Class 11 Biology MCQ – Disorders in Digestive System – 2

Here are Class 11 Biology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers with detailed explanations for AIIMS Exam.

1. Which of the following is not a cause for indigestion?
a) Overeating
b) Food poisoning
c) Anxiety
d) Adequate enzyme secretion
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Answer: d
Explanation: In indigestion, the food is not properly digested which leads to a feeling of fullness. The causes of indigestion are inadequate enzyme secretion, anxiety, food poisoning, overeating, and spicy food.

2. What is the full form of PEM?
a) Protein-energy malfunction
b) Protein-energy malnutrition
c) Pulmonary ejection malfunction
d) Pancreas enzyme malnutrition
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Answer: b
Explanation: PEM stands for Protein-energy malnutrition. PEM affects children and infants to produce marasmus and kwashiorkor.

3. In which of the following countries dietary deficiencies are not common?
a) European countries
b) South and South-east Asia
c) South America
d) West and Central Africa
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dietary deficiencies of proteins and total food calories are widespread in many underdeveloped countries of South and South-east Asia, South America, and West and Central Africa.

4. PEM does not affect which section of the population?
a) Population affected by turmoil
b) Population affected by drought
c) Population affected by famine
d) Overpopulation
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Answer: d
Explanation: PEM may affect large sections of the population during drought, famine, and political turmoil. This happened in Bangladesh during the liberation war.

5. Marasmus is produced by a deficiency of proteins only.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Marasmus is produced by a simultaneous deficiency of proteins and calories. If the mother’s milk is replaced too early by other foods which are poor in both proteins and caloric value.
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6. In which age group marasmus is likely to happen?
a) Infants
b) Children between 1-5 years of age
c) Teenagers
d) Old people
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Answer: a
Explanation: Marasmus is found in infants of less than one year in age. Marasmus often happens when the mother has a second pregnancy or childbirth when the older infant is still too young.

7. Which of the following is not a symptom of marasmus?
a) Extreme emaciation of the body
b) Thinning of limbs
c) Swelling of body parts
d) Replacement of tissue proteins
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Answer: c
Explanation: In marasmus, protein deficiency impairs growth, and replacement of tissue proteins, extreme emaciation of the body, and thinning of limbs are also observed. The skin also becomes dry, thin, and wrinkled.

8. Which of the following deficiency leads to Kwashiorkor?
a) Fats
b) Protein
c) Vitamin
d) Water
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Answer: b
Explanation: Kwashiorkor is produced by protein deficiency unaccompanied by calorie deficiency. It results from the replacement of mother’s milk by a high calorie-low protein diet in a child more than one year in age.

9. Which of the following is not a symptom of kwashiorkor?
a) Extensive oedema
b) Emaciation of the body
c) Failure of growth and brain development
d) Wasting of muscles
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Answer: b
Explanation: Kwashiorkor shows a wasting of muscles, thinning of limbs, failure of growth, and brain development. But unlike marasmus, some fat is still left under the skin, moreover, extensive oedema and swelling of body parts are seen.

10. Where do most of the water is absorbed in our body?
a) Stomach
b) Buccal cavity
c) Small intestine
d) Large intestine
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Answer: d
Explanation: Most of the water is absorbed in the large intestine. The undigested food becomes semi-solid and then enters into the rectum, anal canal, and is finally egested out through the anus.

11. Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of which of the following vitamins?
a) Vitamin A
b) Vitamin B12
c) Vitamin B3
d) Vitamin C
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pellagra is caused due to the deficiency of vitamin B3 which is also known as Niacin or Nicotinamide. Pellagra is characterized by dementia, dermatitis and diarrhoea.

12. Which of the following is not a source of vitamin C?
a) Amla
b) Gooseberry
c) Orange
d) Carrot
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Answer: d
Explanation: Citrus fruits are the source of vitamin C. It is also known as ascorbic acid and antiviral vitamin. Vitamin C is the most readily excreted vitamin through urine. It also acts as an antioxidant.

13. Which of the following vitamins is also known as poor man’s vitamin?
a) Vitamin E
b) Vitamin D
c) Vitamin A
d) Vitamin B
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Answer: b
Explanation: Vitamin D is also known as a poor man’s vitamin or sunshine vitamin. Vitamin D is good for maintaining healthy bones as vitamin D acts as a hormone and helps in the absorption of Calcium from the intestine.

14. Which of the following vitamin cannot show hypervitaminosis?
a) Vitamin B
b) Vitamin A
c) Vitamin D
d) Vitamin E
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hypervitaminosis is the tendency of the vitamin to accumulate in the body. This property is shown by the water-insoluble or fat-soluble vitamins which include vitamin A, D, E and K.

15. Megaloblastic anaemia is caused by folic acid deficiency.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Folic acid and vitamin B12 deficiency cause megaloblastic anaemia where RBCs become larger than normal. Also RBCs are not produced in enough quantity.

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