Class 12 Biology MCQ – Evolution – Adaptive Radiation

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 7 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Evolution – Adaptive Radiation”.

1. _______ was the island where Darwin visited and discovered adaptive radiation?
a) Archipelago
b) Galapagos
c) Port Blair
d) Lakshadweep
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Answer: b
Explanation: During the voyage of Darwin, he visited the Galapagos island. There, he came across different varieties of species. He saw the variations in the modification of beaks of finches.

2. Which food habit of Darwin’s finches lead to the development of many other varieties?
a) Fruiteater
b) Cactus eater
c) Insect eater
d) Seedeater
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Answer: d
Explanation: It was from the seed-eating finches, many other altered forms of beak arose enabling them to be insect, cactus or fruit eaters. This led to the discovery of Adaptive radiation. Darwin’s finches are one of the best examples of this process.

3. Species which have diverged after origin from common ancestor giving rise to new species adapted to new habitats and ways of life is called as _______
a) Adaptive radiation
b) Divergent evolution
c) Convergent evolution
d) Mutation
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Answer: a
Explanation: Adaptive radiation is a process that gave rise to a variety of species that originated from its original species. Darwin’s finches show adaptive radiation. They developed different beak varieties from the seed-eating variety.

4. _______ marsupials were taken as examples of adaptive radiation.
a) American
b) Australian
c) Indian
d) African
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Answer: b
Explanation: Australian marsupials were taken as examples of adaptive radiation. These were the marsupials which were each different from each other but had a common ancestral stock. They were all within the Australian island continent.

5. What do we call the process when more than one adaptive radiation occurs in a single geological place?
a) Divergent evolution
b) Convergent evolution
c) Saltation
d) Overproduction
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Answer: b
Explanation: Convergent evolution is the process when more than one adaptive radiation occurs in a single geological isolated area. It gives rise to analogous organs. They do not show common ancestry but they show evolution.

6. Placental mammals in Australia had similarity with the marsupials.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Due to the process called adaptive radiation, placental mammals in Australia had similarity with the marsupials. It also indicates convergent evolution without common ancestry. One belongs to placental, whereas the other belongs to marsupials.

7. Lemur is a placental mammal that resembles _______ of Australian marsupials.
a) Bobcat
b) Numbat
c) Spotted cuscus
d) Flying phalanger
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Answer: c
Explanation: Lemur resembles spotted cuscus. They appear to be similar because of the phenomenon called adaptive radiation. They have similar looks and appearance but does not have a common ancestral line.

8. Tasmanian wolf is an example of ________
a) Australian marsupial
b) Placental mammal
c) American marsupial
d) Placental wolves
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tasmanian wolf belongs to Australian marsupial. Adaptive radiation was the process that gave rise to a variety of marsupials in Australia. They exhibit a large number of homologous organs.

9. Adaptive radiation does not confirm _______
a) Divergent evolution
b) Homology
c) Convergent evolution
d) Evolution of new forms
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Answer: c
Explanation: It is not adaptive radiation that confirms convergent evolution. It is an adaptive convergence that confirms convergent evolution. The remaining options are applicable to adaptive radiation.

10. Which of the following is not an example of placental mammals?
a) Mole
b) Anteater
c) Mouse
d) Tasmanian tiger cat
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Answer: d
Explanation: Tasmanian tiger cat belongs to Australian marsupials. The remaining options belong to placental mammals. The Tasmanian tiger cat resembles bobcat of placental mammals. They show convergent evolution.

11. Which of the following is a vestigial organ in animals?
a) Nictitating membrane
b) Scrotum
c) Tail
d) Eyelashes
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vestigial organs are the organs which are present in reduced form and do not perform any function in the body. Here, the nictitating membrane is an example of a vestigial organ. It is a translucent membrane that forms an inner eyelid in birds, reptiles, and mammals.

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