Class 11 Biology MCQ – Flower-2

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Flower-2”.

1. Flowers are classified as trimerous, tetramerous and pentamerous based on the number of floral appendages in multiples of 3, 4 and 5 respectively.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flowers are classified as trimerous (example: lily), tetramerous (example: jasmine) and pentamerous (example: hibiscus) based on the number of floral appendages in multiples of 3, 4 and 5 respectively.

2. Which among the following is incorrect about aestivation?
a) Arrangement of sepals or petals in a floral bud with respect to the other members of the same whorl is called aestivation
b) In valvate aestivation, sepals or petals in a whorl just touch each other at the margin, without overlapping
c) In twisted aestivation, margin of a sepal overlaps with that of the next one and so on in either clock-wise or counter clock-wise direction
d) Gulmohar flower is an example of twisted aestivation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Arrangement of sepals or petals in a floral bud with respect to the other members of the same whorl is called aestivation. In valvate aestivation, sepals or petals in a whorl just touch each other at the margin, without overlapping. In twisted aestivation, margin of a sepal overlaps with that of the next one and so on in either clock-wise or counter clock-wise direction. Gulmohar flower is an example of imbricate aestivation.

3. Vexilary aestivation is usually seen in ________
a) Dimerous flowers
b) Pentamerous flowers
c) Tetramerous flowers
d) Trimerous flowers
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Answer: d
Explanation: Vexilary aestivation is usually seen in pentamerous flowers. The largest petal overlaps 2 smaller ones, which in turn overlaps with the smallest petals. This kind of aestivation is found in pea flower.

4. Which among the following is not correct about classification of flowers?
a) A flower containing only stamen is called staminate
b) Based on symmetry, flowers are classified into actinomorphic, zygomorphic and asymmetric flowers
c) Flowers that possess radial symmetry is said to be zygomorphic flower
d) Canna is an asymmetric flower
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Answer: c
Explanation: A flower containing only stamen is called staminate. Based on symmetry, flowers are classified into actinomorphic, zygomorphic and asymmetric flowers. Flowers that possess radial symmetry is said to be actinomorphic flower. Canna is an asymmetric flower.

5. Flowers are classified as unisexual or bisexual flowers based on the presence of male/ female sex organs.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Flowers are classified as unisexual or bisexual flowers based on the presence of male/ female sex organs. Flowers that posses either androecium (staminate) or gynoecium (pistillate) are called unisexual flowers. Flowers that possess both androecium and gynoecium are called bisexual flowers.
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6. Which among the following is incorrect about classification of flowers?
a) Pea possesses bilateral symmetry
b) Jasmine is an example of trimerous flower
c) Papaya is an example of unisexual flower
d) Hibiscus is an example of pentamerous flower
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pea possesses bilateral symmetry. Jasmine is an example of tetramerous (4 floral appendages) flower. Papaya is an example of unisexual flower. Hibiscus is an example of pentamerous flower (5 floral appendages).

7. Which among the following statements is incorrect about classification of flowers based on position of whorls?
a) In hypogynous flower, gynoecium occupies the highest position
b) Superior ovary is present in hypogynous flower
c) In epigynous flower, gynoecium and other whorls of the flower remain on the same level
d) China rose is an example of hypogynous flower
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Answer: c
Explanation: In hypogynous flower, gynoecium occupies the highest position. Superior ovary is present in hypogynous flower. In epigynous flower, gynoecium is the bottom most whorl. China rose is an example of hypogynous flower.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about classification of flowers based on the arrangement of whorls in a flower?
a) In hypogynous flower, ovary is present at the lower most level when compared to sepals, petals and stamens
b) In perigynous flower, ovary is neither the bottom most whorl nor the top most whorl
c) Ovary in perigynous flower is called half superior ovary
d) Ovary in epigynous flower is called inferior ovary
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Answer: a
Explanation: In hypogynous flower, ovary is present at the uper most level when compared to sepals, petals and stamens. In perigynous flower, ovary is neither the bottom most whorl nor the top most whorl. Ovary in perigynous flower is called half superior ovary. Ovary in epigynous flower is called inferior ovary.

9. A mustard flower is an example of ___________
a) Actinomorphic flower
b) Zygomorphic flower
c) Asymmetric flower
d) Epigynous flower
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Answer: a
Explanation: A mustard flower is an example of an actinomorphic flower. A flower is said to be actinomorphic if it possesses radial symmetry and zygomorphic if it possesses bilateral symmetry.

10. Periwinkle is an example of ______
a) Dimerous
b) Trimerous
c) Tetramerous
d) Pentamerous
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Answer: b
Explanation: Periwinkle and China rose are examples of pentamerous flowers (5 floral appendages). Lilies are examples of trimerous flowers (3 floral appendages). Jasmine is an example of tetramerous flower (4 floral appendages).

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