Class 11 Biology MCQ – Neural Control and Coordination – Ear-2

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 21 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Neural Control and Coordination – Ear-2”.

1. Which of these structures is a part of the inner ear?
a) Anvil
b) Meatus
c) Stapes
d) Labyrinth
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Answer: d
Explanation: The labyrinth is a structure present in the inner ear. The anvil or the incus, as well as the stapes are the bones of the middle ear, along with malleus. The meatus is present in the outer ear.

2. Which of these statements is not true regarding the labyrinth?
a) It is present in the inner ear
b) It is fluid-filled
c) It bears the anvil
d) It consists of two parts
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Answer: c
Explanation: The labyrinth is a structure present in the inner ear. It does not bear the anvil as the anvil is a bone of the middle ear. The labyrinth is fluid-filled and consists of two parts-the bony and the membranous labyrinths.

3. Which of these fluids is the membranous labyrinth surrounded by?
a) Hemolymph
b) Endolymph
c) Perilymph
d) Karyolymph
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Answer: c
Explanation: The labyrinth is a structure present in the inner ear. It consists of two parts-the bony and the membranous labyrinths. The membranous labyrinth is surrounded by a fluid known as perilymph.

4. Which of these fluids is present inside the membranous labyrinth?
a) Hemolymph
b) Endolymph
c) Perilymph
d) Karyolymph
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Answer: b
Explanation: The labyrinth is a structure present in the inner ear. It consists of two parts-the bony and the membranous labyrinths. The membranous labyrinth contains a fluid which is known as endolymph.

5. What is the coiled portion of the labyrinth called?
a) Oval window
b) Cochlea
c) Incus
d) Stirrup
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Answer: b
Explanation: The labyrinth is a structure present in the inner ear. It has a coiled portion which is known as the cochlea. It is a hollow bone which is spiral shaped. It plays a key role in the sensation of hearing.
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6. Which of these structures are present in the cochlea?
a) Pinna
b) Malleus
c) Reissner’s membrane
d) Anvil
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Answer: c
Explanation: The labyrinth has a coiled portion which is known as the cochlea. The cochlea contains the Reissner’s membrane. the anvil and malleus are a part of the middle ear. The pinna is a part of the outer ear.

7. Which of these structures are not present in the cochlea?
a) Scala naturae
b) Scala vestibuli
c) Scala tympani
d) Scala media
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Answer: a
Explanation: The cochlea, which is a spiral bony structure of the labyrinth present in the inner ear, contains the scala vestibuli, the scala tympani and scala media. Scala naturae is not a part of the cochlea.

8. Which of these structures is filled with endolymph?
a) Scala naturae
b) Scala vestibuli
c) Scala tympani
d) Scala media
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Answer: d
Explanation: The cochlea is a part of the labyrinth, which is present in the inner ear. It is spiral shapes. The space in the cochlea, which is known as the scala media, is filled with a fluid known as endolymph.

9. At which structure does the scala vestibuli end?
a) Scala tympani
b) Scala media
c) Oval window
d) Organ of Corti
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Answer: c
Explanation: The scala vestibuli is a part of the cochlea along with the scala tympani and the scala media. The scala vestibuli ends at the oval window at the base of the cochlea, while the scala tympani terminates at the round window.

10. The organ of Corti is located on the tectorial membrane. True or false?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: The organ of corti is a structure present on the basilar membrane of the cochlea in the labyrinth of the inner ear. The organ of corti contains hair cells present in rows, which act as auditory receptors.

11. The hair cells of the organ of Corti are in close contact with which of these structures?
a) Auditory receptors
b) Capillaries
c) Efferent nerve fibers
d) Afferent nerve fibers
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Answer: d
Explanation: The organ of corti contains hair cells present in rows, which act as auditory receptors. The hair cells are present on the internal side of the organ of corti and are in close contact with the afferent nerve fibers.

12. Which of these structures is not a part of the vestibular apparatus?
a) Saccule
b) Semi-circular canals
c) Scala tympani
d) Utricle
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Answer: c
Explanation: The vestibular apparatus is a complex structure present in the inner ear. It is located above the cochlea. The scala tympani is not a part of the vestibular apparatus, but a part of the cochlea.

13. Which of these is the sensory part of the otolith?
a) Utricle
b) Saccule
c) Macula
d) Semi-circular canals
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Answer: c
Explanation: The otolith is a part of the vestibular apparatus, which is a complex structure present in the inner ear. It is located above the cochlea. The sensory part of the otolith (saccule and utricle) is the macula.

14. What is present at the base of the bony canals?
a) Crista ampullaris
b) Macula
c) Saccule
d) Utricle
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Answer: a
Explanation: The crista ampullaris is present at the base of the bony canals or the semi-circular canals. It is a projecting ridge of the swollen base of the canals. The crista ampullaris contains hair cells.

15. When sound waves reach the lymph of the ear, in which structure does it induce a ripple?
a) Organ of Corti
b) Basilar membrane
c) Crista ampullaris
d) Macula
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Answer: b
Explanation: After the vibrations of the transmitted sound waves are passed to the inner ear through the ear ossicles, it generates waves the lymph of the cochlea. This induces a ripple in the basilar membrane.

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