This set of IC Engines Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Intake Air Flow Measurement”.
1. What is the ratio of the difference between measured value and true value to the true value of the measurand?
a) transient
b) relative error
c) dead zone
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The ratio of the difference between measured value and true value to the true value of the measurand is relative error while signal varying non-cyclically with time and becomes zero after a certain period of time is transient.
2. Signal varying cyclically with time or repeating itself after a constant interval is ____________
a) periodic
b) varying
c) dead zone
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: Signal varying cyclically with time or repeating itself after a constant interval is periodic while the largest change of output quantity for which there is no output of the instrument is the dead zone.
3. Signal varying non-cyclically with time and becomes zero after a certain period of time is ___________
a) periodic
b) transient
c) dead zone
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: Signal varying non-cyclically with time and becomes zero after a certain period of time is transient and signal varying cyclically with time or repeating itself after a constant interval is periodic while the largest change of output quantity for which there is no output of the instrument is the dead zone.
4. Signal varying randomly with time, with no definite period and amplitude is _____________
a) periodic
b) transient
c) random
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: Signal varying randomly with time, with no definite period and amplitude is random while signal varying non-cyclically with time and becomes zero after a certain period of time is transient.
5. _____________ is the output response of an instrument to various types of dynamic input signals obtained by solving its governing equation relating output and input.
a) Periodic
b) Dynamic response
c) Random
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Dynamic response is the output response of an instrument to various types of dynamic input signals obtained by solving its governing equation relating output and input while signal varying randomly with time, with no definite period and amplitude is random.
6. _____________ is the variation of output signal against frequency.
a) Frequency response
b) Dynamic response
c) Random
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Frequency response is the variation of output signal against frequency while dynamic response is the output response of an instrument to various types of dynamic input signals obtained by solving its governing equation relating output and input while signal varying randomly with time, with no definite period and amplitude is random.
7. _____________ is an instrument having no dynamic error and no time lag of measurement.
a) Frequency response
b) Dynamic response
c) First order response
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: First order response is an instrument having no dynamic error and no time lag of measurement and frequency response is the variation of output signal against frequency while dynamic response is the output response of an instrument to various types of dynamic input signals obtained by solving its governing equation relating output and input.
8. _____________ is the technique of analysis of the measured data for evaluating errors and deviations.
a) Frequency response
b) Static analysis
c) First order response
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Static analysis is the technique of analysis of the measured data for evaluating errors and deviations and first order response is an instrument having no dynamic error and no time lag of measurement and frequency response is the variation of output signal against frequency.
9. _____________ is the time required by a measurement system to begin to respond to a change in the measurand.
a) Dead time
b) Static analysis
c) First order response
d) None of the mentioned
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Explanation: Dead time is the time required by a measurement system to begin to respond to a change in the measurand while static analysis is the technique of analysis of the measured data for evaluating errors and deviations and first order response is an instrument having no dynamic error and no time lag of measurement.
10. The largest change of output quantity for which there is no output of the instrument is the ____________
a) dead time
b) dead zone
c) first order response
d) none of the mentioned
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Explanation: The largest change of output quantity for which there is no output of the instrument is the dead zone and dead time is the time required by a measurement system to begin to respond to a change in the measurand.
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