Data structures are an important and essential part of programming in C++. By using data structures, we can perform operations on data such as storing, representing, organizing data, and many more operations. Data structures in C++ are broadly classified into 3 different types they are simple data structures, compound data structures, static and dynamic data structures. Compound data structures are further classified into two types they are linear data structure and non-linear data structure.
The following section covers C++ programs on data structure topics such as arrays, linked lists, singly-linked lists, doubly linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, binary trees, binary search trees, hashing, heap, and, graphs. It also contains C++ programs on data structure operations like searching, sorting, adding, updating, and deleting. These C++ examples cover a wide range of programming areas in Computer Science. These C++ programs are often asked for in the interview. Every example program includes program description, C++ code, and program output. All examples have been compiled and tested on Windows and Linux systems.
Here is the listing of Data Structure Topics in C++:
C++ Programs on Linked List
- C++ Program to Add Two Numbers Represented by a Linked Lists
- C++ Program to Subtract Two Numbers Represented as a Linked Lists
- C++ Program to Implement Adjacency List
- C++ Program to Implement Skip List
- C++ Program to Implement Self Organising List
- C++ Program to Implement Vlist
- C++ Program to Implement Xor Linked List
- C++ Program to Implement Triply Linked List
- C++ Program to Implement Stack using Linked List
- C++ Program to Implement Queue using Linked List
- C++ Program to Implement a Binary Search Tree using Linked Lists
- C++ Program to Implement Sorted Linked List to Balanced BST
C++ Programs on Stack
- C++ Program to Implement Stack
- C++ Program to Implement Stack using Two Queues
- C++ Program to Check for Balanced Parentheses using Stack
- C++ Program to Convert Decimal Number to Binary using Stacks
- C++ Program to Evaluate an Expression using Stacks
- C++ Program to Solve Tower of Hanoi using Binary Value
- C++ Program to Solve Tower of Hanoi using Stacks
C++ Programs on Tree
Data Structures in C++: Binary Tree Programs
C++ Programs on Binary Search Tree
- C++ Program to Search for an Element in a Binary Search Tree
- C++ Program to Perform Left and Right Rotation on AVL Tree
- C++ Program to Implement Self Balancing Binary Search Tree
- C++ Program to Find the Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree
- C++ Program for Spiral Order Traversal of a Tree using Recursion
Data Structures in C++: Heap Programs
- C++ Program to Implement Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Binary Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Weak Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Binomial Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Fibonacci Heap
- C++ Program to Implement D-ary Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Ternary Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Pairing Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Leftist Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Skew Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Min Heap
- C++ Program to Implement Max Heap
Data Structure Programs in C++ on Hashing
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables with Double Hashing
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables Chaining with Singly Linked Lists
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables Chaining with Doubly Linked Lists
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables Chaining with List Heads
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables Chaining with Binary Trees
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables with Linear Probing
- C++ Program to Implement Hash Tables with Quadratic Probing
- C++ Program to Implement Rolling Hash
- C++ Program to Implement Bloom Filter
- C++ Program to Implement CountMinSketch
- C++ Program to Implement Direct Addressing Tables
C++ Programs on Graph
- C++ Program to Find Inverse of a Graph Matrix
- C++ Program to Find Transpose of a Graph Matrix
- C++ Program to Find Number of Cycles in a Graph
- C++ Program to Find Strongly Connected Components in Graphs
- C++ Program to Check Cycle in a Graph using Graph Traversal
- C++ Program to Represent Graph using Adjacency Matrix
- C++ Program to Represent Graph using Incidence Matrix
- C++ Program to Represent Graph using Adjacency List
- C++ Program to Represent Graph using Incidence List
- C++ Program to Represent Graph using 2D Arrays
- C++ Program to Represent Graph using Linked List
- C++ Program to Implement Graph Structured Stack
- C++ Program to Find All Forward Edges in a Graph
- C++ Program to Find All Cross Edges in a Graph
- C++ Program to Find All Back Edges in a Graph