Class 11 Biology MCQ – Plant Kingdom – Gymnosperms-1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plant Kingdom – Gymnosperms-1”.

1. Which of the following is incorrect?
a) Phanerogams contain specialized reproductive organ and don’t follow cryptogamae
b) Phanerogams are classified as Gymnosperms and Angiosperms based on the type of seed they produce
c) Gymnosperms have covered seeds and Angiosperms have naked seeds
d) Angiosperms bear fruit whereas Gymnosperms don’t
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Answer: c
Explanation: Phanerogams contain specialized reproductive organ and don’t follow cryptogamae. Phanerogams are classified as Gymnosperms and Angiosperms based on the type of seed they produce. Gymnosperms have naked seeds and Angiosperms have covered seeds. Angiosperms bear fruit whereas Gymnosperms don’t.

2. Which among the following is the tallest tree?
a) Red wood tree
b) Pine
c) Deodar
d) Cycads
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gymnosperms range from small shrubs to tall trees. In fact, red wood tree is the tallest tree in the world. They are evergreen, perennial and woody trees and are mostly found in California.

3. Which among the following are incorrect?
a) Gymnosperms are fruitless plants that are mostly found in hilly areas
b) Gymnosperms are perennial, evergreen and woody trees
c) Gymnosperms have needle-shaped leaves that are well-adapted to withstand extreme weather conditions
d) Gymnosperms are also termed as hard wood trees
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Answer: c
Explanation: Gymnosperms are fruitless plants that are mostly found in hilly areas. They are perennial, evergreen and woody trees. They have needle-shaped leaves that are well-adapted to withstand extreme weather conditions. Gymnosperms are also termed as soft wood trees.

4. In coralloid roots, roots are short and irregularly arranged and exist in symbiotic association with cyanobacteria.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In coralloid roots, roots are short and irregularly arranged and exist in symbiotic association with cyanobacteria. Cyanobacteria help in fixing of Nitrogen and at the same time manage to get shelter in the rots.

5. Which among the following are incorrect?
a) Microsporophylls are spirally arranged to form Strobili to form a cone shaped structures called microsporangiate
b) Microsporangiate is also called as male strobili because they contain microspores that form male gametophyte
c) Gametophytes can’t exist independently i.e. free living
d) Microsporangiate and macrosporangiate exists within the same plant
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Answer: d
Explanation: Sporophylls are spirally arranged to form strobili. Microsporophylls are spirally arranged to form Strobili to form a cone shaped structures called microsporangiate or male strobili. Microsporangiate is also called as male strobili because they contain microspores that form male gametophyte. Gametophytes can’t exist independently i.e. free living. Microsporangiate and macrosporangiate might exists within the same plant or mayn’t.

6. Which among the following is incorrect?
a) Some Gymnosperms have algal association in their roots and it is termed as mycorrhiza
b) Leaves of Gymnosperms can be either simple/ compound
c) Gymnosperms have either branched/unbranched stems
d) The roots in Pinus exist in the form of mycorrhiza
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Answer: b
Explanation: Some Gymnosperms have algal association in their roots and it is termed as mycorrhiza. Leaves of Gymnosperms can be either simple/ compound. Gymnosperms have either branched/unbranched stems. The roots in Pinus exist in the form of mycorrhiza.

7. Gymnosperms are homosporous i.e. they contain similar spores.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gymnosperms are heterosporous i.e. they have different spores. The larger ones are called macro or mega spores that give rise to a female gametophyte. The smaller ones are called microspores and they germinate to form male gametophyte.

8. In cycas, the type of root present is called as __________
a) Taproot
b) Fibrous roots
c) Coralloid roots
d) Mycorrhiza
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Answer: d
Explanation: In cycas, the type of root present is called coralloid root. Coralloid roots are short and irregularly branched. They exist in symbiotic association with cyanobacteria that help them in fixation of Nitrogen.

9. Cedrus have ________
a) leaves with large surface area
b) branched stem
c) simple leaves
d) taproot system
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Answer: b
Explanation: The leaves of cedrus tree are small and have little surface are. Their leaves are compound in nature. They have mycorrhizal root system. Unlike cycas, stems in cedrus are branched.

10. Megasporangium in Gymnosperms is also called as _______
a) Macrosporangiate
b) Nucellus
c) Microsporangium
d) Male strobili
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Answer: b
Explanation: Megasporangium in Gymnosperms is also called as Nucellus. It contains megaspores or macrospores which gives rise to a female gametophyte or archegonium after mitosis.

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