This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 4 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Animal Kingdom” for NEET Preparation.
1. The word Chordata gets its origin from ________
a) Greek
b) Latin
c) Arab
d) Sanskrit
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Explanation: The word Chordata derives its origin from the Latin word Chordate which means those that posses’ chord. In most of the chordates spinal cord might gradually mature to form back bone.
2. Salamander is an example of __________
a) Reptile
b) Osteichthytes
c) Amphibians
d) Mammals
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Explanation: Salamander is an example of the phylum amphibia. Salamander can survive both in water and on land. They use their gills when inside water and they use lungs when on land. Their skin is moist.
3. Scutes are also called as _____
a) Wings
b) Scales
c) Gills
d) Glands
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Explanation: Scutes are also called scales. Reptiles are covered with scales and help them in movement and in respiration. Vipera, garden lizard, chelone, testudo, alligator and hemicydactylus are examples of scales.
4. What does the word homoiothermous refer to?
a) Lie in the same temperature
b) Warm blooded animals
c) The animal is in thermal equilibrium with its surrounding
d) The animal lives in isotonic conditions
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Explanation: Homoiothermous are the warm blooded animals i.e. they can generate heat internally. Examples of the warm-blooded include aves and mammals and examples of cold blooded animals include reptiles and Pisces.
5. Mammals are the milk feeding animals.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: Mammals are the milk feeding animals. Mammals are derived from the Latin word “mamma” which means breast. All the mammals feed the animals with milk. Sometimes, mammals lay eggs to reproduce and may give birth to reproduce.
6. Which among the following is an incorrect interesting fact about Aves?
a) Their bones are hollow and help them to fly
b) Air sacs are sites of gas exchange in Avian Dinosaurs
c) Humming bird is the smallest bird
d) Ostrich and penguins are few birds that can’t fly
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Explanation: The Aves have hollow bones and help them to fly. Air sacs are not sites of gas exchange in Avian Dinosaurs. Humming bird is the smallest bird. Ostrich and penguins are few birds that can’t fly.
7. Which among the following is incorrect about mammals?
a) African elephant is the largest mammal on the Earth
b) Mammalia derives its origin from Latin word Mamma which means breast
c) Mammals have hair or fur and are warm-blooded
d) The necessary condition for being a mammal is to give birth to their young ones
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Explanation: African elephant is the largest mammal on the Earth. Mammalia derives its origin from Latin word Mamma which means breast. Mammals have hair or fur and are warm-blooded. The necessary condition for being a mammal is to feed their young ones with milk. Although most animals reproduce by laying eggs there are few exceptions to this.
8. Which among the following is incorrect about reptiles?
a) Reptiles cannot generate their body heat internally like humans do
b) Reptiles cannot sense smell like humans do instead they flick their tongue out in order to sense chemo receptors
c) Reptiles derive its origin from the word reptum which means creep or crawl
d) Reptiles are warm blooded animals
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Explanation: Reptiles cannot generate their body heat internally like humans do. Reptiles cannot sense smell like humans do instead they flick their tongue out in order to sense chemo receptors. Reptiles derive its origin from the word reptum which means creep or crawl. Reptiles are cold blooded animals.
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