Building Materials Questions and Answers – Planning Regulations and Bye-Laws

This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Planning Regulations and Bye-Laws”.

1. Subdivision/layout plan which shall be drawn on a scale of not less than _______
a) 1:100
b) 1:500
c) 1:1000
d) 1:50
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Answer: b
Explanation: As per National Building Code, scale for Layout plan is specified as 1:500. In this plan, the location of all proposed and existing roads, dimensions of plot along with building line, locations of sewer and drainage line etc. are mandatory.

2. The plan of the buildings and elevations and sections accompanying the notice shall be drawn to a scale _________
a) 1:10
b) 1:50
c) 1:100
d) 1:500
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Answer: c
Explanation: This plan includes floor plans which shows the use or occupancy of all parts of the building. Hence these parts needs to be large enough for the engineers to understand well. Therefore NBC have a specified scale of 1:100.

3. A ___________ line usually parallel to the plot boundaries and laid down in each case by the Authority, beyond which nothing can be constructed towards the site boundaries.
a) Building line
b) Control line
c) Property line
d) Plot line
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Answer: a
Explanation: Building line or Set-back is provided to avoid traffic congestion in front of the building. Buildings like mall, multi-complexes, factories, etc. which attract a large number of vehicles, should have be set-back a further distance apart from the building line. This line after this extra margin is called as Control Line.

4. The ratio of the total floor area inclusive of all the floors to the area of the plot on which building stands is known as ___________
a) Groundage
b) Plot area
c) Floor area
d) Built-up area
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Answer: d
Explanation: It is also known as the Floor Space Index (FSI) or Floor Area Ratio (FAR). The value of built-up area is determined by local authorities and it may be different for different areas for different buildings of the town. Floor area means built up area excluding area of walls.

5. The aggregate area of doors and windows shall not be less than ___________ of the floor area of room.
a) 1/10
b) 1/9
c) 1/7
d) 1/6
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Answer: c
Explanation: As per IS code, if the area is less than the specified area, occupants of the building will not receive enough lighting and ventilation. The area of such openings excluding area of doors should be minimum 1/10 of the floor area for dry-hot climate and minimum 1/6 of the area for wet-hot climate.

6. The placing of various rooms or units of a structure in proper correlation of their functions and in due proximity with each other is known as ___________
a) Aspect
b) Prospect
c) Circulation
d) Grouping
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Answer: d
Explanation: Grouping is the proper arrangement of rooms according to their functions leads to better planning of a building. It is observed that grouping leads to saving in unnecessary movements, proper correlation, easy control and overall economy.

7. The term ____________ is used to mean the external views as seen from certain rooms of the building.
a) Aspect
b) Prospect
c) Elegance
d) Roominess
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Answer: b
Explanation: Prospect is dictated by the surrounding peculiarities of the site of the project. This can help us to conceal some unwanted views and reveal the beauty of the building.

8. The area on the earth which lies between the zones of cancer and Capricom is known as the _______
a) Tropic zone
b) Frigid zone
c) Torrid zone
d) Arctic zone
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Answer: a
Explanation: Topic zone lies between zone of cancer (i.e. 231/2 degree north latitude) and Capricom (i.e. 231/2 degree south latitude). The typical features of tropical countries are burning sun, fixed seasons and rainfall which is heavy, moderate and with storm.

9. Landscape architecture comes under in which principle of planning?
a) Function
b) Form
c) Aesthetic
d) Elegance
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Answer: c
Explanation: Aesthetic plays major role in architectural landscaping. It includes the appearance of the building and overall beauty. Whereas function and form are both same which deals with the utility of the rooms according to their functions.

10. When building bye-laws came into force?
a) April 1984
b) July 1983
c) April 1983
d) July 1972
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Answer: a
Explanation: Building bye-laws came into force on April 1984. This local law was framed by the subordinate authority. Its specifications are designed to minimum safeguard to the workers during construction; to the health and comfort of users; and to provide enough safety to the public in general.

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