This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 6 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Molecular Basis of Inheritance – Methodologies of HGP”.
1. Which of the following methodology is used to identify all the genes that are expressed as RNA in Human Genome Project (HGP)?
a) Sequence Annotation
b) Expressed Sequence Tags
c) Karyotyping
d) Ammonification
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Explanation: The methodologies for the HGP are involved in two major processes. One among them is ESTs (Expressed Sequence Tags). It is used to identify all the genes that are expressed as RNA in HGP.
2. Which of the following is a suitable host for the process of cloning in Human Genome Project (HGP)?
a) Virus
b) All types of fungi
c) Bacteria
d) Protozoan
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Explanation: Bacteria and yeast are the most commonly used hosts for the process of cloning in Human Genome Project. Not all types of fungi can be used for this process. But yeast and bacterium can be employed.
3. Which of the following is a suitable vector for the process of cloning in Human Genome Project (HGP)?
a) PAC (Protozoal Artificial Chromosomes)
b) FAC (Fungal Artificial Chromosomes)
c) VAC (Viral Artificial Chromosomes)
d) YAC (Yeast Artificial Chromosomes)
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Explanation: Both BAC (Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes) and YAC (Yeast Artificial Chromosomes) act as a suitable vector for the process of cloning in HGP whereas bacteria and yeast act as the host for cloning in HGP.
4. Based on whose principle were the DNA molecules fragmented in the year 1977?
a) Maurice Wilkins
b) Rosalind Franklin
c) James Watson
d) Frederick Sanger
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Explanation: The double helical structure of the DNA molecule was first fragmented by Frederick Sanger in the 1977. These fragments were then sequenced using automated DNA sequencers. These DNA sequencers operated based on the principle of Frederick Sanger.
5. How are the genetic and the physical maps assigned on the genome?
a) Based on microsatellites
b) Based on macrosatellites
c) Based on kinetochores
d) Based on centromeres
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Explanation: The genetic and the physical maps on the genome are assigned based on microsatellites. They are also assigned based on the act of polymorphism at the restriction endonuclease recognition sites. The repetitive DNA sequences are called as microsatellites.
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