Class 11 Biology MCQ – Morphology of Flowering Plants – Stem

This set of Class 11 Biology Chapter 5 Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Morphology of Flowering Plants – Stem”.

1. A stem is positively phototropic and most of the times negatively geotropic.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: A stem is positively phototropic and most of the times negatively geotropic. Roots are negatively phototropic and most of the times positively geotrophic. A stem can grow underground as well.

2. Which among the following is incorrect about stem?
a) It is initially greenish and turns woody gradually
b) A stem bears leaves, flowers, buds and fruits etc. and grows vertically erect
c) Both the shoot and stem refers to the same part of a plant
d) Aerial axis of a grown plant is called a stem
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Answer: c
Explanation: Most of the times, tap roots become swollen to store. Radish adopts fusiform to store food. Napiform is found in turnip and the root is spherical in the top and tapers in the bottom. If the root is swollen in the middle and those that tapers on both the sides are called fusiform roots.

3. Which among the following statements is incorrect about stem?
a) The region of stem where buds arise is called a node
b) The region between two consecutive nodes is called inter-node
c) Stem helps in conduction of water and nutrients between root and shoot
d) Stem system includes fruits, flowers, buds and leaves etc
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Answer: d
Explanation: The region of stem where buds arise is called a node. The region between two consecutive nodes is called inter-node. Stem helps in conduction of water and nutrients between root and shoot. Shoot system includes fruits, flowers, buds and leaves etc.

4. Which among the following is not correct about different modifications of stem?
a) Weak stems are aerial stems that are further classified into trailer, creeper and climber
b) Stems in rhizome, tuber and bulb grow under the ground
c) In some plants, stems are modified into thorns for defense
d) Stems in corn grow above the ground
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Answer: d
Explanation: Weak stems are aerial stems that are further classified into trailer, creeper and climber. Stems in rhizome, tuber and bulb grow under the ground. In some plants, stems are modified into thorns for defense. Stems in corn grow under the ground.

5. Which among the following is not correct about aerial stems?
a) Aerial stems can be classified into week stems and strong stems
b) Trailers are classified into procumbent, decumbent and diffuse based on the way they trail on the ground
c) Tridax is an example of diffused stem
d) Climbers are those plants that climb on any neighboring plants using modified stem structure called tendrils
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Answer: c
Explanation: Aerial stems can be classified into week stems and strong stems. Trailers are classified into procumbent, decumbent and diffuse based on the way they trail on the ground. Tridax is an example of decumbent stem. Climbers are those plants that climb on any neighboring plants using modified stem structure called tendrils.

6. Which among the following is incorrect about different modes of modifications in stems?
a) Tendrils are tender and spirally coiled structures that arise from the axillary buds help in climbing of plants
b) Stem thorns are woody and pointed structures that develop from apical buds and provides protection of plants
c) Phylloclades are similar to stem thorns in structure but phylloclades are modification of leaves carry photosynthesis and also reduce transpiration
d) In cladodes, only some part of stem is fleshy and green and they are capable of performing photosynthesis
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Answer: b
Explanation: Tendrils are tender and spirally coiled structures that arise from the axillary buds help in climbing of plants. Stem thorns are woody and pointed structures that develop from axial buds and provides protection of plants. Phylloclades are similar to stem thorns in structure but phylloclades are modification of leaves carry photosynthesis and also reduce transpiration. In cladodes, only some part of stem is fleshy and green and they are capable of performing photosynthesis.

7. Which among the following statements is incorrect about creepers?
a) Runners are modified sub-aerial stem that run along the ground and roots develop at nodes
b) Suckers arise from the underground part of the stem and these roots are present in Mentha
c) Stolon arises from the base of the main stem and gives rise to a new plant when meets the soil
d) In pineapple, stem is modified into stolon
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Answer: d
Explanation: Runners are modified sub-aerial stem that run along the ground and roots develop at nodes. Suckers arise from the underground part of the stem and these roots are present in Mentha. Stolon arises from the base of the main stem and gives rise to a new plant when meets the soil. In pineapple, stem is modified into suckers.

8. Which among the following is incorrect about rhizome?
a) Thick stems that grow horizontally under the soil are rhizomes
b) Nodes and internodes are present in this kind of roots and the adventitious roots arise from the node
c) Rhizomes are unaffected during unfavourable conditions
d) The edible part of ginger is a root
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Answer: d
Explanation: Thick stems that grow horizontally under the soil are rhizomes. Nodes and internodes are present in this kind of stem and the adventitious roots arise from the node. Rhizomes are unaffected during unfavourable conditions. The edible part of ginger is the rhizome i.e. the underground stem.

9. The eyes in the potato are the nodes in the potato.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: In potato, the swollen tuber is the edible in stems. Tubers help in the storage of food. The eyes in the potato are the nodes in the potato. The distance between two eyes is called inter-node.

10. Which among the following is incorrect about bulb?
a) In bulb, stem is underground and condensed with fleshy leaves
b) Leaves are arranged in concentric fashion
c) In garlic, a single bulb is present
d) Scale leaves are present on the bulb
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Answer: c
Explanation: In bulb, stem is underground and condensed with fleshy leaves. Leaves are arranged in concentric fashion. In onion, a single bulb is present whereas in garlic many bulbs combine to form a bigger bulb. Scale leaves are present on the bulb.

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