Aerodynamics Multiple Choice Questions Highlights
- 1000+ Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) in Aerodynamics with a detailed explanation of every question.- These MCQs cover theoretical concepts, true-false(T/F) statements, fill-in-the-blanks and match the following style statements.
- These MCQs also cover numericals as well as diagram oriented MCQs.
- These MCQs are organized chapterwise and each Chapter is futher organized topicwise.
- Every MCQ set focuses on a specific topic of a given Chapter in Aerodynamics Subject.
Who should Practice Aerodynamics MCQs?
– Students who are preparing for college tests and exams such as mid-term tests and semester tests on Aerodynamics.- Students who are preparing for Online/Offline Tests/Contests in Aerodynamics.
– Students who wish to sharpen their knowledge of Aerodynamics Subject.
- Anyone preparing for Aptitude test in Aerodynamics.
- Anyone preparing for interviews (campus/off-campus interviews, walk-in interview and company interviews).
- Anyone preparing for entrance examinations and other competitive examinations.
- All - Experienced, Freshers and College / School Students.
Aerodynamics Chapters
Here's the list of chapters on the "Aerodynamics" subject covering 100+ topics. You can practice the MCQs chapter by chapter starting from the 1st chapter or you can jump to any chapter of your choice.- Aerodynamics – Fundamental Principles and Equations
- Inviscid & Incompressible Flow
- Incompressible Flow over Airfoils
- Flow over Airfoils over Finite Wing
- Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow
- Helicopter Dynamics
- Compressible Flow – Preliminary Aspects
- Normal Shock Waves
- Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves
- Compressible Flow through Nozzles, Diffusers and Wind Tunnels
- Subsonic Compressible Flow over Airfoils : Linear Theory, Linearized Supersonic Flow
- Numerical Techniques for Nonlinear Supersonic Flow, Elements of Hypersonic Flow, Couette and Poiseuille Flow
- Boundary Layers, Laminar & Turbulent Boundary Layers, Navier Stokes Solutions
- Integral Form of Conservation Equation for Inviscid Flow
- One Dimensional Flow
- Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow
- Differential Conservative Equations for Inviscid Flow
- Unsteady Wave Motion
- Velocity Potential Equation
- Linearized and Conical Flows
- Numerical Techniques for Steady Supersonic Flow
- Time-Marching Technique
- Three-Dimensional Flow
- Transonic and Hypersonic Flows
- Properties of High Temperature Gases
- High Temperature Flows
1. Aerodynamics – Fundamental Principles and Equations
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on finite control volume approach, infinitesimal fluid element, continuity and energy equations, pathlines, streamlines, streaklines, angular velocity, vorticity, strain and circulation.
2. Inviscid & Incompressible Flow
The section contains questions and answers on bernoulli’s equation, duct incompressible flow, pitot tube, pressure coefficient, uniform, source and doublet flows, nonlifting flow over cylinder and arbitrary bodies, lifting flow over cylinder, kutta joukowski theorem and vortex flow.
3. Incompressible Flow over Airfoils
The section contains MCQs on airfoil nomenclature and characteristics, vortex sheet, kutta condition, kelvin’s circulation theorem, symmetric and cambered airfoils, modern low speed airfoils, viscous, laminar and turbulent flows.
4. Flow over Airfoils over Finite Wing
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on downwash and induced drag, vortex filament, biot savart law, helmholtz theorem, prandtl’s classical lifting line and lifting surface theory.
5. Three-Dimensional Incompressible Flow
The section contains questions and answers on flow over sphere, three dimensional source, three dimensional doublet and three dimensional flow panel techniques.
6. Helicopter Dynamics
The section contains MCQs on helicopter rotor and its notations, momentum theory, helicopter blades propellers, blade element theory, combined blade element and momentum theory.
7. Compressible Flow – Preliminary Aspects
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on thermodynamics, compressibility and stagnation conditions.
