Botany MCQ – Morphology of Flowering Plants – Fruit and the Seed – 2

This set of Botany Multiple Choice Questions and Answers focuses on “Morphology of Flowering Plants – Fruit and the Seed”.

1. Dicotyledon seeds have two seed leaves.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Dicotyledon seeds have two seed leaves. The word cotyledon means seed leaves. When a dicotyledonous seed germinates it initially gives rise to two seed leaves whereas in monocotyledonous seed only a single leaf arises.

2. Which among the following is incorrect about structure of the seed?
a) Testa and tegmen are the two layers of a seed coat
b) Testa and tegmen are closely attached that they can’t be separated unless soaked in water
c) Seed coat provides protection to the embryo
d) Testa is the thin inner layer and tegmen is the thick outer layer of a seed coat
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Answer: d
Explanation: Testa and tegmen are the two layers of a seed coat. These are so closely attached that they can’t be separated unless soaked in water. Testa is the thick outer layer and tegmen is the thin inner layer of a seed coat .Seed coat provides protection to the embryo.

3. A scar on seed coat through which seed is attached to the fruit is called ________
a) Cotyledons
b) Seed coat
c) Hilum
d) Micropyle
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Answer: c
Explanation: A scar on seed coat through which seed is attached to the fruit is called Hilum. The hilum on a bean seed is called an eye. It marks the former place of attachment of a seed.

4. Which among the following is not correct about embryo inside the seed?
a) An embryo contains cotyledons, radicle and plumule
b) Cotyledons store food and provide nourishment to the developing plumule and radicle
c) A plumule develops into roots
d) Cotyledons are also called as seed leaves
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Answer: c
Explanation: An embryo contains cotyledons, radicle and plumule. Cotyledons store food and provide nourishment to the developing plumule and radicle. A plumule develops into roots. Cotyledons are also called as seed leaves.

5. Endosperm provides nourishment to a developing embryo and cotyledons provide nourishment to the developing radicle and plumule.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Endosperm provides nourishment to a developing embryo and cotyledons provide nourishment to the developing radicle and plumule. Endosperm sometimes can be completely digested and absorbed before the seed gets detached.

6. Which among the following is incorrect about structure in a monocotyledon seed?
a) A monocotyledonous seed mainly comprises of seed coat, endosperm and aleurone layer
b) Seed coat is due to fusion of pericarp
c) Endosperm comprises of starch required for the nourishment of the endosperm
d) Special tissue surrounding the endosperm is called the seed coat
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Answer: d
Explanation: A monocotyledonous seed mainly comprises of seed coat, endosperm and aleurone layer. Seed coat is due to fusion of pericarp. Endosperm comprises of starch required for the nourishment of the endosperm. Special tissue surrounding the endosperm is called the aleurone laer.

7. A single cotyledon is also termed as __________
a) Scutellum
b) Aleurone
c) Epicarp
d) Endocarp
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Answer: a
Explanation: A single cotyledon i.e. a monocotyledon is also termed as scutellum. A scutellum consists of the embryonic shoot called plumule and the embryonic root called radicle. They get their nourishment from the endosperm in the initial stage and from the cotyledons during their development into a shoot system.

8. Embryonic shoot is covered by a protective layer called _________
a) Coleoptile
b) Coleorrhiza
c) Scutellum
d) Aleurone
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Answer: a
Explanation: A scutellum contains an embryonic shoot and an embryonic root called as plumule and radicle respectively. The embryonic shoot is covered by a protective layer called coleoptile.

9. Embryonic root is covered by a protective layer called ________
a) Coleoptile
b) Coleorrhiza
c) Scutellum
d) Aleurone
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Answer: b
Explanation: A scutellum consists of an embryonic root and an embryonic shoot called as radicle and plumule respectively. Embryonic root is covered by a protective layer called coleorrhiza.

10. Which among the following is correct about the structure of a monocotyledon?
Monocotyledon with Endosperm, Seed coat, Aleurone layer & Scutellum
a) a-Endosperm; b-Seed coat; c-Aleurone layer; d-Scutellum; e-Coleoptile; f-Radicle; g-Coleorhiza
b) a-Scutellum; b-Seed coat; c-Aleurone layer; d-Endosperm; e-Coleoptile; f-Plumule; g-Coleorhiza
c) a-Scutellum; b-Seed coat; c-Aleurone layer; d-Endosperm; e-Coleorhiza; f-Plumule; g-Coleoptile
d) a-Endosperm; b-Seed coat; c-Aleurone layer; d-Scutellum; e-Coleorhiza; f-Plumule; g-Coleoptile
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Answer: a
Explanation: Endosperm provides nourishment to the embryo. Seed coat protects the embryo. Aleurone layer surrounds the endosperm and gives protection. A monocotyledon is also called as Scutellum. Coleoptile protects the plumule and coleorhiza protects the radicle.

Sanfoundry Global Education & Learning Series – Biology – Class 11.

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