NEET Class 12 Biology MCQ – Biodiversity and Conservation

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 15 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biodiversity and Conservation” for NEET Preparation.

1. Which community should show less variation in productivity from year to year?
a) Dynamic community
b) Sable community
c) Unstable community
d) Reproductive community
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Answer: b
Explanation: A group of populations is known as a community. It is a group of people who share the same place or live within the same area. Less variation in productivity from year to year is a feature of a stable community.

2. Which of the following is a feature of a stable community?
a) Resistant or resilient to occasional disturbances
b) More variation in productivity
c) Susceptible to occasional disturbances
d) Susceptible to invasions by alien species
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Answer: a
Explanation: A group of populations is known as a community. It is a group of people who share the same place or live within the same area. Resistant or resilient to occasional disturbances is a feature of a stable community.

3. Which of the following is a feature of a stable community?
a) Susceptible to occasional disturbances
b) Resistant to invasions by alien species
c) Susceptible to invasions by alien species
d) More variation in productivity
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Answer: b
Explanation: Resistant to invasions by alien species is a feature of a stable community. It is a group of people who share the same place or live within the same area. A group of populations is known as a community.

4. What did David Tilman’s experimental plot show?
a) More variation in productivity
b) Fewer species showed less variation
c) More variation from year-to-year in the total biomass
d) More species showed less variation from year-to-year in the total biomass
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Answer: d
Explanation: George David Tilman is an American ecologist. He performed long-term ecosystem experiments using outdoor plots. Through his plots, he provided some tentative answers such as more species showed less variation from year-to-year in the total biomass.

5. What did David Tilman’s experimental plot show?
a) Increased diversity contributed to lesser productivity
b) Less diversity contribute to more productivity
c) Increased diversity contributed to higher productivity
d) Less diversity does not contribute any productivity
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Answer: c
Explanation: George David Tilman is an American ecologist. He performed long-term ecosystem experiments using outdoor plots. Through his plots, he provided some tentative answers such as increased diversity contributed to higher productivity.
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6. For what reason is rich biodiversity important?
a) Community issues
b) Ecosystem health
c) Ecological issues
d) Community problems
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Answer: b
Explanation: Biodiversity is the variety and variability of all the levels of biological organization (plant and animal life) on Earth. Throughout the world, the diversity of plants and animals is not a uniform that is uneven distribution is observed. For ecosystem health, rich biodiversity is essential.

7. For what reason is rich biodiversity important?
a) Ecological issues
b) Community problems
c) Death of the human race
d) Survival of the human race
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Answer: d
Explanation: Biodiversity is the variety and variability of all the levels of biological organization (plant and animal life) on Earth. Throughout the world, the diversity of plants and animals is not a uniform that is uneven distribution is observed. Rich biodiversity is essential for the survival of the human race.

8. Who gave the ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’?
a) Karl Correns
b) Robert Hooke
c) Paul Ehrlich
d) Louis Pasteur
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Answer: c
Explanation: Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford ecologist gave the ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’. This hypothesis provides a perspective on what might happen if a few species of the planet are extinct.

9. An ecosystem is joined by thousands of species, if a problem occurs causing a species to become extinct, it may not affect the proper functioning of the ecosystem initially, but as more and more species are removed, the ecosystem becomes dangerously weak over a period of time. Which hypothesis gave this sentence?
a) Old planetesimal hypothesis
b) Oparin-Haldane hypothesis
c) New planetesimal hypothesis
d) Rivet popper hypothesis
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Answer: d
Explanation: Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford ecologist gave the ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’. It states that an ecosystem is joined by thousands of species and if a problem occurs leading to the extinction of few species, it may not affect the ecosystem initially but as more and more species are removed, the ecosystem becomes weak. This will hamper the survival of living species to a greater extent.

10. What is considered as the rivet in the ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’?
a) Ecosystem
b) Community
c) Species
d) Individual
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Answer: c
Explanation: Paul Ehrlich, a Stanford ecologist gave the ‘Rivet popper hypothesis’. In this hypothesis, he considered species as a rivet. This hypothesis provides a perspective on what might happen if a few species of the planet are extinct.

11. What will happen if key species that drive major ecosystem functions are lost?
a) No threat to the ecosystem
b) Serious threat to the safety of the ecosystem
c) Little threat to the ecosystem
d) Ecosystem remains unchanged
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Answer: b
Explanation: An ecosystem consists of biotic and abiotic components that interact within a system. The components are linked together with various nutrient cycles and energy flows. The ecosystem might become unsafe and will collapse if the key species that drive major ecosystem functions are lost.

12. What will happen if instead of 20,000 we have only 15,000 species of birds on Earth?
a) No threat to the ecosystem
b) Little threat to the ecosystem
c) Serious threat to the safety of the ecosystem
d) Ecosystem remains unchanged
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Answer: c
Explanation: An ecosystem consists of biotic and abiotic components that interact within a system. If there is a decrease in the number of bird species, the prey (food that birds eat) and predator (animals eating those specific birds) both will be affected causing serious harm to the safety of the ecosystem.

13. What will happen if instead of 20,000 we have 100,000 species of frogs on Earth?
a) Little threat to the ecosystem
b) Serious threat to the safety of the ecosystem
c) Ecosystem remains unchanged
d) No threat to the ecosystem
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Answer: b
Explanation: An ecosystem consists of biotic and abiotic components that interact within a system. If there is an increase in the number of frog species, the prey (food that frogs eat) might become extinct and so will the other prey-predator species causing serious harm to the safety of the ecosystem.

14. What would happen if the Western Ghats ecosystems are less functional?
a) No harm to the ecosystem function
b) Ecosystem function is not changed
c) Ecosystem function is the same
d) Ecosystem is damaged
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Answer: d
Explanation: An ecosystem consists of biotic and abiotic components that interact within a system. The Western Ghats ecosystems are the biodiversity-rich regions. If they become less functional, it will cause damage to the ecosystem leading to the extinction of many important species.

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