Class 11 Biology MCQ – Plant Kingdom – Bryophytes-1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plant Kingdom – Bryophytes-1”.

1. Why are bryophyte called plant amphibians?
a) Because they grow in water during summer and on land in winter
b) Because they grow on land but water is necessary for them to reproduce
c) Because they grow in water during first half of the year and on land in the second half of the year
d) Because they grow in water in north part of world and on land in southern part of the world
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bryophytes are called as plant amphibians. Although they can manage to grow on land in normal conditions, water is essential for them to transmit male gametes to female gamete in order to facilitate reproduction.

2. Bryophytes are thalloid like structures and don’t have true roots, stems and leaves.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bryophytes are thalloid like structures and have virtual roots, stems and leaves. Although their distinction is better than that of Thallophytes, they are still thalloid like structures.

3. Which among the following is an incorrect statement?
a) Bryophytes prevent soil erosion
b) Bryophytes decompose rocks and make soil fertile
c) Bryophytes are used in packing materials and are also good fuel
d) Bryophytes don’t absorb water and are used to pack food materials
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Answer: d
Explanation: Bryophytes hold soil firmly and therefore prevent soil erosion. Bryophytes decompose barren rocks and make soil fertile. Bryophytes are used as packing materials and as good fuel. Bryophytes are good absorbers of water and can’t be used for packing of food materials.

4. Bryophytes are erect with hair like structures called as ________
a) Rhizoids
b) Stipe
c) Seta
d) Foot
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Answer: a
Explanation: Bryophytes are erect with hair like structures called rhizoids. Rhizoids anchor bryophytes to the soil and help in transfer of nutrients from soil to the thallus. They are also called virtual roots of bryophytes.

5. Which among the following are incorrect?
a) Bryophytes are sub-classified into liverworts and mosses
b) Bryophytes are mostly found in dry hilly areas
c) Bryophytes don’t contain vascular tissues to transmit water and therefore don’t grow tall
d) Bryophytes follow cryptogamae
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Answer: b
Explanation: Bryophytes are sub-classified into liverworts and mosses. Bryophytes are mostly found in moist hilly areas. Bryophytes don’t contain vascular tissues to transmit water and therefore don’t grow tall. Bryophytes follow cryptogamae.

6. The female sex organs in bryophytes are called as ________
a) Antheridium
b) Archegonium
c) Basiogonium
d) Thallogonium
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Answer: b
Explanation: The female sex organs in bryophytes are called archegonium and they produce female gamete called egg. The male sex organ is called antheridium and produce male gametes called antherozoids.

7. What is the main difference between mosses and liverworts?
a) Moses contain vascular tissue which are absent in liverworts
b) Mosses contain an intermediary stage called protonema which is absent in liverworts
c) Mosses grow taller which is not the case with liverworts
d) Mosses contain special bodies called sporophytes that are absent in liverworts
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Answer: b
Explanation: Mosses grow into an intermediary stage from spores called protonema after which they grow into leafy like thallus. Whereas, in liverworts this intermediary stage is absent i.e. the spores develop into thallus without protonema.

8. Which among the following is not an asexual mode in bryophytes?
a) Budding
b) Fragmentation
c) Gemmae
d) Sporophyte formation
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Answer: d
Explanation: In fragmentation, leaves/stems fall off accidentally and grow to form new individuals. Budding is a process in which an outgrowth develops and splits from the parent thallus to produce new individual. Gemmae are tiny, multi-cellular structures that can detach from the parent plant and grow into a new individual. Sporophyte develops from a developed embryo and results in the formation of spores. Sporophyte formation is a sexual process that involves two gametes and hence it is not an asexual process.

9. Which among the following is incorrect?
a) Most of the leafy liverworts resemble mosses in their structure
b) Liverworts contain oil bodies that are absent in mosses
c) Moses contain lobes in their leaves whereas leafy liverworts don’t
d) In mosses, leaves are spirally arranged but in leafy liverworts leaves grow in two or three rows
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Answer: c
Explanation: Most of the leafy liverworts resemble mosses in their structure. Leafy liverworts contain oil bodies that are absent in mosses. Leafy liverworts contain lobes in their leaves whereas don’t mosses. In mosses, leaves are spirally arranged but in leafy liverworts leaves grow in two or three rows.

10. Sphagnum belongs to _______
a) Leafy liverworts
b) Mosses
c) Thallose liverworts
d) Thallophytes
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Answer: b
Explanation: Sphagnum belongs to bryophytes and to the sub-classification of mosses. Sphagnum has a very good commercial importance and is used in the packing of cookery and glass materials.

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