Class 11 Biology MCQ – Morphology of Flowering Plants

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Morphology of Flowering Plants”. These MCQs are created based on the latest CBSE syllabus and the NCERT curriculum, offering valuable assistance for exam preparation.

1. Which among the following is incorrect about the root?
a) Radicle grows to form a primary root inside the soil
b) From the primary roots grows the secondary roots from lateral surfaces
c) Most of the monocotyledons adopt tap root system
d) Adventitious roots are present in Banyan tree
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Answer: b
Explanation: Radicle grows to form a primary root inside the soil. Radicle grows to form a primary root inside the soil. Most of the dicotyledons adopt tap root system. Adventitious roots are present in Banyan tree.

2. Which among the following is an incorrect statement about root?
a) The root is covered at the end by a thimble like structure called root cap
b) Meristematic tissue helps in the growth of plants
c) Mersistematic cells when mature forms the so called growing cells
d) Root hairs increase the surface area which helps in increasing the levels of water absorption
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Answer: c
Explanation: The root is covered at the end by a thimble like structure called root cap. Meristematic tissue helps in the growth of plants. Meristematic cells when mature form the so called permanent cells. Root hairs increase the surface area which helps in increasing the levels of water absorption.

3. Which among the following is incorrect about the modifications in roots?
a) Roots undergo modifications to perform conduction of water and minerals
b) Prop roots help in anchoring banyan tree to the ground
c) Pneumatophores are present in maize and sugar cane that help them to respire easily
d) Tap roots in turnip and carrot store food in their roots
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Answer: c
Explanation: Roots undergo modifications to perform conduction of water and minerals. Prop roots help in anchoring banyan tree to the ground. Pneumatophores are present in Rhizopora that help them to respire easily. Tap roots in turnip and carrot store food in their roots.

4. The word morphology means ___________
a) Study of structure
b) Study of bones
c) Study of change
d) Study of skin
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Answer: a
Explanation: The word morphology derives its origin from Greek which means study of structure. Morphology is a branch of biology that deals with the structure of living organisms and the relationship between their structures.

5. Which among the following is incorrect about shoot system?
a) The portion of a plant that grows above the soil is called shoot system
b) Aerial roots are a part of shoot system
c) Shoot system comprises of leaves, branches, flowers and fruits
d) The shoot system develops from plumule
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Answer: b
Explanation: The portion of a plant that grows above the soil is called shoot system. Aerial roots are a part of shoot system. Shoot system comprises of leaves, branches, flowers and fruits. The shoot system develops from plumule.

6. Fibrous roots are present in monocotyledons.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: There are mainly two kinds of roots, namely, tap root and fibrous root. Tap root are present in most of the dicotyledons whereas fibrous roots are present in monocotyledons.

7. Which among the following is incorrect about tap root and fibrous root?
a) Tap root grows deep into the soil
b) Fibrous root grows laterally
c) In fibrous root system, one primary root and more than one secondary root is present
d) Most of the dicotyledons adopt tap root system
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Answer: c
Explanation: Tap root grows deep into the soil. Fibrous root grows laterally in the soil. In tap root system, one primary root and more than one secondary root is present. Most of the dicotyledons adopt tap root system.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about root system in carrot?
a) In carrot, roots are edible
b) They adopt fibrous root system
c) Turnip and beetroot also adopt the same type of root system
d) In this root system, one primary root present grows deep into soil and many secondary roots grow along the sides of the primary roots
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Answer: b
Explanation: In carrot, roots are edible. They adopt fibrous root system. Turnip and beetroot also adopt the same type of root system. In this root system, one primary root present grows deep into soil and many secondary roots grow along the sides of the primary roots.

9. Which among the following is incorrect about adventitious root system?
a) Adventitious roots when buried in soil grows into new roots
b) These roots provide additional anchoring to a plant
c) These are the roots that grow from parts that are other than the radicle
d) Adventitious roots are present in Turnip
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Answer: d
Explanation: Adventitious roots when buried in soil grow into new roots. These roots provide additional anchoring to a plant. These are the roots that grow from parts that are other than the radicle. Adventitious roots are present in banyan tree.

10. Grass contains adventitious roots.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Adventitious roots arise from parts of the plant other than the radicle. Both banyan tree and grass adopt adventitious roots that grow from various parts of the plant other than the radicle.

More MCQs on Class 11 Biology Chapter 5:

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