellum is called epicotyl. It has as shoot apex and few leaf primordia enclosed in a hollow foliar structure called coleoptile.

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