Class 11 Biology MCQ – Biomolecules – Primary and Secondary Metabolites – 1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 9 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Biomolecules – Primary and Secondary Metabolites – 1”.

1. Which of these is a secondary metabolite?
a) Proteins
b) Lipids
c) Vitamins
d) Steroids
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Answer: d
Explanation: Primary metabolites are those which are involved in the normal growth and development processes of the body. Proteins, lipids and vitamins are primary metabolites while steroids are secondary metabolites.

2. Which of these statements is false regarding primary metabolites?
a) They have identifiable functions
b) They play a role in normal physiological processes
c) Secondary metabolites are derived from primary metabolites
d) Lipids are primary metabolites
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Answer: c
Explanation: Primary metabolites are involved in the normal growth and development processes. They have identifiable functions and take part in normal physiological processes. Lipid is a primary metabolite.

3. Which of these is a pigment?
a) Codeine
b) Ricin
c) Carotenoid
d) Curcumin
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Answer: c
Explanation: Pigments are secondary metabolites. Carotenoids are a type of pigment. Ricin is a toxin; codeine is a type of alkaloid while curcumin is a drug. They all are secondary metabolites. Secondary metabolites have important ecological function.

4. What are anthocyanins?
a) Pigment
b) Alkaloid
c) Drug
d) Toxin
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Answer: a
Explanation: Anthocyanins are a type of pigment. They are secondary metabolites. Anthocyanins are water soluble and belong to the phenolic group. They are responsible for imparting color to fruits and vegetables.

5. Which of these is an alkaloid?
a) Abrin
b) Morphine
c) Ricin
d) Anthocyanin
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Answer: b
Explanation: Morphine is an alkaloid. Alkaloids are a type of secondary metabolite. Secondary metabolites are not involved in the normal growth and development processes. The above substances are all secondary metabolites.

6. Codeine is a(n) _____
a) Lipid
b) Toxin
c) Alkaloid
d) Pigment
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Answer: c
Explanation: Codeine is an alkaloid. It is an opiate which is utilized as a central analgesic and sedative to treat pain, coughing and diarrhea. Codeine is a secondary metabolite, along with toxins and pigments.

7. Which of these is a secondary metabolite?
a) Monoterpenes
b) Triacylglycerols
c) Keratin
d) Myosin
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Answer: a
Explanation: Triacylglycerols are a type of lipid while keratin and myosin are major proteins of the body. Lipids and proteins are primary metabolites. Monoterpenes are terpenoids which are secondary metabolites.

8. Which of these is a primary metabolite?
a) Diterpene
b) Codeine
c) Anthocyanin
d) Triacylglycerol
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Answer: d
Explanation: Diterpenes, codeine and anthocyanin are secondary metabolites. Triacylglycerol is a type of lipid. It is directly involved in the normal growth and development processes. It is hence, a primary metabolite.

9. What is abrin?
a) Alkaloid
b) Pigment
c) Toxin
d) Drug
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Answer: c
Explanation: Abrin is a type of toxin. It is a natural poison found in the seeds of a plant. It is a secondary metabolite. This means that that it is not involved in the normal growth and development processes.

10. Essential oils are a secondary metabolite. True or false?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Essential oils such as lemongrass oil are secondary metabolites. This means that they are not involved in the normal growth and development processes but have other uses in human welfare.

11. Which of these proteins is a secondary metabolite?
a) Myosin
b) Keratin
c) Elastin
d) Ricin
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Answer: d
Explanation: Myosin, keratin and elastin are important and major proteins present in the body. They are primary metabolites. However, ricin is a secondary metabolite. It is a toxin which is found naturally in castor beans.

12. Which of these is a lectin?
a) Codeine
b) Monoterpene
c) Concanavalin A
d) Anthocyanin
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Answer: c
Explanation: Codeine is an alkaloid, monoterpene is a terpenoid, anthocyanin is a pigment and Concanavalin A is a lectin. They are all secondary metabolites and are not involved in normal growth and development processes.

13. Vinblastine is a _____
a) Terpenoid
b) Pigment
c) Drug
d) Essential oil
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Answer: c
Explanation: Vinblastine is a drug that is used as a chemotherapy medication. It is a secondary metabolite. This means that they are not involved in the normal growth and development processes of the body.

14. Which of these secondary metabolites is useful for human welfare?
a) Curcumin
b) Abrin
c) Ricin
d) Gums
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Answer: a
Explanation: Curcumin is a drug and a secondary metabolite. It has anti-inflammatory properties and is mainly found in turmeric. Abrin and ricin are toxins while gums are polymeric substances with no role in human welfare.

15. Which of these is not a primary metabolite?
a) Starch
b) Gum
c) Keratin
d) Myosin
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Answer: b
Explanation: Primary metabolites are those which take part in the growth and development processes of the body. Starch, keratin and myosin are primary metabolites while gum is a secondary metabolite.

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