Class 11 Biology MCQ – Flower-1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Flower-1”.

1. Flower is a modified shoot and is the reproductive organ in a flowering plant.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flower is a modified shoot and is the reproductive organ in a flowering plant i.e. flowers are the vital organs in propagating the species of existing plants. The arrangement of flowers on the floral axis is called inflorescence.

2. Which among the following is incorrect about racemose and cymose?
a) In racemose inflorescence, the youngest flower remains at the top of floral axis
b) In cymose inflorescence, the floral main axis continues to grow throughout the life
c) In racemose inflorescence, indefinite number of flowers are formed
d) In cymose inflorescence, the axilary branches continue to grow throughout the life
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Answer: b
Explanation: In racemose inflorescence, the youngest flower remains at the top of floral axis and indefinite number of flowers are formed. In cymose inflorescence, the floral main axis is limited however the axilary branches continue to grow throughout the life.

3. Which among the following plays a vital role in pollination of pollen grains?
a) Petals
b) Sepals
c) Pedicel
d) Carpel
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Answer: d
Explanation: Petals are the colorful floral parts that attract insects and promote pollination. Sepals are the green color leaf like structure that ensures protection to bud. Pedicel is the stalk like structure that holds the leaves. Carpel is the female reproductive organ that produces ovum.

4. Which among the following is not correct about flower?
a) A flower has 4 whorls arranged successively i.e. calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium
b) Members of calyx and corolla are called as sepals and petals respectively
c) In polysepalous, the sepals are arranged in a free manner whereas in gamosepalous, the sepals are united
d) Tulip is an example of polypetalous
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Answer: d
Explanation: A flower has 4 whorls arranged successively i.e. calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. Members of calyx and corolla are called as sepals and petals respectively. In polysepalous, the sepals are arranged in a free manner whereas in gamosepalous, the sepals are united. Tulip is an example of gamopetalus.

5. The inner most whirl in a flower is called Gynoecium and the members of Gynoecium are called carpels.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The inner most whirl in a flower is called Gynoecium and the members of Gynoecium are called carpels. Gynoecium is referred to be the female reproductive organ of a flower bearing egg cells in it.

6. Which among the following is incorrect about stamens?
a) A stamen mainly contains of anther, filament and connective tissue
b) An anther is a bilobed structure present at the tip of filament with each lobe bearing 2 pollen sacs
c) Epipetalous flowers are those flowers in which stamens are attached to petals
d) Sunflower is an example of epiphyllous
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Answer: d
Explanation: A stamen mainly contains of anther, filament and connective tissue. An anther is a bilobed structure present at the tip of filament with each lobe bearing 2 pollen sacs. Epipetalous flowers are those flowers in which stamens are attached to petals. Sunflower is an example of epipetalous.

7. Which among the following statements is incorrect about stamens?
a) In epiphyllous flowers, stamens are attached to perianth
b) Stamens attached to carpels are gynandrous
c) In monoadelphous, all filaments of stamens are bunched and all the stamens are united
d) In polystemonous, stamens are free i.e. they are neither attached to any part of the flower nor to each other
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Answer: c
Explanation: In epiphyllous flowers, stamens are attached to perianth. Stamens attached to carpels are gynandrous. In monoadelphous, all filaments of stamens are bunched and all the stamens are free. In polystemonous, stamens are free i.e. they are neither attached to any part of the flower nor to each other.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about Carpel?
a) Basal enclosed part of carpel is called ovary
b) Ovules are attached to cushion like structure called Placenta
c) Stigma is the part of the carpel that receives pollen grain
d) Arrangement of ovules within the ovary is called Aestivation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Basal enclosed part of carpel is called ovary. Ovules are attached to cushion like structure called Placenta. Stigma is the part of the carpel that receives pollen grain. Arrangement of ovules within the ovary is called Placentation.

9. Which among the following is incorrect about different types of Placentation?
a) In marginal placentation, placenta develops on the ventral side of an ovary
b) Unlike marginal placentation where ovary is single chambered, in axile placentation ovary is multi-chambered
c) Okra is an example of axial placentation i.e. ovary is multi-chambered and ovules are attached to the central axis
d) Papaya is an example of basal placentation
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Answer: d
Explanation: In marginal placentation, placenta develops on the ventral side of an ovary. Unlike marginal placentation where ovary is single chambered, in axile placentation ovary is multi-chambered. Okra (ladies finger) is an example of axial placentation i.e. ovary is multi-chambered and ovules are attached to the central axis. Papaya is an example of parietal placentation.

10. Which among the following is not correct about free-central placentation?
a) In basal placentation, ovule is present at base of the ovary
b) In parietal placentation, placenta is swollen at centre and ovules get arranged around it
c) In apical placentation, ovule is present at apex of the ovary
d) Lemon is an example of axial placentation
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Answer: b
Explanation: In basal placentation, ovule is present at base of the ovary. In free central placentation, placenta is swollen at the centre and ovules get arranged around it. In apical placentation, ovule is present at apex of the ovary. Lemon is an example of axial placentation.

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