Class 12 Biology MCQ – Ecosystem – Nutrient Cycling

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 14 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Ecosystem – Nutrient Cycling”.

1. What do organisms require to grow, reproduce and regulate various body functions?
a) Air
b) Nutrients
c) Water
d) Soil
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Answer: b
Explanation: Nutrients are the chemical compounds that organisms require to grow, reproduce and regulate various body functions. Maximum nutrients are obtained from fruits and vegetables.

2. What is the amount of nutrients present in the soil at any given time called?
a) Standing state
b) Standing state
c) Moving state
d) Total state
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Answer: a
Explanation: The standing state is the amount of nutrients present in the soil at any given time. These nutrients include various minerals, compounds, and elements such as carbon, phosphorus, nitrogen, calcium, etc.

3. What varies in different kinds of ecosystems and also on a seasonal basis?
a) Moving state
b) Standing state
c) Sitting state
d) Total state
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Answer: b
Explanation: The standing state is the amount of nutrients present in the soil at any given time. These nutrients include various minerals, compounds, and elements. It varies with changing ecosystem and season.

4. What happens to the nutrients which are never lost from the ecosystems?
a) Deplete
b) Newly formed
c) Exhaust
d) Recycle
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nutrients are the chemical compounds that organisms require to grow, reproduce and regulate various body functions. Recycling and indefinite use of nutrients are done which are never lost from the ecosystems.

5. What is the movement of nutrient elements through the various components of an ecosystem known?
a) Elemental cycling
b) Gaseous cycling
c) Nutrient cycling
d) Sedimentary cycling
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nutrients are the chemical compounds that organisms require to grow, reproduce and regulate various body functions. Nutrient cycling is the movement of various elements or nutrients throughout an ecosystem.
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6. What is the nutrient cycle alternatively called?
a) Elemental cycle
b) Gaseous cycle
c) Biogeochemical cycle
d) Sedimentary cycle
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Answer: b
Explanation: Nutrient cycling is the movement of various elements or nutrients throughout an ecosystem. The nutrient cycle is alternatively called the biogeochemical cycle. It means cycling of air, water, and soil within the living organisms of an ecosystem.

7. What does a nutrient cycle involve?
a) Loss of nutrients
b) Sedimentation of nutrients
c) Exhaustion of nutrients
d) Storage and transfer of nutrients
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Answer: d
Explanation: Nutrient cycling is the movement of various elements or nutrients throughout an ecosystem. It involves the storage and transfer of nutrients within an ecosystem so that they are repeatedly used.

8. How many categories can a nutrient cycle be divided?
a) No type
b) One type
c) Two types
d) Three types
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Answer: c
Explanation: Nutrient cycling is the movement of various elements or nutrients throughout an ecosystem. It is of two types namely the gaseous nutrient cycle and the sedimentary nutrient cycle.

9. What are the essential elements required by organisms for their body-building and metabolism called?
a) Phytochemicals
b) Viruses
c) Bacteria
d) Biogeochemicals
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Answer: d
Explanation: Biogeochemicals are the essential elements required by organisms for their body-building and metabolism. They are provided by the Earth and return back to the Earth after the organisms’ death and decay.

10. Where is the gaseous type of nutrient cycle located?
a) Earth’s crust
b) Land surface
c) Atmosphere
d) Soil
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Answer: c
Explanation: The atmosphere is the reservoir for the gaseous type of nutrient cycle. It may also occur in the hydrosphere. It consists of nutrient cycles of elements such as carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, water, nitrogen, etc.

11. Where is the sedimentary type of nutrient cycle located?
a) Land surface
b) Earth’s crust
c) Atmosphere
d) Water
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Earth’s crust is the reservoir for the sedimentary type of nutrient cycle. It consists of nutrient cycles of elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorous, etc.

12. What so the environmental factors, e.g., soil, moisture, pH, temperature, etc. regulate?
a) The rate of piling up of nutrients
b) The rate of formation of nutrients
c) The rate of release of nutrients
d) The rate of exhaustion of nutrient
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Answer: c
Explanation: Various environmental factors, e.g. soil, moisture, pH, temperature, etc. are responsible for changing environmental conditions leading to change in the ecosystem. These factors are responsible for regulating the rate of flow of nutrients within an ecosystem and into the atmosphere.

13. What is the function of the reservoir that is the atmosphere and the Earth’s crust?
a) Exhaustion of nutrients
b) Meet with the deficit of nutrients
c) Formation of nutrients
d) Piling up of nutrients
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Answer: b
Explanation: The function of the reservoir that is the atmosphere and the Earth’s crust is to meet with the deficit of nutrients. This deficit occurs due to an imbalance in the rate of influx and efflux of various nutrients.

14. Limestone and dolomite are the reservoirs of which cycle?
a) Gaseous cycle
b) Bicycle
c) Ecological cycle
d) Sedimentary cycle
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Answer: d
Explanation: The Earth’s crust is the reservoir for the sedimentary type of nutrient cycle. Limestone and dolomite are found in Earth’s crust that harbors various elements such as calcium, magnesium, sulphur, phosphorous, etc.

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