Construction & Building Materials Questions and Answers – Earth Compaction Equipments

This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Earth Compaction Equipments”.

1. ______________ are used to excavate underwater material.
a) Scraper
b) Dredger
c) Excavator
d) Escalator
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Answer: b
Explanation: In order to provide the necessary depth of water near the ports, it becomes essential to do the process of dredging which is specialised form of excavation.

2. A _______________ Dredger consists of an endless chain of bucket mounted on a ladder.
a) Bucket ladder
b) Dipper
c) Grab
d) Hydraulic
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Answer: a
Explanation: The buckets are provided with a suitable cutting edge to facilitate digging. The material brought up by buckets is either drop directly into Hopper provided on the vessel or conveyed to the barges standing along side of the vessel.

3. A _______________ Dredger consists of a pontoon carrying a frame in which a revolving boom is fixed.
a) Grab
b) Hydraulic
c) Bucket ladder
d) Dipper
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Answer: d
Explanation: The dipper stick connects the bucket and boom. The bucket is dredged by releasing and pulling the hoist cable. The dipper dredger is ideal for working in heavy grounds.

4. A _____________ dredger essentially consist of a graph suspended from cable.
a) Hydraulic
b) Grab
c) Ladder
d) Bucket
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Answer: b
Explanation: A grab is in the shape of scooper like a quadrant of a circle. It opens in its normal position. On being lowered to the bottom, the grab digs into the mud and by suitable arrangement, the grab is closed.

5. A _______________ Dredger essentially consist of sand pump which excavates and transport the bed material in one operation.
a) Hydraulic
b) Skimmer
c) Bucket ladder
d) Grab
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Answer: a
Explanation: The suction pipe is provided at bottom with a cutter for hard material. This type of dredger is also known as suction dredger. A Hydraulic Dredger is unsuitable for open see where the height of sea waves exceeds 1200 mm.

6. ________________ is mounted on the wheels and carries two to four teeth, the usual number being three.
a) Rooter
b) Ripper
c) Ditcher
d) Trencher
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Ripper is used to break up the ground and to pull up the roots. This loose and material can be removed by using scraper.

7. ________________ is used to excavate the trenches of width from 250 mm to 450 mm and depth 4 m with accuracy and speed.
a) Ripper
b) Rooter
c) Scarifier
d) Ditcher
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Answer: d
Explanation: Ditcher is mainly used to excavate Trenches from mains, gas lines, oil pipelines, telephone cable, drainage lines etc. These machines are generally crawler mounted. They can be wheel type or ladder type also.

8. ____________ type Trencher can dig a trench up to 10 m in depth and 4 m in width.
a) Bucket
b) Wheel
c) Ladder
d) Series
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Answer: c
Explanation: Ladder type Trencher consists of two endless chains with travel along the Boom, to which teethed cutter buckets are attached. By installing shaft mounted side cutter on each side of the Boom, the width of the trench can be increased.

9. In a Trencher, a series of small cutting ____________ attached to two endless chains which are supported by a boom.
a) Buckets
b) Teeth
c) Grader
d) Cutter
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Answer: a
Explanation: A single machine can be used for digging trenches of various size by varying the length of the Boom. Some trenches have an angle of mould blade, which have to carry out the back filling operation.

10. ___________________ equipment are used to decrease the porosity of earth and to increase the density and strength of the earth.
a) Excavation
b) Compaction
c) Hauling
d) Hoisting
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Answer: b
Explanation: Compaction of the earth and it is done by Rolling, kneading, Ramming, tamping, vibrating, etc. There are three types of compaction equipment that is- rolling equipment, Ramming equipment and vibrating equipment.

11. _________________ type of rollers rely upon their deadweight to carry out consolidation work.
a) Rubber tyre
b) Pneumatic
c) Dead weight
d) Sheep’s foot
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Answer: c
Explanation: Dead weight Roller are usually diesel powered and driven by a seated operator within a cabin. Their weight varying from 1 to 16 tonnes which is distributed to the ground through two large diameter rear wheels and a wider but small front Steering wheel.

12. The weight of _____________ Roller varies from 500 kg to 5 tonnes.
a) Dead weight
b) Vibrating
c) Ramming
d) Tamping
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Answer: b
Explanation: Vibrating rollers are more effective to consolidate small area in building works particularly in granular soil. They are available with or without water sprinkler attachments and with vibration ranging upto 3000 vibrations per minute.

13. A _________________ roller consists of a flat platform below with number of smooth rubber tyre wheels are mounted on two or more axles.
a) Sheep’s foot
b) Pneumatic
c) Smooth wheeled
d) Dead weight
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Answer: b
Explanation: The Rubber tyred or pneumatic rollers are found to be very efficient in the composition of earth upgrade, granular soils in base course, final operation for bituminous surface dressing, etc. In addition to the direct pressure due to rolling these rollers also provide a slight kneading action.

14. ______________ rollers are also known as tamping rollers.
a) Sheep’s foot
b) Rubber tyred
c) Smooth wheeled
d) Pneumatic
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sheep’s foot rollers consist of hollow Steel cylinder or cylinders, each about 1.20 m long and 1.20 m in diameter with 180 mm to 230 mm projections extending out from the curved surface of the cylinder. These projections are made of steel and they resembles Sheep’s feet and are arranged in row round the cylinders, the projections in successive rows being staggered.

15. The ________________ rollers are considered most suitable for compacting clayey soil or soil containing mixture of sand and clay.
a) Smooth wheeled
b) Sheep’s foot
c) Dead weight
d) Pneumatic
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Answer: b
Explanation: In the modified form of Sheep’s foot rollers, the projections are replaced by segments or pads or grids and such a modified form of Sheep’s foot Roller can be used satisfactorily for compacting granular material also.

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