Botany MCQ – Morphology of Flowering Plants – Root

This set of Botany Multiple Choice Questions and Answers focuses on “Morphology of Flowering Plants – Root”.

1. Modification is necessary for plants to ensure that few specific functions other than water and mineral absorption.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Modification is necessary for plants to ensure that few specific functions other than water and mineral absorption. Some of these functions include food storage, support and respiration.

2. Which among the following is incorrect about modifications of roots with respect to food storage?
a) Most of the times, tap roots become swollen to store food
b) Radish adopts napiform to store food
c) Napiform is found in turnip and the root is spherical in the top and tapers in the bottom
d) If the root is swollen in the middle and those that tapers on both the sides are called fusiform roots
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Answer: b
Explanation: Most of the times, tap roots become swollen to store. Radish adopts fusiform to store food. Napiform is found in turnip and the root is spherical in the top and tapers in the bottom. If the root is swollen in the middle and those that tapers on both the sides are called fusiform roots.

3. Which among the following is incorrect about modifications in adventitious roots for food storage?
a) Tuberous roots are those roots that are swollen and don’t have any specific shape
b) Tuberous roots are found in plants like sweet potato
c) Slender roots with swollen apex are found in Dahlia
d) Fasciculated roots are those that have tubercles at the stem base
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Answer: c
Explanation: Tuberous roots are those roots that are swollen and don’t have any specific shape. These are found in plants like sweet potato. Slender roots with swollen apex are found in Dahlia. Fasciculated roots are those that have tubercles at the stem base.

4. Which among the following is not correct about modifications of roots to facilitate respiration?
a) In some plants that grow in marshy areas, roots are modified to facilitate respiration
b) Pneumatophores are specialized breathing roots that help in respiration of plant that grows in marshy areas
c) Breathing roots are present in mango
d) Exchange of gases occur through lenticels in pneumatophores
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Answer: c
Explanation: In some plants that grow in marshy areas, roots are modified to facilitate respiration. Pneumatophores are specialized breathing roots that help in respiration of plant that grows in marshy areas. Breathing roots are present in mangroves that occur mostly in Sunderban deltas. Exchange of gases occurs through lenticels in pneumatophores.

5. Roots in few huge trees are modifies to provide mechanical support.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Roots in few huge trees are modifies to provide mechanical support. For example prop roots present in banyan tree, stilt roots present in sugarcane and maize and climbing roots in betel plant.
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6. Which among the following is incorrect about modification in roots for mechanical support?
a) Prop roots are those that originate from aerial branches
b) Prop roots are also called hanging roots
c) Those roots that originate from stem base that grow obliquely and penetrate into the soil are called stilt roots
d) Stilt roots are present in beetle
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Answer: d
Explanation: Prop roots are those that originate from aerial branches. Prop roots are also called hanging roots. Those roots that originate from stem base that grow obliquely and penetrate into the soil are called stilt roots. Stilt roots are present in sugar cane and maize.

7. Which among the following statements is incorrect?
a) In trapa, roots help in performing photosynthesis
b) In few aquatic plants, roots are modified into spongy structure help in floating by maintaining buoyancy
c) In parasitic plants, haustorial roots penetrate into host to derive nutrition
d) Floating roots are present in cuscuta
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Answer: d
Explanation: In trapa, roots help in performing photosynthesis. In few aquatic plants, roots are modified into spongy structure help in floating by maintaining buoyancy. In parasitic plants, haustorial roots penetrate into host to derive nutrition. Haustorial roots are present in cuscuta.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about importance of root system?
a) Root system helps in absorption of water and minerals from soil
b) In plants like mangroves, breathing roots called pneumatophores are present
c) Pneumatophores grow vertically upwards and exchange gases through lenticels
d) Plants that grow tall derive their additional mechanical support by sending pillar like woody roots called stilt roots
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Answer: d
Explanation: Root system helps in absorption of water and minerals from soil. In plants like mangroves, breathing roots called pneumatophores are present. Pneumatophores grow vertically upwards and exchange gases through lenticels. Plants that grow tall derive their additional mechanical support by sending pillar like woody roots called prop roots.

9. Which among the following is incorrect about roots in banyan tree?
a) Banyan roots have adventitious roots called prop roots that provide them with additional support
b) Prop roots are also called as climbing roots
c) Prop roots on meeting the soil form secondary and tertiary roots
d) Initially these start as tiny outgrowth on the branches and become woody and large
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Answer: b
Explanation: Banyan roots have adventitious roots called prop roots that provide them with additional support. Prop roots are also called as hanging roots. Prop roots on meeting the soil form secondary and tertiary roots. Initially these start as tiny outgrowth on the branches and become woody and large.

10. Which among the following is incorrect about climbing roots?
a) These roots originate from nodes or internodes
b) They help plant climb on the surface
c) These roots secrete sticky substances that help the plants to stick on the walls
d) Climbing roots help in anchoring the plant to the soil
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Answer: d
Explanation: Climbing roots originate from nodes or internodes. They help plant climb on the surface. These roots secrete sticky substances that help the plants to stick on the walls. Climbing roots don’t help in anchoring the plant to the soil.

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