Class 11 Biology MCQ – Respiration in Animals

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 17 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Respiration in Animals”.

1. The process which involves the gaseous exchange between the organism and its environment is called as _______
a) Metabolism
b) Photosynthesis
c) Respiration
d) Exchange process
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Answer: c
Explanation: Respiration is the process in which gaseous exchange occurs between the organism and its environment. It is also called breathing. The main concept of this process is exchange of CO2 and O2.

2. Carbon dioxide is harmful to the body.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: True statement. Carbon dioxide is a by-product in our body which is harmful to beings. It has to be removed systematically, which is carried out through respiration.

3. The respiration mechanism of an organism mainly depends on which of the following?
a) Survival instincts
b) Habitats
c) Levels of situation
d) Habits
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Answer: b
Explanation: The mechanism of an organism mainly depends on two things. It is their habitat and level of organization. Small animals have less complex mechanisms, whereas higher organisms have more complex mechanism for respiration. It also depends on where they live.

4. Which of the following organisms undergo respiration through diffusion?
a) Sponges
b) Mammals
c) Bats
d) Whales
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sponges are the invertebrates that undergo respiration through diffusion. It mainly occurs between their body surface and surrounding. It is the simplest form of respiration.

5. Earthworms respire through organs called as ______
a) Trachea
b) Cuticle
c) Book lungs
d) Heart
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Answer: b
Explanation: Earthworms respire mainly through an organ called cuticle. It is very moist and present on their body segments. It keeps the body moist and prevents drying out. It also has got protective property.

6. Tracheal tubes are present for which type of organisms?
a) Birds
b) Worms
c) Frogs
d) Insects
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Answer: d
Explanation: Insects respire using an organ called trachea. Several tubes are present for trachea that is uniformly distributed inside the body of the organism. The trachea divides into tracheoles through which the oxygen is supplied to the body parts.

7. Aquatic arthropods and mollusks use which organ for respiration?
a) Lungs
b) Gills
c) Eyes
d) Nose
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Answer: b
Explanation: Since aquatic arthropods and mollusks are mainly in water, they use gills for respiration. These gills are present as outgrowths to their skin, which is covered by the exoskeleton. The exchange of gases takes place through these gills.

8. Which organism classification can breathe through moist skin?
a) Birds
b) Mammals
c) Reptiles
d) Amphibians
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Answer: d
Explanation: Amphibians respire through both skin and lungs. The offsprings of amphibians respire through gills. The adults mainly breath through lungs or moist skin. Since their diaphragm is reduced, they mostly respire through their skin. This is applicable mainly to frogs.

9. Which vertebrates have the most well-developed respiratory system?
a) Mammals
b) Reptiles
c) Aves
d) Amphibians
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Answer: a
Explanation: Mammals are the most complex form of organism in the classification of vertebrates. Since they are complex organisms, they have a well-developed respiratory system. Lungs are the main respiratory organs of mammals.

10. A fish which is taken and brought to land dies within a few minutes because of _____
a) global warming
b) high temperature
c) pressure absence
d) inability to respire
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Answer: d
Explanation: Fishes respire through their gills in water and have no other means for breathing on land. So, when taken out of the water, they die due to the absence of oxygen. Fishes live in water because of the presence of dissolved oxygen present in water bodies.

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