Class 11 Biology MCQ – Plant Kingdom – Algae-1

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plant Kingdom – Algae-1”.

1. Which of the following is not the basis for sub-classification in plants?
a) Well differentiable structure
b) Presence of seeds
c) Structure of branches
d) Seed coat
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Answer: c
Explanation: Plants are sub-classified based on their well-differentiable structure, presence of vascular tissues, presence of seeds, seed coat i.e. if the seeds are naked or covered.

2. The word “Thallophyta” means ________
a) plants that don’t have well-differentiable structure
b) plants that have large leaves
c) plants that grow in colonies
d) plants that are filamentous
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Answer: a
Explanation: Plants are classified as Thallophyta and others based on their well differentiable structure. Plants whose structure can’t be differentiated are put under the category of “Thallophyta”.

3. Which among the following is an incorrect statement?
a) Chlamydomanas is an example of unicellular algae
b) Chlamydomanas have flagella to promote their movement
c) Ulothrea is a unicellular autotrophic algal
d) Spirogyra attains its name because of spiral like arrangement of chloroplasts
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ulothrea are multicellular autotrophic algae. Chlamydomanas is an example of unicellular algae. Chlamydomanas have flagella to promote their movement. Spirogyra attains its name because of spiral like arrangement of chloroplasts.

4. Which among the following are called as salad leaves?
a) Ulothrea
b) Ulva
c) Chladophora
d) Spirogyra
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Answer: b
Explanation: Ulva is a multicellular algal that grows on moist rocks and walls. It is edible and is used as salad leaves. It is also called as sea lettuce. It has 2 layers of irregularly arranged cells.

5. Which among the following are incorrect about volvox?
a) Volvox grow in colonies
b) The structure that connects them are called cytoplasmic bridges
c) Daughter colonies of volvox grow inside the parent colony
d) They are immobile due to absence of flagellum
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Answer: d
Explanation: Volvox grows in colonies. The structures that connect them are called cytoplasmic bridges. Daughter colonies of volvox grow inside the parent colony. They contain flagellum that facilitates their movement.

6. The inner cell wall in spirogyra is made up of ________
a) Pectin
b) Cellulose
c) Chitin
d) Lipids
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Answer: b
Explanation: Spirogyra contains two cellular layers. The outer cellular layer is made of Pectin. The inner cellular in spirogyra is made up of Cellulose. This double cellular layered structure helps them to withstand osmotic pressure.

7. Which among the following is incorrect about Ulothrea?
a) Ulothrea is a multicellular filamentous algae
b) Ulothrea contains three different sets of cells i.e. apical, basal and lateral cells
c) Apical cells are rounded at one end whereas basal cells are elongated at one end
d) Every cell contains chlorophyll in them
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ulothrea are multicellular filamentous algal. Ulothrea contains three different sets of cells i.e. apical, basal and lateral cells. Apical cells are rounded at one end whereas basal cells are elongated at one end. Every cell contains chlorophyll except basal cell contains chlorophyll in them.

8. Which among the following are incorrect about Chladophora?
a) Chladophora is a filamentous branched algal
b) Chladophora is also called river weed in some areas
c) It is edible and are used in salads
d) There are many different varieties of chladophora that are difficult to be classified
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Answer: c
Explanation: Chladophora is a filamentous branched algal. Chladophora is also called river weed in some areas. It is edible. There are many different varieties of chladophora that are difficult to be classified. Ulva are also called as sea lettuce since they are used in salads.

9. Thallophyta follows cryptogamae.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thallophyta follow cryptogamae. The word “crypto” means secret and “gamae” means reproduction i.e. Thallophyta reproduces in a hidden manner using spores without formation of seeds or flowers.

10. Plants other than that of Thallophyta are classified based on the presence or absence of vascular tissues as Bryophyta and others.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Plants other than that of Thallophyta are classified based on the presence or absence of vascular tissues as Bryophyta and others. Plants are further classified based on their presence of seed and their seed cover.

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