Class 12 Biology MCQ – Infertility

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Infertility”.

1. What is the inability to conceive a baby even after unprotected intercourse called?
a) Sterility
b) Infertility
c) Fertility
d) Reproductivity
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Answer: b
Explanation: Infertility is the inability of an individual or a couple to achieve pregnancy even if unprotected sexual intercourse is carried out. Sterility is an inability to produce and release gametes. Sterility leads to infertility. However, all infertile individuals are not sterile.

2. Infertility can arise because of many factors, one of which can be psychological.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The inability of an individual to have the potential to conceive a baby is called infertility. This can arise because of psychological reasons too. This is driven by many factors that can be personal or social.

3. What clinics can help in diagnosing and providing treatment for patients suffering infertility?
a) Fertility clinics
b) Infertility clinics
c) Psychology clinics
d) Philosophy clinics
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Answer: b
Explanation: Infertility clinics are the health care units devised by the Government. They are aimed at providing appropriate treatment and care for infertile patients.

4. ART stands for _______
a) Assisted Reproductive Technologies
b) Assisted Reproductive Techniques
c) Assisted Respiratory Technologies
d) Assisted Respiratory Techniques
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Answer: a
Explanation: ART stands for Assisted Reproductive Technologies. These help the infertile couple to achieve a baby by using various methods.

5. A significant source of infertility comes from males.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In India, females are mostly blamed for being incapable of conceiving the baby. However, owing to the complex development of male reproductive organs, the chances of the male being infertile are higher than those of females being infertile.

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