This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Roofs”.
1. A _______________ is defined at the upper most part of the building which is constructed in the form of a framework to give protection to the building against rain, heat, snow, wind, etc.
a) Roof
b) Truss
c) Chajja
d) Lintels
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Explanation: A roof basically consists of structural element provided at the top of building from the support of roof coverings. The structural element maybe trusses, portals, slabs, domes, etc. and the roof covering maybe AC sheets, GI sheets, etc.
2. When two roof surface meet together and form an internal angle, a ________ is formed.
a) Rafter
b) ValleyBarge
c) Gable
d) Pitch
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Explanation: Whereas, the inclination of sides of a roof to the horizontal plane is known as the Pitch and it can be expressed either in terms of degrees or as a ratio of rise to span.
3. __________________ are the inclined members of a Truss.
a) Principle rafters
b) Cleats
c) Dragon beam
d) Gable
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Explanation: The lower and upper hip rafter is generally supported on a diagonal piece of wood that is laid across the corner of the wall. This diagonal piece is known as a Dragon Beam or a dragon Tie or angle Tie.
4. A wooden piece provided at the Ridge line of a sloping roof is known as the ____________
a) Truss
b) Verge
c) Ridge
d) Wall plate
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Explanation: Wall plates are the long wooden member which are embedded on the top of wall to receive the common rafters. The actually connect the walls to the roof.
5. The Framework, usually of triangles and design to support the roof covering for ceiling over rooms is known as a ____________
a) Roof truss
b) Roof valley
c) Roof covering
d) Template
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Explanation: A bedding block is generally provided at the end of a Truss. This block is known as a template and it helps in spreading the load over a large area. A template maybe of wood or stone or RCC.
6. Any rafter which is shorter than a common rafter is known as a _______________
a) Principle rafters
b) Jack Rafter
c) Hip rafters
d) Common rafters
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Explanation: Common rafters are the intermediate drafters that give support to the roof covering. Whereas, hip rafter are the rafters which are provided at the junction of two roof slopes.
7. The wooden piece which are placed horizontally on the principal rafter to carry the common rafter are known as _____________
a) Pitch
b) Purlins
c) Eaves
d) Gable
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Explanation: Whereas, the inclination of sides of a roof to the horizontal plane is known as the Pitch and it can be expressed either in terms of degrees or as the ratio of rise to span.
8. The triangular upper part of a wall formed at the end of pitched roof is known as a ____________
a) Hip
b) Eaves
c) Cleats
d) Gable
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Explanation: Whereas, Cleats are small blocks of wood that are fixed on the trusses to prevent the sliding of purlins.
9. ________________ are the strips of wood which are fixed on the rafter or ceiling.
a) Barge boards
b) Battens
c) Wall plates
d) Eaves
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Explanation: Barge boards are the wooden planks or boards which are fixed on the gable ends of a roof. They connect the ends of the ridge, Purlins and wall plates.
10. ________________ are the pieces of timber which extends from the eves to the ridge.
a) Battens
b) Purlins
c) Eaves
d) Rafters
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Explanation: The lower edges of a roof which are resting up on or projecting beyond the supporting walls are known as the Eaves. Sometimes a thin board of wood is provided at the eves to cover the end of the common rafters.
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