Class 11 Biology MCQ – Eukaryotic Cells and it’s Organelles – 3

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 8 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Eukaryotic Cells and it’s Organelles – 3”.

1. Identify the structure.
Endoplasmic reticulum with phospholipid bilayer
a) Mitochondria
b) Nucleus
c) Golgi apparatus
d) Endoplasmic reticulum
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Answer: d
Explanation: The structure shown in the diagram is the endoplasmic reticulum. Its membrane, which is a phospholipid bilayer, is continuous with the membrane of the nucleus. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is shown here.

2. What is the space inside the endoplasmic reticulum called?
a) Tubular compartment
b) Extra – tubular compartment
c) Luminal compartment
d) Extra – luminal compartment
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Answer: c
Explanation: The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle whose membrane is continuous with the membrane of the nucleus. It divides the intracellular space into two compartments – luminal and extra – luminal.

3. Where are the ribosomes attached in rough endoplasmic reticulum?
a) In the lumen
b) On the folds towards the nucleus
c) On the surface
d) On the folds towards the cell membrane
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Answer: c
Explanation: Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types- smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes present on its outer surface.

4. What is present on the surface of the rough endoplasmic reticulum?
a) Ribosomes
b) Peroxisomes
c) Lysosomes
d) Endosomes
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Answer: a
Explanation: Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types- smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes present on its outer surface.

5. Endoplasmic reticulum without ribosomes is called ______
a) rough endoplasmic reticulum
b) smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c) non – ribosomal endoplasmic reticulum
d) nuclear endoplasmic reticulum
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Answer: b
Explanation: Endoplasmic reticulum is of two types – smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has ribosomes present on its outer surface.
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6. Which of these cell organelles is involved in protein synthesis?
a) Lysosome
b) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
c) Rough endoplasmic reticulum
d) Peroxisome
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Answer: c
Explanation: The rough endoplasmic reticulum contains ribosomes on its surface. Hence, the rough endoplasmic reticulum is actively involved in protein synthesis. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is involved in lipid synthesis.

7. Which of these statements is not true regarding rough endoplasmic reticulum?
a) The inner compartment is called the tubular compartment
b) It is involved in protein synthesis
c) Ribosomes are attached to its outer surface
d) Its membrane is continuous with the outer membrane of the nucleus
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Answer: a
Explanation: The inner compartment of the rough endoplasmic reticulum is called the luminal compartment. The ribosomes are attached to the outer surface and it is actively involved in protein synthesis.

8. What is the site of production of lipid-like steroidal hormones in animal cells?
a) Mitochondria
b) Nucleus
c) Peroxisomes
d) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
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Answer: d
Explanation: Smooth endoplasmic reticulum is the site of synthesis of lipid-like steroidal hormones. It is the major site for the production of lipids. Rough endoplasmic reticulum is the site of synthesis of proteins.

9. What is the diameter of cisternae of Golgi bodies?
a) 5μm to 10μm
b) 0.05μm to 0.1μm
c) 0.5μm to 1.0μm
d) 50μm to 100μm
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Answer: c
Explanation: Golgi bodies were named after the scientist who discovered them, Camillo Golgi. Golgi bodies contain flat, disc – shaped sacs called cisternae. The diameter of the cisternae is 0.5μm to 1.0μm.

10. The forming face of the Golgi complex is convex. True or false?
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Golgi complex is made of sacs called cisternae. The forming face which faces the nucleus is convex or cis, while the maturing face which faces away from the nucleus is concave or trans.

11. Which of these is not a function of the Golgi apparatus?
a) Packaging of proteins
b) Modification of proteins
c) Synthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids
d) Synthesis of proteins
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Answer: d
Explanation: Golgi bodies are involved in the synthesis of glycoproteins and glycolipids. They are also involved in the modifications and packaging of proteins received from the endoplasmic reticulum. It does not synthesize proteins.

12. Which of these is not a lysosomal enzyme?
a) Lipases
b) Protease
c) Kinases
d) carbohydrase
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Answer: c
Explanation: The lysosome contains various enzymes collectively known as lysosomal acid hydrolases. The enzymes are hydrolytic enzymes such as lipase, protease and carbohydrase. Kinases are not hydrolytic enzymes.

13. Which of these statements is false regarding lysosomes?
a) They are bound by a single membrane
b) They contain hydrolytic enzymes
c) Lysosomal enzymes are active at a basic pH
d) They can digest nucleic acids
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Answer: c
Explanation: Lysosomes are bound by a single membrane. The contain hydrolytic enzymes which are active at an acidic pH and digest substances such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids and nucleic acids, by hydrolysis.

14. What are the membranes of vacuoles called?
a) Tonoplast
b) Leucoplast
c) Amyloplast
d) Chromoplast
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Answer: a
Explanation: Vacuoles are covered by a single membrane known as tonoplast. Vacuoles contain substances for storage such as water, or excretory products such as sap and other materials not useful for the cell.

15. Which of these is a function of the contractile vacuole in Amoeba?
a) Lipoprotein synthesis
b) Osmoregulation of the cell
c) Glycoprotein synthesis
d) Degradation of nucleic acids
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Answer: b
Explanation: Vacuoles contain substances for storage such as water, or excretory products such as sap and other materials not useful for the cell. the contractile vacuole in Amoeba is responsible for osmoregulation and excretion.

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