Mechatronics Questions and Answers – Measurement Systems

This set of Mechatronics Multiple Choice Questions & Answers (MCQs) focuses on “Measurement Systems ”.

1. What converts physical input into output, among the basic parts of a measuring system?
a) Transducer or sensor
b) Signal conditioning
c) Intelligence
d) Display
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Answer: a
Explanation: A transducer or a sensor is a sensing device used to convert physical input to output especially voltage. Signal processor performs functions such as filtering and amplification. Intelligence enables sensor level of signal processing the ability to communicate with other sensors and subsystems. The display is used for online monitoring or processing.

2. The analog to digital conversion in a measurement system takes place inside _____
a) transducer
b) signal processor
c) display
d) led
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Answer: b
Explanation: A signal processor is used for the purpose of analog to digital conversion in a measuring system. A transducer or a sensor is a sensing device used to convert physical input to output especially voltage. The display is used for online monitoring or processing.

3. A thermocouple is a transducer.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Thermocouple is a transducer that converts temperature into a small voltage. These are generally used for temperature measurement.

4. The light emitting diodes are used as a/an ____
a) intelligence
b) display
c) transducer
d) sensor
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Answer: b
Explanation: The light emitting diodes are used as display devices. A transducer or a sensor is a sensing device used to convert physical input to output especially voltage. Intelligence enables sensor level of signal processing the ability to communicate with other sensors and subsystems.

5. Which type of error is caused due to friction or electrical capacitance?
a) Hysteresis
b) Zero
c) Systematic
d) Random
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Answer: a
Explanation: Hysteresis errors are always due to friction or electrical capacitance. Systematic errors always have the same and consistent value. Random errors are unpredictable and varying.
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6. Accuracy is the difference between a true value and the measured value.
a) True
b) False
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Answer: a
Explanation: Accuracy is the difference between a true value and the measured value. It is always given in percentage of the full-scale output of the measurement system.

7. Which type of error always has the same and consistent value?
a) Random errors
b) Systematic errors
c) Zero errors
d) Hysteresis errors
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Answer: b
Explanation: Systematic errors always have the same and consistent value. Random errors are unpredictable and varying. Hysteresis errors are always due to friction and electrical capacitance.

8. The largest value for which the instrument output remains zero is ____
a) hysteresis error
b) resolution
c) sensitivity
d) dead zone
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Answer: d
Explanation: Dead zone is the largest value of the measured variable for which the instrument output stays zero. Hysteresis errors are always due to friction and electrical capacitance. Sensitivity is the smallest absolute amount of change that can be detected by a measurement. Resolution is the discrete nature of the measurement system which will not allow them to follow an exactly continuous change in measurand.

9. The function of the data transmission element is ____
a) to transfer data from one element to another
b) to Modify the data
c) to process the data
d) to separate the signal hidden in the noise
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Answer: a
Explanation: Data transmission is used to transmit data from one element to another. The data processing element is used to modify the data before display and separate data from noise.

10. Which elements among the following is used to modify the data before display?
a) Data presentation element
b) Data transmission element
c) Data processing element
d) Variable manipulation element
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Answer: c
Explanation: Data processing element is used to modify the data before display. Variable manipulation element is used to manipulate the signal. Data transmission is used to transmit data from one element to another, Data presentation element communicate the information of a measured variable to a human observer for monitoring.

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