Construction Materials Questions and Answers – Special Materials for Plastered Surfaces

This set of Construction Materials MCQs focuses on “Special Materials for Plastered Surfaces”.

1. __________________ surface is prepared when it is desired to give acoustical treatment to the hall or room.
a) Acoustic Plaster
b) Marble plaster
c) Barium plaster
d) Gypsum plaster
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Acoustic Plastered surface is provided with minute openings that absorb the sound. The plaster is usually applied in two coats, each having a thickness of 6 mm. The finishing of the surface should be carried out in a such a way that it results in the formation of uniform porous surface.

2. _______________ is a mixture of finely crushed marble, asbestos and cement.
a) Granite silicon plaster
b) Barium plaster
c) Asbestos marble plaster
d) Acoustic plaster
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Answer: c
Explanation: A beautiful marble like finish is obtained by using asbestos marble plaster. Whereas, for finishing work, Acoustic plaster is preferred to use wooden floats in place of Steel floats.

3. ________________ is used as a final coat for surfaces of X-Ray rooms.
a) Gypsum plaster
b) Barium plaster
c) Granite plaster
d) Marble plaster
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Answer: b
Explanation: Barium plaster is used as a final coat for surfaces of X-Ray room so as to protect the person working in and around X-Ray rooms. It is essentially made from Barium sulphate.

4. ______________ settles quickly and it is highly elastic.
a) Gypsum plaster
b) Granite silicon plaster
c) Asbestos marble plaster
d) Martin cement
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Answer: b
Explanation: Granite silicon plaster is therefore not liable to crack. It is used for a superior type of work. Whereas, Barium plaster is essentially made from Barium sulphate.

5. The resulting product is hemihydrate of calcium sulphate and it is known as first settle plaster or __________________
a) Plaster of Paris
b) Latex
c) Potassium sulphate
d) Parian cement
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Answer: a
Explanation: When water is added to plaster of Paris, it hardens in three to four minutes. Hence, to extend the setting time, suitable retarders are added to it. The usual retarders are clay, citric acid, glue, gum, starch and sugar.

6. The term _______________ plaster is used to indicate plaster of Paris with retarder.
a) Hemihydrate Gypsum
b) Keene’s cement
c) Parian cement
d) Sirapite
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Answer: a
Explanation: On heating the hemihydrate gypsum, temperature of about 200°C, the entire water of crystallization is driven off and the resulting product is known as gypsum anhydride or hard burnt plaster. The setting time of the Gypsum anhydride is more and to shorten it, the accelerators added to it.

7. ___________________ is a fire resistant material and it does not allow heat to pass easily.
a) Gypsum plaster
b) Snowcrete
c) Sirapite
d) Scagliola
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hence, Gypsum plaster is used as an insulating material to protect wood or metal columns and beams from high temperatures. It is light in weight. To decrease the weight, the fillers such as saw dust, wood shaving, etc. may be added to it.

8. _________________ is obtained when alum is calcined with Plaster of Paris.
a) Parian cement
b) Martin cement
c) Keene’s cement
d) Colourcrete Cement
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Answer: c
Explanation: Keene’s cement is useful for situation such as angles, skirtings, etc. as it sets hard in few days, giving white and glass like polish. Whereas borax is calcined with plaster of Paris, Parian cement is obtained. It can be used in place of Keene’s plaster.

9. _______________ is obtained by dissolving Keene’s cement and colouring pigment in glue.
a) Sirapite
b) Scagliola
c) Snowcrete
d) Colourcrete
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Answer: b
Explanation: Scagliola appears like marble and is used for pilasters, panels, etc. Whereas, Sirapite is obtained when plaster of Paris is slaked in petroleum. It is a quick setting and produces a hard white surface on drying.

10. When plaster of Paris is slaked in petroleum ________________ is obtained.
a) Thistle
b) Snowcrete
c) Sirapite
d) Parian
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Answer: c
Explanation: Sirapite is quickly setting material and produces hard white surface on drying. It is also a better fire resistant material. Thistle hardwall is a product of high grade gypsum and it possesses a high capacity to carry sand.

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