Construction & Building Materials Questions and Answers – Equipments – Drill Bits

This set of Construction and Building Materials Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Equipments – Drill Bits”.

1. A ___________________ is also known as roto-hammer drill or masonry drill.
a) Rotary percussion drill
b) Steam hammer
c) Stop hammer
d) Tripod drill
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Rotary hammer drill is a percussion drill that uses a weight to create the impact force on the masonry bit. Some styles of these drills are intended for masonry drilling only.

2. A ______________ is a power driven hammer used to shape forgings.
a) Tripod drill
b) Wagon drill
c) Stop hammer
d) Steam hammer
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Answer: d
Explanation: Steam hammer consists of a hammer like Piston located within a cylinder. The hammer is raised by the pressure of steam injected into the lower part of a cylinder and falls down with a force by removing the steam. Steam hammer that fall by their own weight are called as steam drop hammers.

3. _________________ is the modified form of Jack hammer.
a) Tripod drill
b) Wagon drill
c) Piston hammer
d) Stop hammer
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Answer: d
Explanation: Stop hammer is used for overhead drilling as in case of a tunnel. The feeding of Stop Hammer maybe automatic or hand operated.

4. ________________ is a Jack hammer mounted on a tripod with legs spread out to grant sufficient stability to the drill.
a) Wagon drill
b) Tripod drill
c) Steam hammer
d) Jack hammer
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Answer: b
Explanation: In case of Tripod drill, it becomes necessary to frequently move the tripod drill to adjust for subsequent drilling work and hence, tripod drills are only used for drilling operations on very hard rocks.

5. ________________ are drifters which are mounted on masts and masts are mounted on two wheels to provide easy portability of the drills.
a) Wagon drills
b) Tripod drills
c) Rotary percussion drills
d) Rotary hammer drills
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Answer: a
Explanation: The Wagon drills can be used to drill holes up to a depth of about 10 meters or more and they give better performance as compared to jackhammers. They can be used to drill at any angle from down to slightly above horizontal.

6. The _____________ is gripped by a chuck at one end of the drill and is pressed against the target material and rotated.
a) Drilling Coolant
b) Drilling hammer
c) Drilling bit
d) Drilling pattern
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Answer: c
Explanation: The tip of the drill bit does the work of cutting into the target material, either slicing of thin shaving, grinding of small particles or crushing and removing pieces of work. Drill bits are cutting tools used to create cylindrical holes.

7. In _____________ the bits for Jack hammer and drifters are forged on one end of the drill Steel.
a) Detachable bits
b) Forged bits
c) Rotary bits
d) Revolving bits
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Answer: b
Explanation: Forged bits are made up of a single length of drill Steel. They are available in various shapes such as circular, octagonal, hexagonal, etc. For forging bits, air operated drills has to be installed at the site of work. The sharpener sharpens the bit as required.

8. ________________ are Steel bits which are screwed to the ends of drill rods and they can be attached to or removed from the drill steel.
a) Detachable bits
b) Forged bits
c) Removable bits
d) Sharpened bits
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Answer: a
Explanation: The advantages of detachable beats as compared to Forge beats are- they are available in various sizes and shapes and hardness; they are factory made products and hence, they are of superior quality.

9. ______________ are the most common drilling tools used by the handyman with either hand or electric drill.
a) Screwdriver bits
b) Tile bits
c) Masonry bits
d) Twist bits
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Answer: d
Explanation: Most twist beds are made from other High Speed Steel or Carbon Steel. Twisted bits made from high speed Steel are suitable for drilling most types of materials while drilling metals the HSS stands up to high temperatures.

10. Twist bits are also available coated with ______________
a) Calcium chloride
b) Aluminium Nitrate
c) Titanium Nitrate
d) Titanium Nitride
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Answer: d
Explanation: Twist bits coated with Titanium Nitride are easily identified by the gold like colour. This coating increases the hardness of the bit and adds self lubricating property. The coating is only really effective when metal is being drilled, it has little effect when working with other materials.

11. _________________ are designed to fit in rechargeable screwdriver and have low power.
a) Tile bits
b) Screwdriver bits
c) Wood auger bits
d) Masonry bits
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Answer: b
Explanation: Screwdriver bits have a hexagonal shank and are ideal for drilling pilot holes. They are available in Limited sizes.

12. _______________ are designed for drilling into brick, block, stone or concrete.
a) Wood auger bits
b) Masonry bits
c) Bullet pilot bits
d) Spur point bits
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Answer: b
Explanation: The cutting tip of masonry bit is often made from tungsten carbide bonded to a spiralled Steel shaft. Some masonry drills are described as Durium Tipped, means a highly durable Silicon Bronze alloy used instead of tungsten as the cutting point.

13. _________________ are also known as a wood or dowel bit.
a) Countersink bits
b) Flat wood bits
c) Hole saw bits
d) Spur point bits
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Answer: d
Explanation: Spur point bits have a central point and two raised spurs that helps keep the bit drilling straight. The bit cuts Timber very fast when used in a power drill and leaves clean sided hole. They are ideal for drilling holes for the Dowels as the sides of the holes are clean and parallel.

14. ____________________ are same as Spur point bits, but can be used in metal, wood and plastics.
a) Tile bits
b) Wood auger bits
c) Countersink bits
d) Bullet pilot point bits
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Answer: d
Explanation: Bullet pilot point bits cut a clean hole and cause little damage when they break through the back of the work piece. Size of the bits ranges from 1.5 mm to 13 mm.

15. __________________ is used in a power or hand drill to form the conical recess for the heads of countersunk screws.
a) Countersink bit
b) Carbide insert bit
c) Hole saw bit
d) Flat wood bit
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Answer: a
Explanation: Countersink bits tends to be designed for use on soft materials such as Timber and plastics, not metals. When used with a power drill to countersink an existing hole, the bits tends to chatter, leaving a rough surface. Better results will be obtained in the counter sink bit is used before the hole is drilled.

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