Zoology MCQ – Animal Kingdom – Chordata-2

This set of Zoology Multiple Choice Questions and Answers focuses on “Animal Kingdom – Chordata-2”.

1. Which among the following is incorrect about Pisces?
a) They have a streamlined body and a muscular tail that helps them in their movement
b) They are cold-blooded animals and can regulate the body temperature
c) Their heart is 2 chambered
d) Their skeleton is made of cartilage and bone
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Answer: b
Explanation: Pisces have a streamlined body and a muscular tail that helps them in their movement. They are cold-blooded animals and hence cannot regulate their body temperature and rely on the environment to maintain a suitable temperature range. Their heart is 2 chambered. Their skeleton is made of cartilage and bone.

2. Which among the following is an incorrect statement about circulatory system in Pisces?
a) Their circulatory system is of closed type
b) They have two-chambered heart i.e. they have an auricle and a ventricle
c) They have a single circulatory system with gills i.e. oxygenated blood is pumped to body parts only once
d) Auricle is also called receiving chamber and ventricle is also called as pumping chamber
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Answer: c
Explanation: Circulatory system is of closed type in Pisces. They have two-chambered heart i.e. they have an auricle and a ventricle. They have a single circulatory system with gills i.e. heart receives blood only once. Auricle is also called receiving chamber and ventricle is also called as pumping chamber.

3. Which among the following is the main difference between Chondrichthytes and Osteichthytes?
a) Endoskeleton composition
b) Fins
c) Type of blood
d) Type of jaws
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Answer: a
Explanation: Pisces are sub-classified into Chondrichthytes and Osteichthytes based on the composition of endoskeleton. In Chondrichthytes or cartilaginous fishes, endoskeleton is made of cartilage. In Osteichthytes, endoskeleton is made of bone.

4. Which among the following is not correct about Chondrichthytes?
a) Chondrichthytes are jawless fishes
b) They have stream-lined body
c) Notochord is present throughout their life
d) Their skin is covered with pointed denticles
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Answer: a
Explanation: Chondrichthytes have powerful jaws. They have stream-lined body. Notochord is present through-out their life. Their skin is covered with pointed denticles. Some chondrichthytes like Tripado have electric organs to paralyze the prey. Some of them also use poisonous sting to catch prey.

5. Which among the following is incorrect about Osteichthyes?
a) Swim bladder helps them retain buoyancy
b) Many of them are edible
c) Gills are separate without operculum
d) Skin covered with cycloid/ ctenoid scales
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Answer: c
Explanation: Swim bladder helps them retain buoyancy. Many of them are edible. Gills have operculum. Skin covered with cycloid/ ctenoid scales. Most of the Osteichthyes like Katla and Rhono are edible.
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6. Which among the following is incorrect about Tetrapoda?
a) Lobe-finned fishes were ancestors of tetrapods
b) Tetrapoda are classified into 4 sub-classes i.e. Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia
c) The word tetrapoda means those that have four chambered heart
d) Most of them are terrestrial
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Answer: c
Explanation: Lobe-finned fishes were ancestors of tetrapods. Tetrapoda are classified into 4 sub-classes i.e. Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. The word tetrapoda means those that have four limbs. Most of them are terrestrial.

7. Which among the following is incorrect about Amphibia?
a) They can live both on land and water
b) They are warm-blooded animals
c) They have three chambered heart
d) They have gills/ lungs to respire
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Answer: b
Explanation: Amphibians can live both on land and water. They are cold-blooded animals i.e. they can’t regulate temperature. They have three chambered heart. They have gills/ lungs to respire.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about organ system in Amphibia?
a) In amphibians, blood passes the heart twice
b) Left auricle deals with deoxygenated blood
c) Ventricle deals with both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
d) Tympanum represents ears in amphibians
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Answer: b
Explanation: In amphibians, blood passes the heart twice i.e. they have double circulation. Left auricle deals with oxygenated blood whereas right auricle deals with deoxygenated blood. Ventricle deals with both oxygenated and deoxygenated blood. Tympanum represents ears in amphibians.

9. Which among the following is incorrect about Reptilia?
a) These are cold-blooded animals with scales on them
b) All of them have a three-chambered heart
c) Kidneys are present for excretion
d) These are oviparous
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Answer: b
Explanation: Reptiles are cold-blooded animals with scales on them. Most of them have three-chambered heart except crocodile. Crocodile has a four chambered heart. Kidneys are present for excretion. These are oviparous.

10. Which among the following is incorrect about Aves?
a) Scales are absent and skin is dry except at the one end there is an oil gland
b) Endoskeleton is made of bones and they respire through lungs
c) They have cold-blooded animals
d) They are dioecious and oviparous
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Answer: c
Explanation: Scales are absent and skin is dry except at the one end there is an oil gland. Endoskeleton is made of bones and they respire through lungs. They are warm-blooded animals. They are dioecious and oviparous.

11. Which among the following is incorrect about Mammals?
a) They are mostly terrestrial and feed their young ones with milk
b) Scales are absent, instead hairs, sweat and oil glands on skin
c) They respire through lungs and their heart is four-chambered
d) Bats are the only mammals that lay eggs and feed their young ones with milk
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Answer: d
Explanation: Mammals are mostly terrestrial and feed their young ones with milk. Scales are absent, instead hairs, sweat and oil glands on skin. They respire through lungs and their heart is four-chambered. Platypus is the only mammal that lays eggs and feed its young ones with milk.

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