Class 11 Biology MCQ – Plant Kingdom – Bryophytes-2

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 3 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Plant Kingdom – Bryophytes-2”.

1. Which of the following is incorrect?
a) Gametes are produced in sex organs called gametophytes
b) Male gametes are transported to female gametes through water
c) Male and female gametes further fuse to form a zygotic structure that develops into an embryo
d) This embryo further develops to form a haploidic structure called sporophytes that bear spores
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Answer: a
Explanation: Gametes are produced in sex organs called gametophytes. Male gametes are transported to female gametes through water. Male and female gametes further fuse to form a zygotic structure that develops into an embryo. This embryo further develops to form a haploidic structure called sporophytes that bear spores.

2. Sporophyte bears spores in ___________
a) Capsule
b) Seta
c) Foot
d) Strond
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sporophyte contains mainly of three parts capsule, seta and foot. Capsule is the portion of sporophyte that bears spores and seta is the part that transfers water and nutrients from gametophyte to capsule.

3. Which is the dominant phase in the life cycle of liverworts?
a) Diploid sporophyte
b) Diploid zygote
c) Haploid gametophyte
d) Diploid spores
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Answer: c
Explanation: Haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase in the life cycle of liverworts. Diploid sporophyte, diploid zygote and diploid spores are short living intermediary structures that finally result in gametophyte.

4. Both male and female reproductive gametes must be present in the same leafy liverworts in order to facilitate reproduction.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Male and female gametes need not be present in the same leafy liverworts in order to facilitate reproduction. In case of mosses, male and female reproductive organs grow on same thallus as antheridial branch and archegonial branch.

5. Which among the following is an incorrect statement?
a) Zygote is formed by fusion of male and female gametes and is diploid in nature
b) Zygote undergoes reduction division to form a structure called sporophyte
c) Sporophyte undergoes meiosis to produce spores
d) Spores germinate to form new thallus
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Answer: b
Explanation: Zygote is formed by fusion of male and female gametes and is diploid in nature. Zygote doesn’t undergo reduction division immediately after fusion. They instead form a structure called as sporophyte. Sporophyte undergoes meiosis to produce spores. Spores germinate to form new thallus.
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6. Which among the following is correct?
Capsule, Seta, Foot, Sporophyte, Rhizoids & Gametophyte of sporophyte
a) a-Capsule; b-Seta; c-Rhizoids; d-Gametophyte; e-Foot; f-Sporophyte
b) a-Capsule; b-Seta; c-Foot; d-Sporophyte; e-Rhizoids; f-Gametophyte
c) a-Sporesac; b-Stipe; c-Foot; d-Sporophyte; e-Rhizoids; f-Gametophyte
d) a-Gemmae; b-Stipe; c-Leaves; d-Sporophyte; e-Rhizoids; f-Gametophyte
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Answer: b
Explanation: After the fusion, the embryo develops into a structure called Sporophyte that grows out on Gametophyte. It has a long erect stalk called Seta that transfers water and nutrients from gametophyte to capsule. Capsule is the portion of Sporophyte that bears spores. Foot is the portion of Sporophyte that anchors to Gametophyte.

7. Which among the following is incorrect about the following figure?
Archegonium with diploidic structure zygote
a) The flower-like portion in the figure shows Antheridium
b) The male and female gametes fuse to form a diploidic structure called zygote
c) Zygote further develops to form Sporophyte that bears spores
d) Sporophyte depends on gametophyte for its nutrition
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Answer: a
Explanation: The flower-like portion in the figure shows Archegonium. The male and female gametes fuse to form a diploidic structure called zygote. Zygote further develops to form Sporophyte that bears spores. Sporophyte depends on gametophyte for its nutrition.

8. Which among the following is incorrect?
a) In mosses, spores germinate to form protonema, a green creepy structure that further develops into leaf like thallus
b) Rhizoids hold mosses to ground and prevent soil erosion
c) Gemmae are sexual propagative organs in Liverworts that contain gemmae which further gives rise to a new individual
d) Water is extremely important for the sexual reproduction of bryophytes
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Answer: c
Explanation: In mosses, spores germinate to form protonema, a green creepy structure that further develops into leaf like thallus. Rhizoids hold mosses to ground and prevent soil erosion. Gemmae are asexual propagative organs in Liverworts that contain gemmae which further gives rise to a new individual. Water is extremely important for carrying male gamete towards female gamete in order to facilitate sexual reproduction of bryophytes.

9. Diploidic Sporophyte is the predominant phase in the life cycle of mosses.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: b
Explanation: Haploidic gametophyte is the predominant phase in the life cycle of mosses. Protonema, Sporophyte, Spores and Zygote are intermediary structures in the life cycle of mosses.

10. The part “a” shown in the figure if b is antheridium _________
Antheridium bearing antherozoid or sperms to form a Sporophyte
a) Antherozoid
b) Zoospores
c) Pollen grain
d) Archegonidia
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Answer: a
Explanation: The figure shows Antheridium bearing antherozoid or sperms. Sperms are the male gametes in bryophytes that fuse with the female gamete i.e. the egg cell to form zygote. A zygote further develops to form a Sporophyte that bears spores.

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