Construction & Building Materials Questions and Answers – Equipments – Types of Drills

This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Equipments – Types of Drills”.

1. __________________ is the process of using a drill bit in a drill to produce cylindrical holes in solid materials, such as wood or metal.
a) Pumping
b) Hauling
c) Drilling
d) Excavating
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Answer: c
Explanation: Different tools and methods are used for drilling depending on the type of material, the size of the hole, the number of the holes and the time to complete the operation. The term drilling pattern is used to indicate the spacing of the drill holes.

2. The term _____________ is used to indicate the spacing of the drill holes.
a) Drilling bit
b) Drilling pattern
c) Abrasion drill
d) Percussion drilling
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Answer: b
Explanation: The drilling pattern to be selected for loading of explosives which depend on the type of drill employed, depth of the drill holes, amount of stemming required, type of rock, quantity and quality of explosive, etc. There are several drilling patterns based on practical experience and suitable modifications are made to meet with the requirement of each individual project.

3. In ________________ drilling pattern, the drill holes are arranged nearly parallel in horizontal plane with a slight inclination.
a) Pyramidal cut
b) Straight line cut
c) Centre cut
d) Parallel cut
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Answer: c
Explanation: In general, it is to be observed that the drilling pattern selected should give the desired breakage of rock with minimum over breakage. The term drilling pattern is used to indicate the spacing of the drill holes.

4. In ______________ drilling pattern, the drill holes slope both in the horizontal and vertical planes.
a) Centre cut
b) Parallel cut
c) Pyramidal cut
d) Straight line cut
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Answer: c
Explanation: Four cut holes are arranged such a manner that when these holes are blasted, pyramidal shaped rock is removed from the surface of the rock. Whereas, in Centre cut pattern, the drill holes are arranged nearly parallel in horizontal plane with a slight inclination.

5. In ______________ type of drill, the grinding of rock into small particles is carried out through the Abrasive effect of a bit which rotates in the hole.
a) Percussion
b) Abrasion
c) Pyramidal
d) Centre cut
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Answer: b
Explanation: Whereas, pyramidal is a cut pattern, in which the drill holes slope both in horizontal and vertical planes. And in Centre cut pattern, the drill holes are arranged nearly parallel in the horizontal plane with a slight inclination.
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6. _________________ is a rotary drill and it consists of steel pipe stem on the bottom of which is attached to a roller bit.
a) Blasthole
b) Diamond
c) Shot
d) Percussion
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Blasthole drill bit, as it rotates over the rock, disintegrates it and the cuttings are removed by a stream of compressed air. The blast of compressed air also cools down the bit. The Blasthole drill is a self propelled drill.

7. _________________ is a self-propelled drill.
a) Percussion drilling
b) Shot drill
c) Blasthole drill
d) Diamond drill
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Blasthole drill is a self propelled drill and it is mounted on a truck or on a Crawler truck. This drills are suitable for drilling operations of soft to medium rocks.

8. _______________ is a rotary type of drill and its bit consists of a metal mould or Matrix containing a large number of diamonds.
a) Percussion drilling
b) Shot drill
c) Diamond drill
d) Churn drill
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Answer: c
Explanation: The Diamond drill is rotated and the diamonds disintegrate the rock. The rate of drilling with a diamond drill will depend on the type of rock and it varies from 300 mm to several metres per hour. Diamond drills are capable of drilling holes in excess of 300 meters.

9. _________________ bits are specially used for very hard materials.
a) Churn drill
b) diamond drill
c) Steam hammer
d) Stop hammer
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Diamond drill speeds vary depending upon the manufacturer and the type of diamond drill. When used properly, the Diamond drill bit should never be hot. The drill bit should never be more than warm, to the touch. If a bit becomes hot, it is an indication of inadequate lubrication, too fast a drill speed or too much pressure for the specific material being drilled.

10. ________________ based lubricants do not work well on diamond drill bits.
a) Water
b) Oil
c) Grease
d) Gum
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Answer: b
Explanation: Water or coolant must always be used to cool and lubricate the tip. The lubrication reduces heat, prolonging drill bit life and helps to avoid heat fractures in the material. Water is most often used as a lubricant, since it works very well and has no cost.

11. _______________ is a Rotary type drill and its abrasive power depends on the bit which is in the form of a section of steel pipe with serrated or a roughened lower end.
a) Shot drill
b) Churn drill
c) Piston drill
d) Tripod drill
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Shot drill bit is rotated under pressure and the cuttings are removed by water which is supplied through the drill rod. Standard shot drills can drill holes to a depth of about 180 metres or more with diameter varying from 65 mm to 500 mm. It is possible to drill rock of any hardness with the help of these drills.

12. ________________ type of drill consists of a long Steel bit which is mechanically lifted up and dropped down to disintegrate the rock.
a) Stop hammer
b) Drop hammer
c) Steam hammer
d) Churn drill
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Answer: d
Explanation: Churn Drill can be used to drill holes vertically only. With the help of these drills, it is possible to drill holes of 150 mm diameter or so to a considerable depth, irrespective of the hardness of the rock.

13. ____________________ is a air operated drill similar to Jack hammer.
a) Jack hammer
b) Drifter
c) Piston drill
d) Stop hammer
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Answer: b
Explanation: Drifter is used for drilling vertical or horizontal holes. They are extensively used in tunnel work and they can drill holes of diameter up to about 120 mm. The cuttings can either be removed by air or water.

14. _______________ is a heavy duty rock drills used for drifting and tunnelling and for benching and production drills.
a) Drifter
b) Jack hammer
c) Rotary Hammer
d) Tripod drill
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Drifter can be used in both under ground and surface work mounted on Wagon drill, with features of reversible rotation, which can be also disengaged, so that only the impact mechanism works. Flushing is possible as air blows or water flushing and all drill functions are operated from a control.

15. ________________ is an air operated drill which can easily be carried from one place to the other.
a) Jack hammer
b) Piston drill
c) Stop hammer
d) Tripod drill
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Answer: a
Explanation: Jack hammer is also known as a Sinker as it is mainly used to drill vertical holes. The compressed air moves the Piston and the hammering effect is transferred to the bit through the drill Steel. In place of air, water may be used to remove the cuttings.

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