This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Stairs of Different Materials”.
1. The __________ to be used for the construction of stairs should be hard and non absorbent and they should possess through resistant to the action of Fire.
a) Wooden blocks
b) Stone
c) Brick
d) Timber
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Explanation: The choice of the type of material to be adopted for the construction of stairs will depend on the availability of funds, qualities desired to use of the stairs durability and expected architectural effect required, etc.
2. In the case of ________ the arrangement is made to show rectangular steps which contain Rebated joint.
a) Spandril steps
b) Tread and Riser steps
c) Cantilever steps
d) Rectangular steps
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Explanation: In rectangular steps, the overlap is about 25 mm to 40 mm. This arrangement results in considerable saving in labour of cutting and dressing stones.
3. In ___________ arrangement, the steps are triangular in shape and they are cut in such a way so as to obtain aci plain Soffit.
a) Rectangular steps
b) Tread and rise steps
c) Spandril steps
d) Cantilever steps
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Explanation: Spandril steps are used where the headroom is desired. The Soffit affords a nice appearance and the weight of step is also reduced. The ends of the Spandril step with which are built into the wall should be square so as to provide a horizontal seating or bearing.
4. In ____________ arrangement, the treads and Risers of stones are provided is in case of timber steps.
a) Spandril steps
b) Stone steps
c) Cantilever steps
d) Tread and Riser steps
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Explanation: In Tread and riser steps, the Treada and rises of stone are provided in case of timber steps. The stone slab trades and Risers are connected by Dowels in these steps.
5. In _________ arrangement, the steps are formed of treads only.
a) Tread slab steps
b) Cantilever tread slab steps
c) Spandril steps
d) Rectangular steps
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Explanation: In Cantilever Tread slab steps, the steps are formed of trades only. For this purpose, only thick stone slab are used without any Riser. The steps either be rectangular and triangular in shape.
6. ____________ steps are in the form of trade and risers of thin stone slabs.
a) Spandril steps
b) Built up steps
c) Rectangular steps
d) Cantilever steps
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Explanation: Built up steps are placed over brick or concrete steps. The thickness of stone slab may vary from 20 mm to 50 mm. This arrangement is generally adopted for marble steps to give an ornamental covering to the step.
7. _________ stairs are light in weight, they are mostly used for residential buildings.
a) Timber
b) Stone
c) Marble
d) Cantilever
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Explanation: The main objective of the provision to a wooden stair is that it is easily attacked by fire and thus, in case of a fire, the occupants of upper floor cannot escape. But if a wooden stair is constructed from good quality Timber such as teak and if it’s thickness is about 45 mm it becomes sufficiently fireproof.
8. ________ stairs are now not frequently used.
a) RCC
b) Marble
c) Brick
d) Stone
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Explanation: A Brick stair maybe made of solid construction or arches may be provided. The latter arrangement reduces the total quality of brick work and give some additional space which can be used for making cupboards, etc.
9. The external file escaped stairs are generally made of _______
a) Wood
b) Stone
c) Metal
d) Brick
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Explanation: The common Metals, used for the construction of stairs, are cast iron, bronze and mild steel. Thus the metal stairs are widely used in factories, workshops, godowns, etc.
10. _________ stairs are now commonly used in all types of construction and in case of a frame structure of reinforced concrete.
a) RCC
b) Brick
c) Stone
d) Metal
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Explanation: The RCC stairs are found to resist wear and fire better than any other material and can be moulded to the desired shape. The steps can be provided with suitable finishing materials such as marble, terrazo tile, etc. These stairs can be easily maintained clean and they are strong, durable and pleasing in appearance.
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