This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Common Building Stones of India”.
1. _________ is an igneous rock used for rubble masonry, road metal, foundation work, etc.
a) Basalt
b) Granite
c) Laterite
d) Kankar
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Explanation: Basalt and trap are hard and tough igneous stones which is difficult to work. Its specific gravity is 3 and compressive strength varies from 150 to 185 Newton per mm square. Its weight varies from 18 to 29 kN per metre cube.
2. ________ is a metamorphic rock which is used in street paving, rough stone masonry work, etc.
a) Granite
b) Gneiss
c) Marble
d) Sandstone
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Explanation: Gneiss splits into themes labs and it is easy to work. Its specific gravity is 2.69 and compressive strength is 206 Newton per mm square. It is mostly found in Madras, Bihar, Maharashtra, Bengal, Kerala and Gujarat.
3. _______ is a pure white limestone and which is soft and easy to form powder.
a) Chalk
b) Sandstone
c) Murum
d) Slate
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Explanation: Chalk is a sedimentary rock that is used in preparing glazier’s putty, also used as colouring material in manufacture of Portland cement. It is mostly found in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, Andaman Islands and Himachal Pradesh.
4. _________ is an Igneous rock with compressive strength varies from 75 to 127 Newton per mm square and its weight is about 26 to 27 kN per metre cube.
a) Basalt
b) Granite
c) Marble
d) Slate
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Explanation: Granite is hard, durable and available in different colours, highly resistant to natural forces and can take nice polish. It is used in steps, sills, facing work on walls, Bridge piers, columns, Road metals, ballast, etc. It is unsuitable for carving.
5. ________ is an impure limestone.
a) Sandstone
b) Slate
c) Laterite
d) Karkar
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Explanation: Kankar is a sedimentary rock that is impure in nature. It is used in road metal, manufacture of hydraulic line, etc. It is mostly found in north and Central part of India.
6. __________ is a metamorphic rock with compressive strength varies from 1.8 to 3.1 Newton per mm square.
a) Gneiss
b) Chalk
c) Murum
d) Laterite
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Explanation: Laterite posses porous and spongy structure which can be easily quarried in blocks and contains high percentage of oxide of iron and also available in different colours. It is mostly used as building stone, Road metal, rough stone masonry work, etc.
7. ________ consist of carbonate of lime with specific gravity varies from 2 to 2.75 and compressive strength is 54 Newton per mm square.
a) Sandstone
b) Marble
c) Limestone
d) Slate
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Explanation: Limestone is used in floors, steps, walls, Road metal, manufacturing of lime in blast furnace, etc. It is mostly found in Maharashtra, Rajasthan, Punjab, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
8. _________ is a metamorphic rock with specific gravity about 2.65 and compressive strength is 71 Newton per mm square.
a) Marble
b) Quartz
c) Laterite
d) Slate
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Explanation: Marble can take good polish and available in different colours. It is used in flooring, facing work, ornamental work, etc. It can easily be sawn and carved. It is mostly found in Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Mysore, Madhya Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh.
9. ________ is a decomposed laterite which is deep brown or red in colour.
a) Quartzite
b) Murum
c) Slate
d) Sandstone
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Explanation: Murum is a metamorphic rock. It is used in blindage from metal roads, for fancy paths and garden walls. It is mostly found in Bihar, Orissa, Mysore, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh and Madras.
10. ________ is a metamorphic rock which is hard, brother, crystalline and compact in nature.
a) Quartzite
b) Sandstone
c) Slate
d) Kankar
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Explanation: Quartzite is hard and hence it is difficult to walk and dress. It is used in retaining walls, Road metals, concrete aggregate, pitching, rubble masonry, facing of buildings, etc. It is mostly found in Bengal, Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan.
11. _______ is a sedimentary rock with specific gravity varies from 2.65 to 2.95 and compressive strength is 64 Newton per mm square.
a) Limestone
b) Sandstone
c) Laterite
d) Kankar
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Explanation: Sandstone consists of quartz and other minerals. It is easy to work and dress and also available in different colours. Its weight is about 20 to 22 kN per metre cube. It is used in steps, facing work, flooring, ornamental carving, etc.
12. __________ is a metamorphic rock with specific gravity about 2.89 and compressive strength varies from 75 to 207 Newton per mm square.
a) Quartzite
b) Murum
c) Marble
d) Slate
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Explanation: Slate is non-absorbent, mostly in black colour and splits along natural bedding planes. It is used in damp proof courses, roofing work, sills, etc. Mostly found in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Madras and Mysore.
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