A thread is a path in execution. It contains the program counter, thread ID, stack, and set of registers. Threads are lightweight processes. Multithreading is the most useful feature of C# that allows two or more parts of a program to be programmed simultaneously to maximize CPU efficiency. To create a multithreaded application in C#, we need to use the System.Threading namespace. C# supports two types of threads: foreground thread and background thread.
C# Thread Life Cycle:
Each thread in C# has a life cycle. The thread life cycle begins when an instance of the System.Threading. class is created. When a thread completes its task execution, its life cycle is complete. Here are the various states in the thread life cycle:
- Unstarted State
- Ready State
- Runnable State
- Not Runnable State
- Dead State
C# Thread Properties
Here is a list of the important properties of the Thread class:
- Name: It is used to get or set the current thread name.
- Priority: It is used to get or set the current thread priority.
- IsAlive: It checks whether the current thread is alive or not.
- CurrentThread: It is used to get the current running thread.
- ThreadState: It is used to return a value that represents the thread’s current state.
C# Thread Methods
Here is a list of the important methods of the Thread class:
- Abort(): It throws ThreadAbortException and it is used to terminate the thread.
- Join(): It is used to block all calling threads until this thread terminates.
- Interrupt(): It is used to interrupt a thread.
- Resume(): It returns a suspended thread to its previous state.
- Suspend(): It suspends the current thread if it is not suspended.
- Start(): It changes the thread’s current state to Runnable.
The following section contains C# programs on threads, thread methods, and thread pools. Every example program includes the problem description, problem solution, C# code, program explanation, and run-time test cases. All C# examples have been compiled and tested on Visual Studio.
Here is the listing of C# programming examples on Thread:
1. C# Programs on Thread Basics
Program | Description |
Simple Thread Program in C# | C# Program to Create a Simple Thread |
Pause a Thread in C# | C# Program to Pause a Thread |
Kill a Thread in C# | C# Program to Kill a Thread |
Thread Lock in C# | C# Program to Demonstrate Lock in Thread |
Thread Pools in C# | C# Program to Create Thread Pools |
2. C# Programs on Thread Methods
Program | Description |
Get Thread Name in C# | C# Program to Print the Name of the Current Thread |
Naming a Thread using Name Property in C# | C# Program to Assign Name to Thread by using Name Property |
Thread.sleep() Method in C# | C# Program to Implement Sleep Method of Thread |
Monitor Lock in C# | C# Program to Demonstrate Monitor Lock with Lock Statement |
Get Current Thread Context Id in C# | C# Program to Find the Current Context Id of the Thread |
Thread Priority in C# | C# Program to Show the Priority in Threads |
Check Status of Current Thread in C# | C# Program to Check Status of the Current Thread |
Pass Parameter to Thread in C# | C# Program to Demonstrate the Concept of Passing Parameter for Thread |