This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Conveying Equipment”.
1. In ___________________ type of gantries, derricks are built on specially constructed tower at site of work.
a) Gin poles
b) Platform
c) Derrick tower
d) Travelling
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Explanation: A Gantry is used to replace ordinary scaffolding and it lifts and moves material of all types. Derrick tower Gantry is very much suitable for lifting and moving the material in the construction of very tall structures.
2. _________________ Gantry consists of a platform which receives and distributes the material.
a) Platform
b) Traveling
c) Gin pole
d) Derrick tower
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Explanation: The platform is constructed on the roadside at a convenient height so that no obstruction is caused to traffic during construction of the work. Some hoisting arrangement is provided on the gantry by which materials they arrive in the vehicle are lifted up and placed on the platform.
3. ____________________ is similar to platform gantry except that the platform is converted into a movable carriage.
a) Gin poles
b) Platform Gantry
c) Traveling gantry
d) Derrick tower Gantry
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Explanation: Traveling gantry consists of two parallel frame supporting Steel rails fixed on them. The rails are turned up at the ends to prevent the carriers from moving beyond the limit. Suitable lifting arrangement is provided on the carriage.
4. A _______________ is merely a steel or Timber mast which is held in the vertical position by three to four guy ropes.
a) Pulley block
b) Hoists
c) Gin poles
d) Gantry
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Explanation: Each of the guy rope is well anchored to a dead man which may be in the form of concrete blocks or wooden logs buried in the ground. Suitable block is provided at the top of mast to connect hoists tackle with the hoists rope.
5. A ______________ consist of horizontal platform which is moved upward and downward by a powered winch between vertical guides.
a) Pulley block
b) Hoists
c) Elevator
d) Conveyor
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Explanation: The platform maybe slide hung or Centre hung. The former is used for lower capacities and the latter is used for higher capacities. In order to provide safety and stability to the Hoists, the vertical guides are anchored with the structure.
6. _______________ are used to change the direction of ropes and to raise greater loads with less efforts.
a) Pulley blocks
b) Elevators
c) Escalators
d) Conveyors
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Explanation: The blocks are made of wood and depending on the number of sheaves or Pulley wheels, they are termed as single or double etc. pulley blocks. The various forms of pulley blocks are available such as differential pulley blocks, spur gear pulley blocks and worm gear pulley block.
7. A _________________ is a mechanism in the shape of a cylinder or drum, over which rope or chain is wound.
a) Conveyor
b) Pulley
c) Winch
d) Rotor
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Explanation: If a Winch is used only for raising or lowering, it is sometimes referred to as Hoist. Chain blocks in reality are small winches and they may be operated either manually or mechanically. Winches should be enough capacity to accommodate the longest length of rope likely to be wound over them.
8. With the help of _______________ the materials are transported with a continuous flow at comparatively high speeds.
a) Trucks
b) Dumpers
c) Conveyors
d) Elevators
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Explanation: The conveyors like Wood salt and chain conveyor, gravity roller conveyor, monorail conveyor, belt conveyor are used for this purpose. The belt conveyor is most commonly used.
9. ________________ are the supports of the continuous belt.
a) Idlers
b) Pulleys
c) Cylinders
d) Driving units
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Explanation: Depending upon the nature of work, the Idler of proper type and size should be selected and while determining the power required to drive the belt conveyor, the friction between the belt and idler surface should be considered.
10. _________________ are also known as the self-contained conveyors and they are used when placing of small volume of concrete is involved.
a) Spreading Conveyors
b) Feeder Conveyors
c) Portable Conveyors
d) Supply Conveyors
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Explanation: Portable Conveyors can be used on large projects to handle placements of concrete at different places simultaneously. A portable conveyor is a self-contained unit which can be readily moved without much difficulty.
11. ____________________ conveyors operate in series with end discharge transfer points.
a) Transfer
b) Feeder
c) Spreading
d) Unit
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Explanation: The Feeder belt conveyors are operated over an easily installed track system so that the feeder train can be retracted or extended without interrupting concrete placement. This conveyors are used to transport large volume of concrete.
12. ________________ conveyors maybe in the form of side discharge conveyors.
a) Feeder
b) Spreading
c) Radial
d) Discharge
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Explanation: In case of radial spreaders, the placing area is decided by the cantilevered support swings the discharge end through an arc, usually 180° to 360°. These Conveyors are also provided with the arrangement of extending and retracting the placing Conveyor to a substantial distance.
13. The conception of providing Arial _________ developed from the need to provide an economical alternative to road and Railways for transporting materials.
a) Ropeways
b) Waterways
c) Railways
d) Roadway
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Explanation: The initial cost of ropeway is high and hence, its installation is justified when large quantity of materials used to be handled. It is possible to discharge loads automatically at any point from any desired height while using ropeways.
14. ______________ ropes are widely used for hoisting purpose and they consist of fibre suitably bound together.
a) Manilla
b) Wire
c) Aluminium
d) Tungsten
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Explanation: While using Manilla rope, things to be considered are- ropes should possess the required strength and resistant to wear and tear. The Rope should be stored in dry and well ventilated place. The rope should never be placed coiled on a damp surface.
15. __________________ ropes consists of strands of wire of iron, Steel, etc. which are twisted around the core of hemp.
a) Manilla
b) Wire
c) Twisted
d) Corrugated
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Explanation: The important points to be remembered in connection with the wire ropes are- the ropes should not form kinks or twists and should be strong and durable; The proper inspection and maintenance will be necessary to keep the ropes in working condition, etc.
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