NEET Class 11 Biology MCQ – Photosynthesis in Higher Plants

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 13 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Photosynthesis in Higher Plants” for NEET Preparation.

1. Where does the photosynthesis actually take place?
a) Leaves
b) Chloroplast
c) Flowers
d) Root
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Answer: b
Explanation: The photosynthesis actually takes place in an organelle called chloroplast. They are found in the cytoplasm of plant cells. The main feature of the chloroplast is that they are able to produce food for plants.

2. Where does photosynthesis take place in C3 plants?
a) C3 station
b) Arthroplasty
c) Mesosomes
d) Mesophyll cells
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Answer: d
Explanation: The photosynthesis takes place in the mesophyll cells of C3 plants. They are actually ground tissue found in the middle of the plants. Their main function is to fix carbon and perform photosynthesis. 95% of all temperate plants are C3 plants.

3. Chloroplasts are also known as _____________
a) Photosynthetic factories
b) Food makers
c) Color factories
d) Lifer giver
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chloroplast is mainly known as photosynthetic factories. This is because all the reactions based on photosynthesis takes place within the chloroplast. Also, they convert light energy into sugar or glucose in the form of starch.

4. The chloroplast is a single membrane-bound structure.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: It is a wrong statement. The chloroplast is a double membrane-bound structure and not a single membrane-bound. It has got an outer and an inner membrane. Thus, they have a rigid semi-autonomous membrane for stable reactions to take place.

5. Which part of chloroplast contains all the water-soluble enzymes?
a) Lamella
b) Stroma
c) Matrix
d) Chlorophyll
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Answer: c
Explanation: Matrix is the part which contains all the water-soluble enzymes. Chloroplast encloses a fluid-filled space called stroma and this fluid is called the matrix. These enzymes are stored in the matrix to make it available for dark reactions.
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6. The stroma contains a number of _____ made up of disc-like ______
a) grana, thylakoids
b) grana, stroma
c) thylakoids, grana
d) stroma, grana
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Answer: a
Explanation: The stroma actually contains a number of grana made up of disc-like thylakoids. Grana and thylakoids are the main sites of light reaction. A stack of thylakoid discs together forms a granum (plural of grana). Grana ranges from 10 to almost 100 in number.

7. Which is the site of dark reaction?
a) Matrix
b) Stroma
c) Cytochrome
d) Roots
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Answer: b
Explanation: Stroma is the site of dark reaction which is an enzymatic as well as light-independent reaction. Stroma is a colorless fluid that surrounds the grana and thylakoids. It also contains other sub organelles and daughter cells that supports dark reaction.

8. Who synthesizes the enzymes required for photosynthesis?
a) Sunlight
b) Matrix
c) Grana
d) DNA and RNA of chloroplast
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Answer: d
Explanation: The DNA and RNA of chloroplast synthesize the enzymes required for photosynthesis. There is no separate organelle that can synthesize enzymes. The DNA and RNA are specialized for secreting enzymes necessary for photosynthesis. This is all possible since chloroplast has its own DNA.

9. Which among the following enzymes are present in the chloroplast?
a) RuBP
b) Ribulose-2
c) Maltase
d) Lipase
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Answer: a
Explanation: Ribulose-1,5 bisphosphate also known as RuBP enzyme. It is present in the matrix of the chloroplast. Its main activity comes during the time of dark reaction. Ribulose phosphate accepts a phosphate from the ATP and forms RuBP.

10. Which is the very slow-acting enzyme in chloroplast?
a) ATPase
b) Ribulose-1
d) Carboxylase
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Answer: c
Explanation: 5-bisphosphate carboxylase oxygenase also known as RUBISCO is an enzyme required for photosynthesis. It actually occurs in high quantity. Also, it is a very slow-acting enzyme. The remaining enzymes are faster than RUBISCO.

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