Class 11 Biology MCQ – Plant Kingdom – Angiosperms

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plant Kingdom – Angiosperms”.

1. Which of the following is incorrect about haplontic life cycle?
a) Gametophytes are the dominant phase in this life cycle
b) Sporophytes are free-living
c) Spores are haploid in nature and form gametophyte by mitotic division
d) Zygote acts as sporophyte
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Answer: b
Explanation: Gametophytes are the dominant phase in this life cycle. Sporophytes don’t have free living existence. Spores are haploid in nature and form gametophyte by mitotic division. Zygote acts as Sporophyte that forms spores.

2. Which among the following life cycle suits Chlamydomanas?
a) Haplontic
b) Diplontic
c) Triplontic
d) Haplo-diplontic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chlamydomanas exhibits haplontic life cycle i.e. gametophyte are the dominant phase in this life cycle. In this life cycle, there is no independent existence for Sporophyte. Spores produced are haploid and divide mitotically to form Gametophyte.

3. Which among the following is incorrect about diplontic life cycle?
a) Sporophyte is the dominant phase
b) All spermatophytes exhibit diplontic life cycle
c) Gametophyte depends on the sporophyte
d) Sporophyte depends on Gametophyte for their food
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sporophyte is the dominant phase. All spermatophytes exhibit diplontic life cycle. Gametophyte depends on the Sporophyte. Sporophyte has independent existence and can perform photosynthesis and hence can prepare their own food.

4. Which among the following life cycle is exhibited by a rose plant?
a) Haplontic
b) Diplontic
c) Triplontic
d) Haplo-diplontic
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Answer: b
Explanation: Rose plant belongs to the category of Angiosperms. All angiosperms and gymnosperms exhibit diplontic life cycle i.e. Sporophyte is the dominant phase and has independent existence.

5. Gametophytes in plants that exhibit diplontic life cycle may be heterotrophic, autotrophic or saprophytic.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gametophytes in plants that exhibit diplontic life cycle may be heterotrophic, autotrophic or saprophytic. For example: in angiosperms, few flowers can perform photosynthesis while few others are carnivorous like drosera and nepenthes and few others are saprophytic like Broomrape.
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6. Which among the following is incorrect about Haplo-diplontic life cycle?
a) In this life cycle, both sporophytic phase and gametophytic phase have equal life time
b) Both sporophytic and gametophytic phases are multi-cellular and have independent existence
c) This kind of life cycle is exhibited by Pteridophytes and Bryophyte
d) Ectocarpus exhibits haplo-diplontic life cycle
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Answer: d
Explanation: In this life cycle both the sporophytic and gametophytic phase are multi-cellular and have independent existence. In this life cycle, the dominant phases differ. This kind of life cycle is exhibited by Pteridophytes and Bryophytes. Ectocarpus exhibits haplo-diplontic life cycle.

7. Haploid cells undergo mitosis and diploid cells undergo meiosis to form plant body
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Both haploid and diploid cells undergo mitosis to form plant bodies. This results in the formation of either haploid or diploid plant bodies. The haploid plant body is gametophyte and the diploid one is a Sporophyte.

8. Which among the following life cycle is exhibited by Fucus?
a) Diplontic
b) Haplontic
c) Triplolntic
d) Haplo-diplontic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Generally, most of the algae are haplontic whereas few others are diplontic. Fucus is one such alagae that exhibits diplontic behavior i.e. Sporophyte is the dominant phase in case of fucus.

9. Which among the following life cycle is exhibited by Polysiphonia?
a) Diplontic
b) Haplontic
c) Triplolntic
d) Haplo-diplontic
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Answer: b
Explanation: Most of the algae are haplontic whereas few others are diplontic. Polysiphonia and Ectocarpus and kelps are few such algae that exhibit haplontic life cycle i.e. Gametophyte acts as the dominant phase in case of Polysiphonia.

10. Which among the following is incorrect?
a) In bryophytes, haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase
b) In Volvox, haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase
c) In Spirogyra, diploid Sporophyte is the dominant phase
d) In Pappaya, haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase
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Answer: c
Explanation: Haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase in bryophytes and in volvox. Also, in Spirogyra, the diploid Sporophyte is the dominant phase. In Pappaya, haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase.

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