Class 12 Biology MCQ – Population Growth – 2

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 13 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Population Growth – 2”.

1. Under special conditions which factor is responsible for influencing population density?
a) Births
b) Immigration
c) Deaths
d) Age structure
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Answer: b
Explanation: Under special conditions, immigration is responsible for fluctuating population density. It is an act of coming into a different country of which they are not natives and reside permanently. This increases the population density of an area where they are residing.

2. Under special conditions which factor is responsible for influencing population density?
a) Emigration
b) Births
c) Deaths
d) Age structure
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Answer: a
Explanation: Under special conditions emigration is responsible for fluctuating population density. Emigration is an act of leaving one’s own country and settling or residing in another country (abroad) permanently.

3. If a new habitat is just being colonized, what contributes more significantly to population growth than the birth rate?
a) Death rate
b) Immigration
c) Birth rate
d) Age pyramid
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Answer: c
Explanation: Immigration contributes more to the population growth than the birth rate in a new habitat which is just being colonized. Immigration is responsible for fluctuation in population density. It is an act of coming into a different country of which they are not natives and reside permanently.

4. At what year is the census carried?
a) Every 5 years
b) Every 7 years
c) Every 1 year
d) Every 10 years
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Answer: d
Explanation: Census is carried out every 10 years. Population census is the process of collecting, compiling, analyzing demographic, economic and social data about the members of a given population.

5. What was the population of India as per the 2011 census?
a) 1,845,678,012
b) 1,900,000,000
c) 1,210,854,977
d) 1,534,896,000
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Answer: c
Explanation: The population of India according to the 2011 census is 1,210,854,977. Population census is the process of collecting, compiling, analyzing demographic, economic and social data about the members of a given population.
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6. Which is the second largest populous country in the world?
a) Bangladesh
b) India
c) Pakistan
d) China
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Answer: b
Explanation: India is the second-largest populous country in the world. The population of India according to the 2011 census is 1,210,854,977. China is a top-most populous country in the world.

7. What is an increase in population due to an actual number of individuals added to the population called?
a) Age structure
b) Density
c) Diversity
d) Growth rate
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Answer: d
Explanation: The growth rate is an increase in population due to an actual number of individuals added to the population. It is the percentage change of a population within a specific time period.

8. What was the population of India as per the 2001 census?
a) 7,000,000,000
b) 5,924,827,417
c) 1,028,737,436
d) 3,200,100
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Answer: c
Explanation: The population of India according to the 2001 census is 1,028,737,436. Population Census is the total process of collecting, compiling, analyzing demographic, economic and social data about the members of a given population.

9. What does the leaving of individuals from a population and moving out said?
a) Natality
b) Mortality
c) Immigration
d) Emigration
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Answer: d
Explanation: An emigration is an act of leaving one’s own country and settling or residing in another country (abroad) permanently. The population density decreases when emigration is more.

10. What does coming new of individuals to a population from outside called?
a) Community
b) Density
c) Emigration
d) Immigration
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is an act of coming into a different country of which they are not natives and reside permanently. It is responsible for an increase in population density.

11. What is the relative proportion of individuals of various age groups in the population called?
a) Growth rate
b) Density
c) Diversity
d) Age structure
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Answer: d
Explanation: The relative proportion of individuals of various age groups in the population is called the age structure of the population. It is the distribution of a population in terms of the proportions of individuals at different life stages.

12. Which one of the following causes a population explosion?
a) The decrease in infant mortality rate and an increase in the death rate
b) The decrease in death rate, maternal and infant mortality rate
c) The decrease in infant mortality rate
d) Increase in maternal mortality rate and decrease in the death rate
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Answer: c
Explanation: The decrease in death rate, maternal and infant mortality rate is the cause of population explosion. This leads to a large and sudden increase in the rate of population.

13. In which year does the first population count of India start?
a) 1885
b) 1891
c) 1900
d) 2001
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Answer: b
Explanation: The first population count of India started in the year 1891. It was conducted by the British raj under the supervision of Jervoise Athelstane Baines. The last census of India was carried out in 2011 while next will be carried out in 2021.

14. What does Nt define?
a) The population diversity at time t
b) The birth rate at time t
c) The death rate at time t
d) The population density at time t
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nt defines the population density at time t. The death rate, birth rate, immigration, and emigration are the factors influencing population density.

15. In the given structure what does the ‘?’ indicate?
The population density the number of individuals in a unit area
a) Population density
b) Population diversity
c) Population census
d) Population rate
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Answer: a
Explanation: The ‘?’ indicates the population density. It is designated by ‘N’. The population density tells about the number of individuals in a unit area (per square meter, per square kilometer or per hectare) at a specific time.

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