NEET Class 11 Biology MCQ – Morphology of Flowering Plants

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Morphology of Flowering Plants” for NEET Preparation.

1. Plants are usually described beginning with its habit, vegetative characters and floral characters like inflorescence, parts of a flower – Gynoecium, Androecium, Calyx and Corolla.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Plants are usually described beginning with its habit, vegetative characters and floral characters like inflorescence, parts of a flower – Gynoecium, Androecium, Calyx and Corolla.

2. In a flower a superior ovary is represented by ___________
a) K
b) A
c) G
d) – – –G– –
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Answer: c
Explanation: In a flower a superior ovary is represented by G. Calyx is represented by K and corolla is represented by c. A represents Androecium and – – –G– – represents an inferior ovary. P refers to the perianth in the flower.

3. Which among the following is incorrect about the symbols used in a floral formula?
a) K is used to represent the calyx of a flower
b) C is used to represent the perianth of a flower
c) Br is used to represent the bracetate of a flower
d) A is used to represent the androecium of a flower
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Answer: b
Explanation: K is used to represent the calyx of a flower. Br is used to represent the bracetate of a flower. A is used to represent the androecium of a flower. C is used to represent the corolla of a flower. P indicates the perianth of a flower.

4. Which among the following is not correct about a floral diagram?
a) A floral diagram represents a clear pictorial view of a flower
b) The position of the mother axis with respect to the other floral parts is represented by the dot on the top of the floral diagram
c) It is possible to represent the cohesion and adhesion within parts of whorls and between whorls using a floral diagram
d) In a floral diagram, the fusion is represented by enclosing the figure within brackets and adhesion is represented by drawing line over the symbols of the floral parts
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Answer: d
Explanation: A floral diagram represents a clear pictorial view of a flower. The position of the mother axis with respect to the other floral parts is represented by the dot on the top of the floral diagram. It is possible to represent the cohesion and adhesion within parts of whorls and between whorls using a floral diagram. In a floral formula, the fusion is represented by enclosing the figure within brackets and adhesion is represented by drawing line over the symbols of the floral parts.

5. Fusion and adhesion are indicated by enclosing the figure within bracket or by drawing a line above the symbols of the floral parts respectively.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In a floral formula, fusion and adhesion are indicated by enclosing the figure within bracket or by drawing a line above the symbols of the floral parts respectively. A floral formula represents a flower using simple symbols.
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6. Fabaceae was earlier known as ________
a) Solanaceae
b) Papilionoideae
c) Liliaceae
d) Potato family
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fabaceae was earlier known as Papilionoideae. They are mostly widespread throughout the world and are sub-family of the family Leguminosae. They are found mostly as climber but sometimes can be even erect.

7. Which among the following statements is incorrect about Fabaceae?
a) Their venation is reticulate
b) They are found in almost every part of the world
c) They belong to the family of Leguminosae
d) The flowers in this kind grow in basipetal fashion
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Answer: d
Explanation: Venation in Fabaceae is reticulate. They are found in almost every part of the world. They belong to the family of Leguminosae. The flowers in this kind grow in acro-petal fashion.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about Fabaceae?
a) They are zygomorphic and gamosepalous in nature
b) They have an inferior ovary
c) Their androecium is diadelphous
d) Soyabeans belongs to this category
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Answer: b
Explanation: Fabaceae is zygomorphic and gamosepalous in nature. They have a superior ovary. Their androecium is diadelphous. Soyabeans, Lupin etc. belongs to the category o Fabaceae.

9. Which among the following is incorrect?
a) Solanaceae is also called as the potato family
b) Lupin and sweet pea is also called as ornamentals
c) The flowers in Solanaceae grow in a basipetal fashion
d) The petals in Solanaceae show imbricate aestivation
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Answer: d
Explanation: Solanaceae is also called as the potato family. Lupin and sweet pea is also called as ornamentals. Lupin and sweet pea is also called as ornamentals. The petals in Solanaceae show valvate aestivation.

10. Androecium in Solanaceae is _________
a) Epipetalous
b) Epiphyllous
c) Monoadelphous
d) Polyadelphous
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Answer: a
Explanation: Androecium in Solanaceae is Epipetalous which means that the stamens are attached to the petals. Androecium is said to be epiphyllous when attached to the perianth like that in lily.

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