Class 11 Biology MCQ – Biological Classification – Protista – 1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 2 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biological Classification – Protista – 1”.

1. Protists survive in ________
a) dry desert
b) aquatic regions
c) dry mountains
d) hot hills
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Answer: b
Explanation: Protists survive in aquatic regions. They can either survive in fresh water lakes, large oceans, deep seas and marshy areas etc. This is because their body is adapted to survive in areas with low oxygen concentration.

2. Which among the following comprises of animal like protists?
a) Protozoans
b) Chrysophytes
c) Slime molds
d) Dianoflagellates
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Answer: a
Explanation: Since, Protozoans are mobile and can ingest food into their body they resemble animals. Some of the protozoans follow holozoic nutrition like that of animals. Therefore, Protozoans are animal like protists.

3. Diatoms are grouped under _________
a) Chrysophytes
b) Protozoans
c) Dianoflagelletes
d) Euglenoids
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Answer: a
Explanation: Diatoms are grouped under Chrysophytes. Chrysophytes comprise of golden algae, diatoms and plant like protists etc. It’s because of the golden-yellow color of the species they are named as Chrysophytes.

4. Cell wall in diatoms is made of _______
a) Chitin
b) Pectin
c) Silica
d) Cellulose
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Answer: c
Explanation: Cell wall in diatoms is made up of Silica. It’s a double shelled cell wall that fits exactly into each other like the lid of a box. Cell wall of diatoms remains in the earth even after they die and accumulate to form diatomaceous earth.

5. Diatomaceous earth can be used as a pest control because _________
a) it is porous
b) it contains silica which is poisonous for pests when eaten and therefore they die
c) it snatches out lipids from the outermost waxy layer of pests called cuticle and makes them dry which results in their death
d) it acts as anesthesia when given in minor quantities but pests die when large quantities are in taken
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Answer: c
Explanation: Diatomaceous earth is used in pest control and grain storage. This is because they are abrasive in nature which snatches out lipids from the outermost layer of pests called cuticle and makes them dry which results in their death.
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6. Diatoms store food as _______
a) Starch
b) Glucose
c) Oil
d) Fructose
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Answer: c
Explanation: Diatoms store food as oil. Plants store their food as starch. Diatoms are the main food producing bodies in oceans. They prepare food by photosynthesis.

7. Chrysophytes contain chlorophyll or carotene or xanthophyll in them. Their cell wall is rigid and is made up of chitin.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Chrysophytes contain chlorophyll or carotene or xanthophyll in them. Chrysophytes attain color due to these pigments present in them. Their cell wall is rigid and is made up of Cellulose/ Pectin/ Silica.

8. Cell wall in dianoflagelllates contain _______
a) Chitin
b) Cortex
c) Silica
d) Pectin
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dianoflagellates have a complex cell wall made up of cortex. They also possess light sensitive organelle in their cell. Eye spot is found in some of them. Erythropsidium is known to have smallest eye.

9. Dianoflagellates contain ________
a) two flagella with both being transversal
b) two flagella with both being longitudinal
c) two flagella with lone being longitudinal and other being transversal
d) three flagella with one being along x-axis, other being along y-axis and the third one being along z-axis
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dianoflagellates contain two flagella with lone being longitudinal and other being transversal. These two flagella help them for their movement and rotation.

10. Dianoflagellates are plant like protists.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Dianoflagellates are neither plant nor animal like protists. This is because they perform both photosynthesis and locomotion. Therefore, they are neither plants nor animals.

11. What is red tide?
a) Accumulation of cell wall deposits of red algae is called red tide
b) Accumulation of red blood cells in water
c) Coloration of water due to rapid multiplication of red dianoflagellates
d) Spread of chrysophytes due to rapid reproduction
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Answer: c
Explanation: Red tide is the coloration of water due to very rapid multiplication of red dianoflagellates. Chemicals released due to this rapid growth are harmful for aquatic life.

12. Which among the following is responsible for red tide?
a) Gonyaulax
b) Udinium
c) Noctiluca
d) Golden algae
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Answer: a
Explanation: Red tide is the coloration of water due to very rapid multiplication of red dianoflagellates like Gonyaulax. Chemicals released due to this rapid growth are harmful for aquatic life.

13. Which among the following belong to plankton?
a) Dianoflagellates
b) Chrysophytes
c) Euglenoids
d) Protozoans
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Answer: b
Explanation: Chrysophytes are found in aquatic habitats. They are present in fresh water as well as marine. Chrysophytes Are microscopic in nature and float in water currents like planktons.

14. Protists are unicellular eukaryotes.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: All the unicellular eukaryotes are placed in Protista. But all protists are not unicellular. There are few protists that are multi-cellular. But all the protists are eukaryotic organisms.

15. Desmids belong to ________
a) Dianoflagellates
b) Chrysophytes
c) Euglenoids
d) Protozoans
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Answer: b
Explanation: Chrysophytes comprise of diatoms and golden algae (desmids). Desmids are unicellular eukaryotes and can prepare their own food by photosynthesis. Desmids reproduce both by sexually and asexually.

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