Class 12 Biology MCQ – Reproductive Health – Barrier Methods of Birth Control

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Reproductive Health – Barrier Methods of Birth Control”.

1. What methods are used to prevent the meeting of a sperm and an egg by the use of a barrier?
a) Natural methods
b) Barrier methods
c) Oral methods
d) Intrauterine methods
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Answer: b
Explanation: The barrier methods create a barrier between the female and male fluids. This acts as a physical barrier that prevents fertilization.

2. Barrier methods exist only for males.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Barrier methods are developed for use by both males and females. These create a physical barrier to prevent fertilization and thus avoid pregnancy.

3. What are condoms made of?
a) Thin rubber or latex sheath
b) Thick rubber or latex sheath
c) Paper
d) Plastic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Condoms are examples of barrier methods. Both males and females use them. These are made of think rubber or latex sheath that prevents contact of semen and vaginal fluid.

4. What part of male genitalia is covered by a condom?
a) Penis
b) Scrotum
c) Testis
d) Fallopian tube
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Answer: a
Explanation: Condom is an external barrier. It prevents the mixing of seminal and vaginal fluids during intercourse. In males, it is a rubber sheath that covers the penis and thus holds semen at the end of coitus.

5. What part of female genitalia is covered by a condom?
a) Mons pubis
b) Cervix
c) Labia minora
d) Clitoris
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Answer: b
Explanation: The condoms work for both males and females. These act as a physical barrier between sperms and eggs. In females, they cover the vagina and cervix, thus holding the ejaculated semen of the males.
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6. Which barrier method is made of latex sheath and holds the semen after coitus?
a) Spermicidal jelly
b) Spermicidal cream
c) Spermicidal foam
d) Condom
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Answer: d
Explanation: Condoms are one of the least invasive barrier methods. They are designed for both male and female use. They are made of rubber or a latex sheath and hold semen containing sperms after ejaculation.

7. Condoms should be worn after ejaculation.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The purpose of condoms is to generate a physical barrier between the male and female fluids. This will prevent the sperm from meeting the egg. Thus, condoms have to be worn before coitus in order to prevent the ejaculated semen from coming in contact with the vaginal fluids.

8. Which is a popular brand of condoms designed for males?
a) Nirodh
b) Virodh
c) Vinod
d) Saheli
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Answer: a
Explanation: Nirodh is a well-known brand name of condoms for males in India. This was popularized across India by many organizations to encourage the use of contraceptives.

9. Apart from preventing conception, condoms are also known to prevent transmission of ______
a) STDs
b) STMs
c) ATMs
d) ATDs
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Answer: a
Explanation: Condoms prevent the mixing of female and male fluids during intercourse. Thus any pathogens are also prevented from being transferred. The Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are thus prevented by condoms.

10. STD stands for ______
a) Selfish Trump Democrat
b) Selfborn Tumor of Disneyland
c) Sexually Transmitted Diseases
d) Sexually Tested Diseases
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Answer: c
Explanation: STDs are sexually transmitted diseases. These diseases transfer via sexual contact. The use of contraceptives like condoms can prevent this transmission.

11. What is AIDS an acronym for?
a) Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
b) Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
c) Acquired Immunity During Sex
d) Acquired Immune Deficiency Stabilized
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Answer: b
Explanation: AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome. It is a syndrome comprised of many diseases that target the immune system by rendering it deficient for any attack. Thus, the body of the patient is prone to many opportunistic infections.

12. Which of the following is not a property of condoms?
a) Disposable
b) Self-insertable
c) Surgical insertion
d) Provides privacy
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Answer: c
Explanation: Both males and females can use condoms. Being external barriers and non-invasive, they can be self-inserted and thus provide privacy to the user. Additionally, being made of rubber or latex, they can be disposed of easily.

13. Which of the following barrier device is not made of rubber?
a) Cervical caps
b) Vaults
c) Diaphragms
d) CuT
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cervical caps, vaults, and diaphragms are female contraceptive devices made of rubber. These are barrier contraceptives. CuT is an Intra-Uterine Device made of copper.

14. Diaphragms, cervical caps, and vaults are used to cover _______
a) Penis
b) Cervix
c) Breasts
d) Scrotum
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Answer: b
Explanation: Diaphragms, vaults, and cervical caps are barrier methods for females. They cover the cervix during coitus, thus preventing fertilization and pregnancy.

15. Which of the following barrier method is not reusable?
a) Cervical caps
b) Vaults
c) Diaphragms
d) Condoms
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Answer: d
Explanation: Cervical caps, vaults, and diaphragms cover the female cervix. These are made of rubber and inserted inside. These are reusable. Condoms, on the other hand, are designed for one-time use and hence disposable.

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