Class 11 Biology MCQ – Animal Kingdom – Chordata-1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Animal Kingdom – Chordata-1”.

1. Which among the following is incorrect about chordates?
a) They must have notochord at every point of their life
b) They have a post anal tail
c) They have hollow dorsal nerve cord
d) They have a ventral heart
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Answer: a
Explanation: In chordates, notochord at some point of their life and may vanish after certain period of time. They have a post anal tail. They have a dorsal nerve cord. They have a ventral heart.

2. Which among the following is incorrect about chordata?
a) They have paired muscles
b) Post anal tail must be present in chordates
c) Their notochord vanishes after certain period of time
d) Pharyngeal gill slits are present
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Answer: b
Explanation: Chordates have paired muscles. Post anal tail is present at the embryo but might vanish after certain period of time. Their notochord also vanishes after certain period of time. Pharyngeal gill slits are present.

3. Which among the following is odd?
a) Urochordata
b) Cephalochordata
c) Vertebrata
d) Agnatha
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Answer: d
Explanation: Urochordata, Cephalochordata and Vertebrata are sub-phyla of Chordata. These sub-phyla are classified based on the period of presence of notochord in Chordates. Whereas unlike other three options, Agnatha is a super class in Chordates.

4. Which among the following is not correct about Urochordata?
a) They are a classification under Protochordates
b) They have post anal tail only till their larval stage
c) Most of these are marine and almost extinct
d) They don’t contain gill clefts
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Answer: d
Explanation: Urochordata is classified under Protochordates. They have post anal tail only till their larval stage. Most of these are marine and almost extinct. They contain pharyngeal gill slits in the form of gill clefts.

5. Branchiostoma is an example of Cephalochordata.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum etc. are examples of Urochordata. Branchiostoma which resembles like finless fish is actually an example of Cephalochordata. The Cephalochordates and Urochordates are grouped under Protochordates.
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6. Which among the following is incorrect about Vertebrata?
a) All chordates are vertebrates
b) In vertebrates, notochord is replaced by vertebral column in adults
c) They might not have post-anal tail after a certain period of time
d) Notochord is present during embryonic period
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Answer: a
Explanation: All vertebrates are chordates but the vice-versa is not true. Notochord is present during embryonic period. It is replaced by vertebral column in adults. They might also not have post-anal tail after a certain period of time.

7. Agnatha is an example of ________
a) Sub-phylum
b) Phylum
c) Super-class
d) Class
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Answer: c
Explanation: Super-class is a taxonomic category that is just above the class and below sub-phylum. Animal kingdom is divided into 10 phyla and one among them is Chordates. Chordates are further classified into two sub-phylum, namely, protochordates and vertebrata. Vertebrata are further classified into super classes, namely, agnatha and gnathostomata.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about Agnatha?
a) These are also called as jawless fishes
b) Scales and fins are present
c) They adopt parasitic mode of nutrition
d) They have a circular mouth that acts as sucker
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Answer: b
Explanation: Agnatha are also called as jawless fishes. Scales and fins are absent. They adopt parasitic mode of nutrition. Their circular mouth acts as sucker. They are aquatic and most of them are extinct. The only class that exists in this super-class is cyclostomata.

9. Which among the following is incorrect about Cyclostomata?
a) Their vertebral column is made of cartilage
b) Lamprey and hagfish are examples of this class
c) Their digestive system is complete with stomach, food pipe and intestines
d) Their circulatory system is closed with a 2 chambered heart
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Answer: c
Explanation: Vertebral column is made of cartilage in Cyclostomata. They don’t have a stomach. Their circulatory system is closed with a 2 chambered heart. Lamprey and hagfish are examples of this class.

10. Which among the following is incorrect about Gnathostomata?
a) These are vertebrates with jaws
b) This super class is classified into Pisces and tetrapods based on their type of blood
c) Pisces use fins for their movement
d) Tetrapods use limbs for their movement
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gnathostomata are vertebrates with jaws. This super class is classified into psices and tetrapods based on the organs they use for their movement. Pisces use fins for their movement. Tetrapods use limbs for their movement.

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