Class 12 Biology MCQ – Surgical Methods of Contraception

This set of Class 12 Biology Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Surgical Methods of Contraception”.

1. What are the invasive methods used to prevent pregnancy called?
a) Natural methods
b) Barrier methods
c) Oral methods
d) Surgical methods
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Answer: d
Explanation: Surgical methods are invasive. They work by using a surgical intervention to render one or both partners incompetent.

2. Surgical methods are permanent.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Surgical methods work by operating male or female partners. This renders them incompetent to fertilize. These are permanent methods.

3. Surgical methods are also called as _________
a) fertilization
b) sterilization
c) ejaculation
d) emission
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Answer: b
Explanation: Surgical methods are non-reversible. Hence these render the person sterile. These methods are therefore called sterilization.

4. Which of the following is prevented by surgical intervention?
a) Fusion of male and female gametes
b) Synthesis of gametes
c) Motility of sperms
d) Transport of gametes
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Answer: d
Explanation: Surgical interventions involve the removal/breakage of connection between the site of synthesis and delivery of gamete. Thus, transport of gamete is inhibited.

5. What is the procedure for sterilization in males?
a) Vasectomy
b) Tubectomy
c) Decapitation
d) Circumcision
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vasectomy is the procedure used to sterilize males. It involves the removal of a part of vas deferens or it being tied up through an incision on the scrotum.

6. What is the procedure for sterilization in females?
a) Vasectomy
b) Tubectomy
c) Decapitation
d) Circumcision
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tubectomy is the procedure that sterilizes females. It involves removal of a part of fallopian tube. It can also involve tying the tube via an incision in the abdomen.

7. Surgical methods have meager rates of success as contraceptive methods.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Surgical methods render the partner sterile. Hence these are probably the most effective of all contraceptive methods. However, these are permanent methods and hence can be used only if the couple desires no more pregnancy.

8. In vasectomy, the incision is made through which body part?
a) Abdomen
b) Penis
c) Scrotum
d) Breasts
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Answer: c
Explanation: Vasectomy is a sterilization procedure for males. It involves tying off the vas deferens through an incision made in the scrotum.

9. In tubectomy, the incision is made through which body part?
a) Abdomen
b) Penis
c) Scrotum
d) Breasts
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Answer: a
Explanation: Tubectomy is a sterilization procedure for females. In involves tying off the fallopian tube through an incision made in the abdomen or through the vagina.

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