This set of Building Construction Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Systems of Plumbing”.
1. The single stack system if effective only in the case when the traps are filled with water seal of depth not less than _________
a) 15 mm
b) 50 mm
c) 75 mm
d) 100 mm
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Explanation: For the drainage of buildings, there are four principal systems of plumbing. These are a single stack system, one-pipe system, two-pipe system and partially ventilated single stack system. The single stack system if effective only in the case when the traps are filled with water seal of depth not less than 75 mm.
2. Partially ventilated single stack system is the modified form of __________
a) Single stack system and two-pipe system
b) Single stack system and one pipe system
c) One pipe system and two-pipe system
d) Two pipe system
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Explanation: Partially ventilated single stack system is the modified form of single stack system and one pipe system. In this type of system, the waste from water closets, basins, etc. is discharged into one common S.W.P. (soil and waste pipe).
3. One pipe system is cheaper than the single stack system for the drainage of buildings.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: One pipe system is costlier than the single stack system for the drainage of buildings. In the one-pipe system, a separate vent pipe is provided and the traps of all basins and water closets are completely ventilated.
4. In the two-pipe system for the drainage of buildings, the discharge from the waste pipe is disconnected from the drain by using __________
a) Gully trap
b) Silt trap
c) Floor trap
d) Grease trap
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Explanation: In the two-pipe system for the drainage of buildings, the discharge from the waste pipe is disconnected from the drain by using a gully trap. Four pipes are required in this system.
5. The outlet pipe in the septic tank is kept about _________ lower than the inlet pipe.
a) 5 cm
b) 10 cm
c) 15 cm
d) 30 cm
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Explanation: A septic tank is used for the treatment of sewage from an isolated group of country houses where a public sewer is not available. The outlet pipe in the septic tank is kept about 15 cm lower than the inlet pipe.
6. In the two-pipe system for the drainage of buildings, the discharge from the water closet is connected to the waste pipe while the discharge from the sinks and baths is connected to the soil pipe.
a) True
b) False
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Explanation: In the two-pipe system for the drainage of buildings, separate waste pipe and soil pipe are provided. In this, the discharge from the water closet is connected to the soil pipe while the discharge from the sinks and baths is connected to the waste pipe.
7. Septic action is produced by the septic tank by __________
a) Fungi
b) Virus
c) Termites
d) Anaerobic bacteria
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Explanation: Septic action is produced by the septic tank by anaerobic bacteria. In this, carbohydrates, proteins and fats present in the sewage are broken into simpler compounds. The nitrogen is converted into ammonia and the colloidal matter is flocculated, liquified and then finally digested.
8. The diameter of a sludge soak pit varies from __________
a) 0.5-1 m
b) 1-1.5 m
c) 2-3 m
d) 5-6 m
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Explanation: The sewage effluent from the house drain is directly discharged in a sludge soak pit. This type of pit is common in regions where the subsoil is highly pervious. Its diameter varies from 2-3 m.
9. The depth of a sludge soak pit varies from _____________
a) 0.5-1.75 m
b) 2.5-4 m
c) 5-6.5 m
d) 8-9.5 m
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Explanation: The depth of a sludge soak pit varies from 2.5-4 m. there is one such soak pit in each house with a life of about 20 years for a family having 6 persons.
10. Which of the following statements regarding systems of plumbing for drainage of buildings is not correct?
a) Only one pipe is used in the single stack system
b) A separate vent pipe is provided in one pipe system
c) The traps of basins are directly connected to the vent pipe in the partially ventilated single stack system
d) The full form of S.W.P. is soil and waste pipe
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Explanation: There are various systems of plumbing for the drainage of buildings. Only one pipe is used in a single stack system. A separate vent pipe is provided in one pipe system. The traps of basins are not directly connected to the vent pipe in the partially ventilated single stack system.
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