8. Normal Shock Waves
The section contains questions and answers on normal shock equations, flow compressible and its velocity measurement.
9. Oblique Shock and Expansion Waves
The section contains MCQs on oblique shock relations, supersonic flow over wedges and cones, viscous flow, shock interactions and reflections, oblique waves sources, shock polar, solid boundary regular reflection, pressure deflection diagrams, three dimensional shock waves, prandtl-meyer expansion waves and shock expansion theory.
10. Compressible Flow through Nozzles, Diffusers and Wind Tunnels
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on quasi one dimensional flow, diffusers and supersonic wind tunnels.
11. Subsonic Compressible Flow over Airfoils : Linear Theory, Linearized Supersonic Flow
The section contains questions and answers on prandtl glauert compressibility, supercritical airfoil and supersonic airfoils application.
12. Numerical Techniques for Nonlinear Supersonic Flow, Elements of Hypersonic Flow, Couette and Poiseuille Flow
The section contains MCQs on supersonic nozzle design, newtonian theory, couette flow, hypersonics and computational fluid dynamics.
13. Boundary Layers, Laminar & Turbulent Boundary Layers, Navier Stokes Solutions
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on boundary layer properties, flow over a rearward facing step, blasius solution and turbulence modelling.
14. Integral Form of Conservation Equation for Inviscid Flow
The section contains questions and answers on jet propulsion engine thrust and inviscid flow equations like continuity equation, momentum and energy equations.
15. One Dimensional Flow
The section contains MCQs on one dimensional flow equations, sound and mach number speed, normal shock relations, hugoniot equation, one dimensional flow equation with heat addition and friction.
16. Quasi-One-Dimensional Flow
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on governing equations, area velocity relations, nozzles, quasi one dimensional flow diffusers and wave reflection.
17. Differential Conservative Equations for Inviscid Flow
The section contains questions and answers on croccos theorem, entropy equation, differential equations in conservative and nonconservative forms.
18. Unsteady Wave Motion
The section contains MCQs on normal shock waves, reflected shock wave, finite waves, acoustics theory elements, incident and reflected expansion waves, shock tube relations and finite compression waves.
19. Velocity Potential Equation
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on irrotational flow, velocity potential equation, fluid rotation and velocity potential concepts.
20. Linearized and Conical Flows
The section contains questions and answers on linearized velocity potential equation, linearized pressure coefficient, linearized subsonic and supersonic flow, critical mach number, conical and supersonic flow physical aspects, quantitative formulation, improved compressibility corrections and historical note.
21. Numerical Techniques for Steady Supersonic Flow
The section contains MCQs on characteristics philosophy, two dimensional irrotational flow, compatibility equations determination, dependencies domain, steady supersonic flow nozzle design, finite differences basics, macCormack’s technique, boundary conditions, cfl criterion, conservation versus nonconservation form equations.
22. Time-Marching Technique
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on newtonian theory, steady flows marching solutions, stability criterion, blunt body problem, two-dimensional nozzle flows marching solutions and artificial viscosity.
23. Three-Dimensional Flow
The section contains questions and answers on cones and blunt nosed bodies at angle of attacks, stagnation and maximum entropy streamlines.
24. Transonic and Hypersonic Flows
The section contains MCQs on hypersonic flow, mach number independence, hypersonic similarity, hypersonic flow newtonian theory, transonic similarity, murman and cole methods, euler equations and full velocity potential equation solutions.
25. Properties of High Temperature Gases
The section contains multiple choice questions and answers on gases microscopic description, boltzmann distribution, nonequilibrium systems basics, vibrational rate equations, chemical equilibrium in high temperature air and most probable microstate.
26. High Temperature Flows
The section contains questions and answers on equilibrium normal shock waves flows, frozen and equilibrium flows, sound equilibrium speed, nonequilibrium normal shock wave flows, nonequilibrium flows rate equations and quasi-one dimensional nozzle flows.
Wish you the best in your endeavor to learn and master Aerodynamics!