Class 12 Biology MCQ – Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Properties of Pollen Grains

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reproduction in Flowering Plants – Properties of Pollen Grains”.

1. What do the blue arrows indicate?
Germ pore is a pore that is present on the outer wall of the pollen grain in given diagram
a) Sponge
b) Connective
c) Pores
d) Germ pore
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is a pore that is present on the outer wall of the pollen grain. Usually between exines. It is a pore through which the germ tube or pollen tube emerges during germination.

2. Pollen viability is ____
a) ability to germinate
b) time taken to mature
c) dehiscence
d) senescence
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pollen viability is the period in which the pollen grain can germinate. They vary from species to species. For example, in rice and wheat the pollen viability is 30 minutes while in other plants they may last for few hours to days.

3. Pollen grains can be stored in _____
a) liquid oxygen
b) liquid hydrogen
c) liquid ozone
d) liquid nitrogen
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is possible to store pollen grains in liquid nitrogen. This means at extremely low temperatures (-196°C) in pollen banks for later use by the breeders for plant breeding programs.

4. _____ species produces large number of pollens.
a) Leguminosae
b) Rosacea
c) Anemophilous
d) Solanaceae
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Answer: c
Explanation: Anemophilous species produce a large number of pollens. Because of this they might float in the air and enter respiratory tracts causing allergies and respiratory disorders.

5. One of the major contributors to pollen allergy is ____
a) lawn grass
b) carrot grass
c) wheat grass
d) paddy
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pollen allergies are usually caused by plants that produce pollens in a large number. Because of this they might float in air as well causing them to enter respiratory tracts. Carrot grass, Parthenium are a major contributor to pollen allergies.
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6. Pollens are used in cosmetics.
a) False
b) True
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pollens are used in cosmetics. Especially the ones collected by bees. They are used in a variety of things like nature cure, cosmetics and food supplements. Pollens are believed to be rich in nutrients.

7. Pollen grain is also known as ______
a) microspore
b) microsporangium
c) megaspore
d) megasporangium
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pollen grain or microspore is the first cell of male gametophyte that represents immature male gametophyte. They are made light in nature to make it possible for easy transportation.

8. Why are pollens spiny?
a) Fertilization
b) Easy pollination
c) To attach to bodies of insects
d) Appearance
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pollens are spiny because they make it easy for the pollens to attach themselves to the insects that come to suck the nectar. This makes cross pollination possible.

9. Chenopodium is a source of pollen allergy.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chenopodium is a source of pollen allergy. Other examples include Amaranthus, Sorghum, Ricinus, Prosopis, Cynodon, etc. Since all these plants produce pollens at different seasons, its easy to pinpoint the pollen type and allergies it causes.

10. Which nutrients do the pollen grains contain the most?
a) Vitamins
b) Proteins
c) Fats
d) Carbohydrates
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Answer: d
Explanation: Pollen grains are considered nutritious since they have proteins (7-26%), carbohydrates (24-48%) and fats (0.9-14.5%). They are used in multiple tablets and syrups to enhance the health in athletes and race horses.

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