Building Materials Questions and Answers – Acoustics – Defects in an Auditorium

This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Acoustics – Defects in an Auditorium”.

1. The defect of ___________ results in confusion with the sound created next.
a) Echoes
b) Sound foci
c) Dead spots
d) Reverberation
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Answer: d
Explanation: The defect of excessive reverberation is very common in many auditoriums. The effect is that the sound once created prolonged for a longer duration resulting in confusion with the sound created next. The remedy of this defect is to correct the time of reverberation by suitably installing the absorbent materials.

2. Because of high concentration of reflected sound at the Sound foci, there is a deficiency of reflected sound at some point known as __________
a) Live spots
b) Dead spots
c) Sound foci
d) Reverberation
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Answer: b
Explanation: The sound level and at dead spots is generally inadequate for satisfactory hearing. This defect can be remedied by the installation of the suitable diffuser so as to have even distribution of sound in the hall.

3. The formation of ___________ takes place when the reflecting surfaces are situated at a distance greater than 17 M or so.
a) Live spots
b) Loudness
c) Echoes
d) Noise
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Answer: c
Explanation: When the reflecting surfaces are situated at a distance greater than 17 meters or so and when the shape of the Auditorium is unsuitable, the formation of echoes takes place. This defect can be removed by selecting proper shape of the Auditorium and by providing rough and porous interior surfaces to disperse the energy of a Echoes.

4. In case of concave reflecting interior surfaces ________ are formed where reflected sound waves meet and create a sound of larger intensity.
a) Sound foci
b) Dead spots
c) Exterior noise
d) Interior noise
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Answer: a
Explanation: Sound foci is observed where reflected sound wave meet and create a sound of larger intensity. This defect can be eliminated by avoiding curvilinear interiors or by providing highly absorbent materials on the focusing areas.

5. _______________ defect is due to the lack of reflecting surfaces near the source of sound and excessive absorption of sound in the hall.
a) Exterior noise
b) Loudness
c) Interior noise
d) Echoes
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Answer: b
Explanation: The remedies to correct loudness defect consist in arranging hard reflecting surfaces near the source of sound and in adjusting the absorption of the hall so as to give an optimum time of reverberation. Also, the location of loudspeakers should be carefully adjusted.
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6. _______________ defect is due to poor sound insulation.
a) Exterior noise
b) Interior noise
c) Loudness
d) Echoes
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Answer: a
Explanation: The exterior noise enters the Auditorium either through loose doors and windows on walls and other structural elements having in proper sound insulation. The exterior noise is developed by vehicles, factories, cooling plants, etc. The remedy to correct this defect is to provide suitable sound insulation.

7. The term __________ is used to indicate a big room or a hall where sound is picked up by a microphone and it includes the radio broadcasting station, television station, etc.
a) Concert hall
b) Auditorium
c) Studio
d) Recreational hall
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Answer: c
Explanation: The basic requirements of a studio will be to have perfect soundproofing and to have variable reverberation time as per nature of sound produced in it. The acoustic design of a studio require special precaution to be undertaken for its effective working.

8. ____________ is a very important consideration in the acoustic design of an Auditorium and it involves geometrical aspects of the hall.
a) Site selection
b) Seating arrangement
c) Shape
d) Sound absorption
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Answer: c
Explanation: A fan shop floor plan gives better performance. The concave walls are not good for acoustic purposes as they tend to concentrate sound waves. The plain walls are better. But the convex walls are excellent and are used to reduce the possibilities of equals to the minimum extend.

9. The adequate absorbing surfaces should be provided in the hall to control the ____________
a) Loudness
b) Noise
c) Reverberation
d) Dead spots
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Answer: c
Explanation: As a matter of fact, the acoustic design of an Auditorium will be incomplete without the provision of reverberation. The careful study of the hall should be made before recommending the type of absorbent material and its location in the hall.

10. ______________ is very important to control the noise pollution near an Auditorium area.
a) Seating arrangement
b) Site selection
c) Balcony
d) Volume
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Answer: b
Explanation: If the site is not situated in a quiet place, elaborate costly arrangements will have to be made to have an acoustically good hall. For auditoriums without air conditioning and requiring doors and windows to be kept open during the performance, the orientation should be such that the external noise is permitted to the minimum possible extent.

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